Uses of Interface

Packages that use GMLFeature

Uses of GMLFeature in org.deegree_impl.gml

Classes in org.deegree_impl.gml that implement GMLFeature
 class GMLFeature_Impl
 class GMLFeatureCollection_Impl

Methods in org.deegree_impl.gml that return GMLFeature
static GMLFeature GMLFeature_Impl.createGMLFeature(org.w3c.dom.Document doc, java.lang.String featureTypeName)
          creates a GMLFeature that doesn't contain a property and that hasn't an id.
static GMLFeature GMLFeature_Impl.createGMLFeature(org.w3c.dom.Document doc, java.lang.String featureTypeName, java.lang.String id, GMLProperty[] properties)
          creates a GMLFeature.
 GMLFeature GMLFeatureProperty_Impl.getFeaturePropertyValue()
          returns the value of the property
 GMLFeature[] GMLFeatureCollection_Impl.getFeatures()
          returns all features of the collection
 GMLFeature GMLFeatureCollection_Impl.getFeature(java.lang.String id)
          returns the feature that matches the submitted id
 GMLFeature[] GMLFeatureCollection_Impl.getFeatures(java.lang.String name)
          returns the features that matvhes the submitted name
static GMLFeature GMLFactory.createGMLFeature(org.w3c.dom.Element element)
          creates a GMLFeature from a XML Element
static GMLFeature GMLFactory.createGMLFeature(org.w3c.dom.Document doc, Feature feature)
          creates a GMLFeature from a XML Element
 GMLFeature GMLComplexProperty_Impl.getComplexPropertyValue()
          returns the value of the property

Methods in org.deegree_impl.gml with parameters of type GMLFeature
static GMLFeatureProperty GMLFeatureProperty_Impl.createGMLFeatureProperty(org.w3c.dom.Document doc, java.lang.String propName, GMLFeature feature)
          factory method to create a GMLFeatureProperty. the property that will be return doesn't contain a value.
 void GMLFeatureProperty_Impl.setFeaturePropetryValue(GMLFeature value)
 void GMLFeatureCollection_Impl.addFeature(GMLFeature feature)
          adds a feature to the collection
static GMLComplexProperty GMLComplexProperty_Impl.createGMLComplexProperty(org.w3c.dom.Document doc, java.lang.String propertyName, GMLFeature complex)
          factory method to create a GMLGeoProperty. the property that will be return doesn't contain a value.
 void GMLComplexProperty_Impl.setComplexPropetryValue(GMLFeature value)

Uses of GMLFeature in org.deegree_impl.model.feature

Methods in org.deegree_impl.model.feature with parameters of type GMLFeature
static Feature FeatureFactory.createFeature(GMLFeature gmlFeature)
          creates an instance of a Feature from its FeatureType and a GMLFeature that contains the features data.

Uses of GMLFeature in

Methods in with parameters of type GMLFeature
static InsertTree InsertTree.buildFromGMLFeature(GMLFeature gmlFeature, FeatureType ft)
private  InsertTree InsertTree.buildFromGMLFeature(GMLFeature gmlFeature)
          Builds a new InsertTree object recursively.

Uses of GMLFeature in

Methods in that return GMLFeature
 GMLFeature[] WFSInsert_Impl.getFeatures(java.lang.String featureType)
          returns a list of the feature that belongs to the submitted feature type
 GMLFeature[] WFSInsert_Impl.getFeatures()
          returns a list of the feature that should be inserted into the data store

Methods in with parameters of type GMLFeature
static WFSInsert WFSProtocolFactory.createInsert(GMLFeature[] feat, java.lang.String handle)
          creates a WFSInsert object from an array of GMLFeature and a handle.
 void WFSInsert_Impl.addFeatures(GMLFeature features)
          adds the
 void WFSInsert_Impl.setFeatures(GMLFeature[] features)
          sets the

Constructors in with parameters of type GMLFeature
WFSInsert_Impl(GMLFeature[] features, java.lang.String handle)
          constructor initializing the class with the

Uses of GMLFeature in org.deegree.gml

Subinterfaces of GMLFeature in org.deegree.gml
 interface GMLFeatureCollection

Methods in org.deegree.gml that return GMLFeature
 GMLFeature GMLFeatureProperty.getFeaturePropertyValue()
          returns the value of the property
 GMLFeature[] GMLFeatureCollection.getFeatures()
          returns all features of the collection
 GMLFeature GMLFeatureCollection.getFeature(java.lang.String id)
          returns the feature that matvhes the submitted id
 GMLFeature[] GMLFeatureCollection.getFeatures(java.lang.String name)
          returns the features that matvhes the submitted name
 GMLFeature GMLComplexProperty.getComplexPropertyValue()
          returns the value of the property

Methods in org.deegree.gml with parameters of type GMLFeature
 void GMLFeatureProperty.setFeaturePropetryValue(GMLFeature value)
 void GMLFeatureCollection.addFeature(GMLFeature feature)
          adds a feature to the collection
 void GMLComplexProperty.setComplexPropetryValue(GMLFeature value)

Uses of GMLFeature in

Methods in that return GMLFeature
 GMLFeature[] WFSInsert.getFeatures(java.lang.String featureType)
          returns a list of the feature that belongs to the submitted feature type
 GMLFeature[] WFSInsert.getFeatures()
          returns a list of the feature that should be inserted into the data store