Interface Capability

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface Capability

This section of the Capabilities-document describes the operations made available by the CTS. Apart from the operations defined as mandatory (GetCapabilities, IsTransformable, Transform), the optional operation DescribeTransformation can be described within the element <Request>.


Andreas Poth

Method Summary
 KnownCoordinateReferenceSystem[] getKnownCoordinateReferenceSystems()
          Each CTS must know at least two spatial reference-System, so that at least one transformation is possible.
 KnownTransformationType[] getKnownTransformationTypes()
          Each CTS must know at least one transformation-type.
 WCTS_Request getRequest()
          A Coordinate transformation service (CTS) acts as Web service, which knows the four different Requests
 boolean getUserDefinedCoordinateSystems()
          In many cases, it is possible to perform a transformation of coordinates from one reference system into another in different (mathematical) kinds.
 boolean getUserDefinedTransformations()
          In many cases, it is possible to perform a transformation of coordinates from one reference system into another in different (mathematical) kinds.
 java.lang.String[] getVendorSpecificCapabilities()
          With the <VendorSpecificCapabilities> element, it is possible to define additional Capabilities.

Method Detail


public boolean getUserDefinedCoordinateSystems()

In many cases, it is possible to perform a transformation of coordinates from one reference system into another in different (mathematical) kinds. Under normal conditions the CTS selects a suitable procedure on the basis the source and the target reference system and accomplishes the transformation. For different reasons it can make sense for a user to specify the transformation steps themselves.



public boolean getUserDefinedTransformations()

In many cases, it is possible to perform a transformation of coordinates from one reference system into another in different (mathematical) kinds. Under normal conditions the CTS selects a suitable procedure on the basis the source and the target reference system and accomplishes the transformation. For different reasons it can make sense for a user to specify the transformation steps themselves.



public WCTS_Request getRequest()
A Coordinate transformation service (CTS) acts as Web service, which knows the four different Requests


public KnownTransformationType[] getKnownTransformationTypes()

Each CTS must know at least one transformation-type. These concern fundamental methods for the transformation of coordinates out of a reference system into another. It doesn't concern concrete transformations between two determined references system.

Examples of kinds of transformation are: Longitude rotation, Abridged Molodenski, Geocentric_to_Ellipsoid etc...


public KnownCoordinateReferenceSystem[] getKnownCoordinateReferenceSystems()
Each CTS must know at least two spatial reference-System, so that at least one transformation is possible.


public java.lang.String[] getVendorSpecificCapabilities()
With the <VendorSpecificCapabilities> element, it is possible to define additional Capabilities.