Uses of Class

Packages that use MapParameter

Uses of MapParameter in org.deegree_impl.clients.context

Fields in org.deegree_impl.clients.context declared as MapParameter
private  MapParameter GeneralExtension.mapParameter

Methods in org.deegree_impl.clients.context that return MapParameter
private static MapParameter WebMapContextFactory.createMapParameter(org.w3c.dom.Element element)
          creates an instance of a class encapsulating informations about controlling options for a map presented to the user
 MapParameter GeneralExtension.getMapParameter()
          returns the parameters describing the control options for the map

Methods in org.deegree_impl.clients.context with parameters of type MapParameter
 void GeneralExtension.setMapParameter(MapParameter mapParameter)
          sets the parameters describing the control options for the map

Constructors in org.deegree_impl.clients.context with parameters of type MapParameter
GeneralExtension(IOSettings iOSettings, Frontend frontend, MapParameter mapParameter)
          Creates a new GeneralExtension object.