Uses of Class

Packages that use BaseMetadata

Uses of BaseMetadata in org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.model

Subclasses of BaseMetadata in org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.model
 class DetailedMetadata
          encapsulates a detailed metadata description for a geo-spatial dataset. the class attributes are based on ISO 19115 but may be also filled with data from other metadata formats.

Methods in org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.model that return BaseMetadata
 BaseMetadata MetadataList.getMetadataEntry(java.lang.String fileIdentifier)
          returns an entry (MD_Metadata object) identified by the passed fileIdentifier
 BaseMetadata[] MetadataList.getAll()
          returns all base MD_Metadata objects
 BaseMetadata[] MetadataList.getAllSortedByName()
          returns all base MD_Metadata objects sorted by their names
 BaseMetadata MetadataList.removeMetadataEntry(java.lang.String fileIdentifier)
          removes an entry identified by its fileIdentifier from the list
static BaseMetadata MetadataFactory.createISO19115Brief(org.w3c.dom.Element element, java.lang.String namespace)
          creates a BaseMD_Metadata object from it DOM representation.

Methods in org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.model with parameters of type BaseMetadata
 void ModelList.addEntry(BaseMetadata entry)
          adds an entry (MD_Metadata) to the list
 void MetadataList.addEntry(BaseMetadata entry)
          adds an entry (MD_Metadata) to the list