Interface PolygonSymbolizer

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public interface PolygonSymbolizer
extends Symbolizer

Used to render an interior "fill" and an outlining "stroke" for a polygon or other 2D-area geometry. If a point or line are used, the fill is ignored and the stroke is used as described in the LineSymbol. A missing Geometry element selects the default geometry. A missing Fill or Stroke element means that there will be no fill or stroke plotted, respectively. The contained elements are in the conceptual order of their being used and plotted using the "painters model", where the Fill will be rendered first, and then the Stroke will be rendered on top of the Fill.


$Revision: 1.3 $ $Date: 2004/04/27 15:40:16 $
Andreas Poth

Method Summary
 Fill getFill()
          A Fill allows area geometries to be filled.
 Stroke getStroke()
          A Stroke allows a string of line segments (or any linear geometry) to be rendered.
 void setFill(Fill fill)
          Sets the Fill
 void setStroke(Stroke stroke)
          Sets the Stroke
Methods inherited from interface
getGeometry, getMaxScaleDenominator, getMinScaleDenominator, setGeometry, setMaxScaleDenominator, setMinScaleDenominator

Method Detail


public Fill getFill()
A Fill allows area geometries to be filled. There are two types of fills: solid-color and repeated GraphicFill. In general, if a Fill element is omitted in its containing element, no fill will be rendered. The default is a solid 50%-gray (color "#808080") opaque fill.

the fill of the polygon


public void setFill(Fill fill)
Sets the Fill

fill - the fill of the polygon


public Stroke getStroke()
A Stroke allows a string of line segments (or any linear geometry) to be rendered. There are three basic types of strokes: solid Color, GraphicFill (stipple), and repeated GraphicStroke. A repeated graphic is plotted linearly and has its graphic symbol bended around the curves of the line string. The default is a solid black line (Color "#000000").

the stroke of the polygon


public void setStroke(Stroke stroke)
Sets the Stroke

stroke - the stroke of the polygon