Interface OGCWebServiceCapabilities

All Known Subinterfaces:
CTS_Capabilities, WCASCapabilities, WCSCapabilities, WFSCapabilities, WFSGCapabilities, WMSCapabilities, WTSCapabilities
All Known Implementing Classes:
CTS_Capabilities_Impl, OGCWebServiceCapabilities_Impl, WCASCapabilities_Impl, WCSCapabilities_Impl, WFSCapabilities_Impl, WFSGCapabilities_Impl, WMSCapabilities_Impl

public interface OGCWebServiceCapabilities

The purpose of the GetCapabilities operation is described in the Basic Service Elements section, above. In the particular case of a Web Map Service, the response of a GetCapabilities request is general information about the service itself and specific information about the available maps.


Andreas Poth

Method Summary
 java.lang.String exportAsXML()
          returns an XML representation of the capabilities
 Service getService()
          this returns a general describtion of the service described by the Capabilities XML document.
 java.lang.String getUpdateSequence()
          The UPDATESEQUENCE parameter is for maintaining cache consistency.
 java.lang.String getVersion()
          returns the version of the service

Method Detail


public java.lang.String getVersion()
returns the version of the service


public java.lang.String getUpdateSequence()
The UPDATESEQUENCE parameter is for maintaining cache consistency. Its value can be an integer, a timestamp in [ISO 8601:1988(E)] format , or any other number or string. The server may include an UpdateSequence value in its Capabilities XML. If present, this value should be increased when changes are made to the Capabilities (e.g., when new maps are added to the service). The server is the sole judge of lexical ordering sequence. The client may include this parameter in its GetCapabilities request.


public Service getService()
this returns a general describtion of the service described by the Capabilities XML document.


public java.lang.String exportAsXML()
returns an XML representation of the capabilities