Interface GraphicStroke

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface GraphicStroke

The GraphicStroke element both indicates that a repeated-linear-graphic stroke type will be used.

The Graphic sub-element specifies the linear graphic. Proper stroking with a linear graphic requires two hot-spot points within the space of the graphic to indicate where the rendering line starts and stops. In the case of raster images with no special mark-up, this line will be assumed to be middle pixel row of the image, starting from the first pixel column and ending at the last pixel column.


$Revision: 1.2 $ $Date: 2004/01/12 14:48:13 $
Andreas Poth

Method Summary
 Graphic getGraphic()
          A Graphic is a graphic symbol with an inherent shape, color(s), and possibly size.
 void setGraphic(Graphic graphic)
          Sets the Graphic.

Method Detail


public Graphic getGraphic()
A Graphic is a graphic symbol with an inherent shape, color(s), and possibly size. A graphic can be very informally defined as a little picture and can be of either a raster or vector-graphic source type. The term graphic is used since the term symbol is similar to symbolizer which is used in a different context in SLD.



public void setGraphic(Graphic graphic)
Sets the Graphic.

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