Uses of Interface

Packages that use Mark   

Uses of Mark in

Classes in that implement Mark
 class Mark_Impl
          A Mark takes a "shape" and applies coloring to it.

Methods in that return Mark
static Mark StyleFactory.createMark(java.lang.String wellKnownName)
          create the named mark
static Mark StyleFactory.createMark(java.lang.String wellKnownName, java.awt.Color fillColor, java.awt.Color borderColor, double borderWidth)
          create the named mark with the colors etc supplied
static Mark StyleFactory.createMark(java.lang.String wellKnownName, java.awt.Color borderColor, double borderWidth)
          create a mark with default fill (50% gray) and the supplied outline
static Mark StyleFactory.createMark(java.lang.String wellKnownName, java.awt.Color fillColor)
          create a mark of the supplied color and a default outline (black)
static Mark StyleFactory.createMark(java.lang.String wellKnownName, Fill fill, Stroke stroke)
          create a mark with the supplied fill and stroke
private static Mark SLDFactory.createMark(org.w3c.dom.Element element)
          Creates a Mark-instance according to the contents of the DOM-subtree starting at the given 'Mark'-Element.

Methods in with parameters of type Mark
static Graphic StyleFactory.createGraphic(ExternalGraphic externalGraphic, Mark mark, double opacity, double size, double rotation)
          creates a graphic object