Interface WFSLock

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface WFSLock

The purpose of the LockFeature interface is to expose a long term feature locking mechanism to ensure consistency. The lock is considered long term because network latency would make feature locks last relatively longer than native commercial database locks.

The LockFeature interface is optional and need only be implemented if the underlying datastore supports (or can be made to support) data locking. In addition, the implementation of locking is completely opaque to the client.


$Revision: 1.3 $ $Date: 2004/02/09 07:57:02 $
Andreas Poth

Method Summary
 java.lang.String[] getFeatureIds()
          A list of feature identifiers upon which the specified operation shall be applied.
 Filter getFilter()
          A filter specification describes a set of features to operate upon.
 java.lang.String getHandle()
 java.lang.String getLockAction()
          Specify how the lock should be acquired.
 java.lang.String getTypeName()
          If a filter is not specified, then the optional typeName attribute can be used to specify that all feature instances of a particular feature type should be locked.

Method Detail


public java.lang.String getLockAction()
Specify how the lock should be acquired. ALL indicates to try to get all feature locks otherwise fail. SOME indicates to try to get as many feature locks as possible. The default LOCKACTION is ALL.


public java.lang.String getTypeName()
If a filter is not specified, then the optional typeName attribute can be used to specify that all feature instances of a particular feature type should be locked.


public java.lang.String getHandle()


public Filter getFilter()
A filter specification describes a set of features to operate upon. The format of the filter is defined in the OGC Filter Encoding Specification. Optional. No default. Prerequisite: TYPENAME


public java.lang.String[] getFeatureIds()
A list of feature identifiers upon which the specified operation shall be applied. Optional. No default.