Uses of Interface

Packages that use CASOperation   

Uses of CASOperation in

Classes in that implement CASOperation
 class CASDelete_Impl
          The delete operation removes zero to n metadata entries from a catalog that matches the Filter that is returned by the methode getFilter.
 class CASInsert_Impl
          An insert opration adds new metadata to the catalog. because a catalog probably knows several different metadata fromats no specific type is used to access the metadata.
 class CASOperation_Impl
          this is the basic interface of all catalog operations (insert, delete, update): --------------------------------------------------------------------
 class CASUpdate_Impl
          The update operation changes the content of the metadata entries identified by the Filter --------------------------------------------------------------------

Methods in that return CASOperation
 CASOperation[] CASTransactionRequest_Impl.getOperations()
          A element is used to define a single transaction composed of zero or more , , or elements.
private static CASOperation[] CASProtocolFactory.createInserts(org.w3c.dom.NodeList nl)
          creates insert operations object from a XML-element defined by the OGC CAS specifications
private static CASOperation[] CASProtocolFactory.createUpdates(org.w3c.dom.NodeList nl)
          creates update operations object from a XML-element defined by the OGC CAS specifications
private static CASOperation[] CASProtocolFactory.createDeletes(org.w3c.dom.NodeList nl)
          creates delete operations object from a XML-element defined by the OGC CAS specifications

Methods in with parameters of type CASOperation
 void CASTransactionRequest_Impl.setOperations(CASOperation[] operations)
 void CASTransactionRequest_Impl.addOperation(CASOperation operation)
 CASTransactionRequest CASProtocolFactory.createCASTransactionRequest(java.lang.String id, java.util.HashMap vendorSpecificParameter, java.lang.String lockId, java.lang.String handle, CASOperation[] operations)
          creates a CASTransactionRequest object.

Constructors in with parameters of type CASOperation
CASTransactionRequest_Impl(java.lang.String version, java.lang.String id, java.util.HashMap vendorSpecificParameter, java.lang.String lockId, java.lang.String handle, CASOperation[] operations)
          Creates a new CASTransactionRequest_Impl object.

Uses of CASOperation in

Subinterfaces of CASOperation in
 interface CASDelete
          The delete operation removes zero to n metadata entries from a catalog that matches the Filter that is returned by the methode getFilter.
 interface CASInsert
          An insert opration adds new metadata to the catalog. because a catalog probably knows several different metadata fromats no specific type is used to access the metadata.
 interface CASUpdate
          The update operation changes the content of the metadata entries identified by the Filter --------------------------------------------------------------------

Methods in that return CASOperation
 CASOperation[] CASTransactionRequest.getOperations()
          A element is used to define a single transaction composed of zero or more , , or elements.