Interface WFSQuery

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
CASQuery_Impl, WFSQuery_Impl

public interface WFSQuery

Each individual query packaged in a GetFeature request is defined using the query value. The query value defines which feature type to query, what properties to retrieve and what constraints (spatial and non-spatial) to apply to those properties.


$Revision: 1.4 $ $Date: 2004/02/09 07:57:02 $
Andreas Poth

Method Summary
 java.lang.String exportAsXML()
          exports the WFSQuery as XML expression
 Filter getFilter()
          returns the filter that limits the query
 java.lang.String getHandle()
          The handle attribute is included to allow a client to associate a mnemonic name to the request.
 java.lang.String[] getPropertyNames()
          The property names is used to enumerate the feature properties or attributes that should be selected.
 java.lang.String getTypeName()
          The typeName attribute is used to indicate the name of the feature type or class to be queried.
 java.lang.String getVersion()
          The version attribute is included in order to accommodate systems that support feature versioning.

Method Detail


public java.lang.String[] getPropertyNames()
The property names is used to enumerate the feature properties or attributes that should be selected. If no property names are specified then all properties should be fetched.


public java.lang.String getHandle()
The handle attribute is included to allow a client to associate a mnemonic name to the request. The purpose of the handle attribute is to provide an error handling mechanism for locating a statement that might fail.


public java.lang.String getVersion()
The version attribute is included in order to accommodate systems that support feature versioning. A value of ALL indicates that all versions of a feature should be fetched. Otherwise an integer can be specified to return the n th version of a feature. The version numbers start at '1' which is the oldest version. If a version value larger than the largest version is specified then the latest version is return. The default action shall be for the query to return the latest version. Systems that do not support versioning can ignore the parameter and return the only version that they have.


public java.lang.String getTypeName()
The typeName attribute is used to indicate the name of the feature type or class to be queried.


public Filter getFilter()
returns the filter that limits the query


public java.lang.String exportAsXML()
exports the WFSQuery as XML expression