Uses of Interface

Packages that use RPCMethodCall

Uses of RPCMethodCall in org.deegree_impl.clients.gazetteer.control

Methods in org.deegree_impl.clients.gazetteer.control with parameters of type RPCMethodCall
protected  void TakeListener.validateRequest(RPCMethodCall mc)
          validates the request to be performed.
protected  java.lang.String TakeListener.createRequest(RPCMethodCall mc)
          creates a Gazetteer/WFS GetFeature request from the parameters contained in the passed RPCMethodeCall.
protected  Feature TakeListener.performRequest(RPCMethodCall mc, java.lang.String request)
          performs a GetFeature request against a WFS-G and returns the result encapsulated in GetTermResultSet
protected  void GetTermListListener.validateRequest(RPCMethodCall mc)
          validates the request to be performed.
protected  java.lang.String GetTermListListener.createRequest(RPCMethodCall mc)
          creates a Gazetteer/WFS GetFeature request from the parameters contained in the passed RPCMethodeCall.
protected  void GetRelatedTermsListener.validateRequest(RPCMethodCall mc)
          validates the request to be performed.
protected  java.lang.String GetRelatedTermsListener.createRequest(RPCMethodCall mc)
          creates a Gazetteer/WFS GetFeature request from the parameters contained in the passed RPCMethodeCall.
private  GetTermsResultSet GetRelatedTermsListener.createResultSet(RPCMethodCall mc, java.util.HashMap map)
          creates the result object to send to the next page from the parameters contained in the passed RPCMethodeCall and the Document array.

Uses of RPCMethodCall in org.deegree_impl.enterprise.control

Classes in org.deegree_impl.enterprise.control that implement RPCMethodCall
 class RPCMethodCall_Impl

Fields in org.deegree_impl.enterprise.control declared as RPCMethodCall
private  RPCMethodCall

Methods in org.deegree_impl.enterprise.control that return RPCMethodCall
 RPCMethodCall RPCWebEvent.getRPCMethodCall()
          returns the the RPC methodcall extracted from the HttpServletRequest passed to the first constructor.
private  RPCMethodCall RPCWebEvent.getMethodCall(ServletRequest request)
          extracts the RPC method call from the
static RPCMethodCall RPCFactory.createRPCMethodCall( reader)
          creates an instance of RPCMethodCall from an XML document that can be accessed through the passed Reader
static RPCMethodCall RPCFactory.createRPCMethodCall(org.w3c.dom.Document doc)
          creates an instance of RPCMethodCall from the XML document passed
private  RPCMethodCall ApplicationHandler.getMethodCall(ServletRequest request)
          extracts the RPC method call from the

Constructors in org.deegree_impl.enterprise.control with parameters of type RPCMethodCall
RPCWebEvent(HttpServletRequest request, RPCMethodCall mc)
          Creates a new instance of RPCWebEvent