Uses of Interface

Packages that use Style   

Uses of Style in

Methods in with parameters of type Style
 LegendElement LegendFactory.createLegendElement(Style style, int width, int height, java.lang.String title)
          creates a LegendElement from a SLD Style.

Uses of Style in

Classes in that implement Style
(package private)  class NamedStyle_Impl
          A NamedStyle uses the "name" attribute to identify a style known to the WMS ----------------------------------------------------------------------
(package private)  class Style_Impl
 class UserStyle_Impl
          A user-defined allows map styling to be defined externally from a system and to be passed around in an interoperable format.

Methods in that return Style
static Style StyleFactory.createStyle(Symbolizer symbolizer)
          create a new style
static Style StyleFactory.createStyle(Symbolizer symbolizer, double minScaleDenominator, double maxScaleDenominator)
          create a new style with name 'default'
static Style StyleFactory.createStyle(java.lang.String name, Symbolizer symbolizer)
          create a new style
static Style StyleFactory.createStyle(java.lang.String name, Symbolizer symbolizer, double minScaleDenominator, double maxScaleDenominator)
          create a new style
static Style StyleFactory.createStyle(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String abstract_, java.lang.String featureTypeName, Rule[] rules)
          create a style
static Style StyleFactory.createStyle(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String abstract_, FeatureTypeStyle featureTypeStyle)
          create a new style
static Style StyleFactory.createStyle(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String abstract_, FeatureTypeStyle[] featureTypeStyles)
          create a new style
static Style StyleFactory.createPointStyle(java.lang.String wellKnownName, java.awt.Color fillColor, java.awt.Color borderColor, double borderWidth, double opacity, double size, double rotation, double min, double max)
          creates a style with name 'defaultPoint' for rendering point geometries
static Style StyleFactory.createLineStyle(java.awt.Color color, double width, double opacity, double min, double max)
          creates a style with name 'defaultLine' for rendering line geometries
static Style StyleFactory.createPolygonStyle(java.awt.Color fillColor, double fillOpacity, java.awt.Color strokeColor, double strokeWidth, double strokeOpacity, double min, double max)
          creates a style with name 'defaultPolygon' for rendering polygon geometries
static Style StyleFactory.createPointStyle(java.lang.String[] wellKnownNames, java.awt.Color startFillColor, java.awt.Color endFillColor, java.awt.Color startBorderColor, java.awt.Color endBorderColor, double startBorderWidth, double endBorderWidth, double opacity, double startSize, double endSize, double rotation, double min, double max, java.lang.String featurePropertyName, int numberOfSteps)
          creates a style with name 'defaultPoint' for rendering point geometries.
static Style StyleFactory.createLineStyle(java.awt.Color startColor, java.awt.Color endColor, double startWidth, double endWidth, double opacity, double min, double max, java.lang.String featurePropertyName, int numberOfSteps)
          creates a style with name 'defaultLine' for rendering line geometries.
static Style StyleFactory.createPolygonStyle(java.awt.Color startFillColor, java.awt.Color endFillColor, double fillOpacity, java.awt.Color startStrokeColor, java.awt.Color endStrokeColor, double startStrokeWidth, double endStrokeWidth, double strokeOpacity, double min, double max, java.lang.String featurePropertyName, int numberOfSteps)
          creates a style with name 'defaultPoint' for rendering point geometries.
static Style StyleFactory.createStyle()
          create a new default style
 Style[] Layer_Impl.getStyles()
          Returns the styles associated to the Layer.

Methods in with parameters of type Style
static NamedLayer SLDFactory.createNamedLayer(java.lang.String name, LayerFeatureConstraints layerFeatureConstraints, Style[] styles)
 void Layer_Impl.setStyles(Style[] styles)
          Adds styles to the Layer.
 void Layer_Impl.addStyle(Style style)
 void Layer_Impl.removeStyle(Style style)

Constructors in with parameters of type Style
UserLayer_Impl(java.lang.String name, LayerFeatureConstraints layerFeatureConstraints, Style[] userStyles, RemoteOWS remoteOWS)
          constructor initializing the class with the
NamedLayer_Impl(java.lang.String name, LayerFeatureConstraints layerFeatureConstraints, Style[] styles)
          constructor initializing the class with the
Layer_Impl(java.lang.String name, LayerFeatureConstraints layerFeatureConstraints, Style[] styles)
          constructor initializing the class with the

Uses of Style in

Subinterfaces of Style in
 interface NamedStyle
          A NamedStyle uses the "name" attribute to identify a style known to the WMS ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 interface UserStyle
          A user-defined allows map styling to be defined externally from a system and to be passed around in an interoperable format.

Methods in that return Style
 Style[] Layer.getStyles()
          Returns the styles associated to the Layer.

Methods in with parameters of type Style
 void Layer.setStyles(Style[] styles)
          Adds styles to the Layer.
 void Layer.addStyle(Style style)
          Adds a style to the Layer.
 void Layer.removeStyle(Style style)
          Removes a style from the Layer.