Interface WFSTransactionResponse

All Superinterfaces:
OGCWebServiceResponse, WFSBasicResponse
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface WFSTransactionResponse
extends WFSBasicResponse

In response to a transaction request, the web feature server shall generate an object document indicating the termination status of the transaction. In addition, if the transaction request includes operations, then the web feature server must report the feature identifiers of all newly created features. In the event that the transaction fails to execute, a web feature server shall also indicate this in the response.


$Revision: 1.3 $ $Date: 2004/02/09 07:57:02 $
Andreas Poth

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getHandle()
          The handle attribute is included to allow a server to associate any text to the response.
 WFSInsertResult[] getInsertResult()
          The is used to delimit one or more feature identifiers of newly created features.
 java.lang.String getLocator()
          In the event that a transaction request fails, the can be used to indicate which part of the transaction failed.
 java.lang.String getMessage()
          Returns any error messages.
 java.lang.String getStatus()
          A transaction can terminate with a status of: SUCCESS: The transaction was successfully completed.
Methods inherited from interface
Methods inherited from interface
getException, getRequest, setException, setRequest

Method Detail


public WFSInsertResult[] getInsertResult()
The is used to delimit one or more feature identifiers of newly created features. The insert results are reported in the order in which the operations were specified in the request. Additionally, they can be correlated using the handle attribute.


public java.lang.String getStatus()
A transaction can terminate with a status of:
  • SUCCESS: The transaction was successfully completed.
  • FAILED: One or more operations in the transaction failed.
  • PARTIAL: The transaction partially succeeded and the data may be in an inconsistent state. For systems that do not support atomic transactions, this outcome is a distinct possibility.

  • getLocator

    public java.lang.String getLocator()
    In the event that a transaction request fails, the can be used to indicate which part of the transaction failed. If the failed operation is labeled using a handle attribute then that can be used to locate the failure. Otherwise, the web feature server may try to identify the failure relative to the beginning of the transaction request possibly using line numbers or some other convenient mechanism.


    public java.lang.String getMessage()
    Returns any error messages.


    public java.lang.String getHandle()
    The handle attribute is included to allow a server to associate any text to the response. The purpose of the handle attribute is to provide an error handling mechanism for locating a statement that might fail.