Class Summary |
AbstractMapListener |
Basic class for all listerens that shall be notified if a map
cliented raises an action/event. |
DynLegendListener |
will be called if the client forces a dynamic legend.
HighlightingInfoListener |
This class is for accessing informations about the highlighted polygons
A new WFS GetFeature request will be created and performed |
HighlightingListener |
This class is for highlighting polygons via a RPC request event from the client.
InfoListener |
will be called if the client forces a feature info action and
performs it. |
InitListener |
--------------------------------------------------------------------- |
MapApplicationHandler |
MapRequestDispatcher |
This is a RequestDispatcher which creates a event out of
a GET or POST requests. |
PanListener |
will be called if the client forces a pan action and performs it.
PrintListener |
will be called if the client forces a print action.
RecenterListener |
will be called if the client forces a recenter action and performs it.
RefreshListener |
will be called if the client forces a refresh action and performs it.
ResetListener |
will be called if the client forces a reset action and performs it.
SelectStyleListener |
listern class for offering the required parameter for selecting a style
for one or more layers.
ZoomInListener |
will be called if the client forces a zoomin action. the zoomin will
be performed by setting the map boundaries to the rectangle selected
by the client or centering the map onto the point the user had
mouse-clicked to. the point or the rectangle is defined within the
settings that are contained within the MapClientEvent.
ZoomOutListener |
will be called if the client forces a zoomin action. the new map will
be centered onto the point the user had mouse-clicked to. the point
is defined within the submitting settings.