Interface Reference

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface Reference

the interface describes a reference from one table to another


$Revision: $ $Date: 2002/09/25 16:01:51 $
Andreas Poth

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getTableField()
          returns the name of the field of the source table that is used as reference to another table
 java.lang.String getTargetField()
          returns the name of the field of the target table that matches the source tables reference field (@see getTableField)
 java.lang.String getTargetTable()
          returns the name of the table targeted by the reference. in the case of a shapefile datastore this is the name of another shapefile without extension
 boolean isReplaceable()
          returns true if the reference field of the source table shall be replaced by the referenced data

Method Detail


public java.lang.String getTableField()
returns the name of the field of the source table that is used as reference to another table


public boolean isReplaceable()
returns true if the reference field of the source table shall be replaced by the referenced data


public java.lang.String getTargetTable()
returns the name of the table targeted by the reference. in the case of a shapefile datastore this is the name of another shapefile without extension


public java.lang.String getTargetField()
returns the name of the field of the target table that matches the source tables reference field (@see getTableField)