Interface Capability

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface Capability

The element of the Capabilities XML names the actual operations that are supported by the service instance, the output formats offered for those operations, and the URL prefix for each operation. The XML DTD includes placeholders for Distributed Computing Platforms other than HTTP, and request methods other that HTTP GET, but currently only HTTP GET is defined for a basic WMS.

Ignorable vendor-specific elements may be included. An SLD WMS would also include a element and URLs for HTTP POST requests.


Andreas Poth

Method Summary
 CException getException()
          returns the format where exceptions will be returned
 Layer getLayer()
          returns the top level layer that may encloses several more layers and layer hierachies available by a map server.
 Layer getLayer(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the Layer identified by the submitted name.
 Request getRequest()
          Available WMS Operations are listed in a Request element.
 UserDefinedSymbolization getUserDefinedSymbolization()
 org.w3c.dom.Document getVendorSpecificCapabilities()
          retruns vendor specific capabilities that are not common to wms as dom document.

Method Detail


public Request getRequest()
Available WMS Operations are listed in a Request element.


public CException getException()
returns the format where exceptions will be returned


public org.w3c.dom.Document getVendorSpecificCapabilities()
retruns vendor specific capabilities that are not common to wms as dom document.


public UserDefinedSymbolization getUserDefinedSymbolization()


public Layer getLayer()
returns the top level layer that may encloses several more layers and layer hierachies available by a map server. If no layer is available null will be returned.


public Layer getLayer(java.lang.String name)
Returns the Layer identified by the submitted name. If no Layer matches the name null will be returned.

name - name of the requested layer
a layer object or null