Uses of Interface

Packages that use GUIArea

Uses of GUIArea in org.deegree_impl.clients.context

Classes in org.deegree_impl.clients.context that implement GUIArea
 class GUIArea_Impl
          this interface describes the content of an area of a GUI. a GUI area contains zero ... n modules described by the Module interface.

Fields in org.deegree_impl.clients.context declared as GUIArea
private  GUIArea
private  GUIArea AbstractFrontend.east
private  GUIArea AbstractFrontend.north
private  GUIArea AbstractFrontend.south
private  GUIArea AbstractFrontend.west

Methods in org.deegree_impl.clients.context that return GUIArea
private static GUIArea WebMapContextFactory.createGUIArea(org.w3c.dom.Element element)
          creates an instance of a class encapsulating the GUI description of one region of the GUI
 GUIArea AbstractFrontend.getWest()
          returns the description of the west GUI area
 GUIArea AbstractFrontend.getEast()
          returns the description of the east GUI area
 GUIArea AbstractFrontend.getSouth()
          returns the description of the south GUI area
 GUIArea AbstractFrontend.getNorth()
          returns the description of the north GUI area
 GUIArea AbstractFrontend.getCenter()
          returns the description of the central GUI area

Methods in org.deegree_impl.clients.context with parameters of type GUIArea
private static java.lang.StringBuffer JSPCreator2.createInitCalls(GUIArea guiarea)
private static java.lang.StringBuffer JSPCreator.createInitCalls(GUIArea guiarea)
 void AbstractFrontend.setWest(GUIArea west)
          sets the description of the west GUI area
 void AbstractFrontend.setEast(GUIArea east)
          sets the description of the east GUI area
 void AbstractFrontend.setSouth(GUIArea south)
          sets the description of the south GUI area
 void AbstractFrontend.setNorth(GUIArea north)
          sets the description of the north GUI area
 void AbstractFrontend.setCenter(GUIArea center)
          sets the description of the central GUI area

Constructors in org.deegree_impl.clients.context with parameters of type GUIArea
JSPFrontend(java.lang.String controller, GUIArea west, GUIArea east, GUIArea south, GUIArea north, GUIArea center, java.lang.String style, java.lang.String buttons, java.lang.String[] commonJS, java.lang.String header, java.lang.String footer)
          Creates a new Frontend object.
AbstractFrontend(java.lang.String controller, GUIArea west, GUIArea east, GUIArea south, GUIArea north, GUIArea center)
          Creates a new Frontend object.

Uses of GUIArea in org.deegree.clients.context

Methods in org.deegree.clients.context that return GUIArea
 GUIArea Frontend.getWest()
          returns the description of the west GUI area
 GUIArea Frontend.getEast()
          returns the description of the east GUI area
 GUIArea Frontend.getSouth()
          returns the description of the south GUI area
 GUIArea Frontend.getNorth()
          returns the description of the north GUI area
 GUIArea Frontend.getCenter()
          returns the description of the central GUI area

Methods in org.deegree.clients.context with parameters of type GUIArea
 void Frontend.setWest(GUIArea west)
          sets the description of the west GUI area
 void Frontend.setEast(GUIArea east)
          sets the description of the east GUI area
 void Frontend.setSouth(GUIArea south)
          sets the description of the south GUI area
 void Frontend.setNorth(GUIArea north)
          sets the description of the north GUI area
 void Frontend.setCenter(GUIArea center)
          sets the description of the central GUI area