deegree uses and redistributes the following third party libraries:
JTS - Java Topology Suite:
The JTS Topology Suite is an API of 2D spatial predicates and functions. It has the following design goals:
JTS conforms to the Simple Features Specification for SQL published by the Open GIS Consortium
JTS provides a complete, consistent, robust implementation of fundamental 2D spatial algorithms
JTS is fast enough for production use
JTS is written in 100% pure JavaTM
JTS is open source (under the LGPL license)
PostGreSQL/Postgis JDBC Driver
PostGIS adds support for geographic objects to the PostgreSQL object-relational database. In effect, PostGIS "spatially enables" the PostgreSQL server, allowing it to be used as a backend spatial database for geographic information systems (GIS), much like ESRI's SDE or Oracle's Spatial extension. PostGIS follows the OpenGIS "Simple Features Specification for SQL" and will be submitted for conformance testing at version 1.0.
PostGIS has been developed by Refractions Research Inc as a research project in open source spatial database technology. PostGIS is released under the GNU General Public License. We intend to continue development as time and resources permit. Our list of future projects includes enhanced technology for data loading and dumping, user interface tools for direct data access and manipulation, and support for advanced topologies at the server side, such as coverages, networks, and surfaces.
The MySQL database server is the world's most popular open source database. Its architecture makes it extremely fast and easy to customize. Extensive reuse of code within the software and a minimalistic approach to producing functionally-rich features has resulted in a database management system unmatched in speed, compactness, stability and ease of deployment. The unique separation of the core server from the storage engine makes it possible to run with strict transaction control or with ultra-fast transactionless disk access, whichever is most appropriate for the situation. The MySQL database server is available without a license fee under the GNU General Public License (GPL). Commercial non GPL licenses are available for users who prefer not to be restricted by the terms of the GPL.
ACME Java - Software
All of this is completely free for any use, educational commercial or whatever. I do have to earn my grocery money, though. I'm available for consulting, and would be very interested in work that builds on these Java utilities. And of course if your company wants to sponsor ACME Labs with equipment or large cash donations, that would be ok too!
This software is written for JDK1.0.2, but with one exception it also compiles under JDK1.1. You'll get a lot of warnings about deprecated methods, but it'll work. The only exception is StubToolkit, where I had to use some of the internal sun.* classes.
Apache Batik
Batik is a Java(tm) technology based toolkit for applications or applets that want to use images in the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format for various purposes, such as viewing, generation or manipulation.
Applications of Batik
The SVG Specification
What is Batik's Implementation Status?
Downloading the Batik distribution (source and binary)
Examples of projects and products using Batik
The project's ambition is to give developers a set of core modules which can be used together or individually to support specific SVG solutions. Examples of modules are the SVG Parser, the SVG Generator and the SVG DOM. Another ambition for the Batik project is to make it highly extensible (for example, Batik allows the developer to handle custom SVG tags). Even though the goal of the project is to provide a set of core modules, one of the deliverables is a full fledged SVG browser implementation which validates the various modules and their inter-operability.