Uses of Interface

Packages that use GMLCoord

Uses of GMLCoord in org.deegree_impl.gml

Classes in org.deegree_impl.gml that implement GMLCoord
 class GMLCoord_Impl

Methods in org.deegree_impl.gml that return GMLCoord
 GMLCoord GMLPoint_Impl.getCoord()
          returns the coordinate (location) of the point as GMLCoord
 GMLCoord[] GMLLineString_Impl.getCoords()
          returns the coordinates (location) of the LineString as as array of GMLCoord
 GMLCoord[] GMLLinearRing_Impl.getCoord()
          returns the coordinates (location) of the LineString as as array of GMLCoord
static GMLCoord GMLCoord_Impl.createGMLCoord(org.w3c.dom.Document doc)
          factory method to create an empty GMLCoord.
 GMLCoord GMLBox_Impl.getMin()
          returns the coord with the minx and miny coordinate The method assumes that there exists a two dimensional coordinate system
 GMLCoord GMLBox_Impl.getMax()
          returns the coord with the maxx and maxy coordinate

Methods in org.deegree_impl.gml with parameters of type GMLCoord
 void GMLPoint_Impl.setCoord(GMLCoord coord)
 void GMLLineString_Impl.setCoords(GMLCoord[] coord)
 void GMLLineString_Impl.appendCoord(GMLCoord coord)
 void GMLLinearRing_Impl.setCoord(GMLCoord[] coord)
 void GMLBox_Impl.setMin(GMLCoord min)
 void GMLBox_Impl.setMax(GMLCoord max)

Uses of GMLCoord in org.deegree.gml

Methods in org.deegree.gml that return GMLCoord
 GMLCoord GMLPoint.getCoord()
          returns the coordinate (location) of the point as GMLCoord
 GMLCoord[] GMLLineString.getCoords()
          returns the coordinates (location) of the LineString as as array of GMLCoord
 GMLCoord[] GMLLinearRing.getCoord()
          returns the coordinates (location) of the LineString as as array of GMLCoord
 GMLCoord GMLBox.getMin()
          returns the coord with the minx and miny coordinate
 GMLCoord GMLBox.getMax()
          returns the coord with the maxx and maxy coordinate

Methods in org.deegree.gml with parameters of type GMLCoord
 void GMLPoint.setCoord(GMLCoord coord)
 void GMLLineString.setCoords(GMLCoord[] coord)
 void GMLLineString.appendCoord(GMLCoord coord)
 void GMLLinearRing.setCoord(GMLCoord[] coord)
 void GMLBox.setMin(GMLCoord min)
 void GMLBox.setMax(GMLCoord max)