Package org.deegree_impl.enterprise

Class Summary
AbstractOGCServlet Abstract servlet that serves as an OCC-compliant HTTP-frontend to any OGC-WebService (WFS, WMS, ...).
Proxy_Impl encapsulates proxy informations and offers a method for setting and unsetting the proxy
WCASServicePool class to manage the object pool. this is part of the combination of the object pool pattern an the singelton pattern.
WCASServlet --------------------------------------------------------
WCServicePool class to manage the object pool. this is part of the combination of the object pool pattern an the singelton pattern.
WCSServlet --------------------------------------------------------
WCTSServlet --------------------------------------------------------
WFSGServicePool class to manage the object pool. this is part of the combination of the object pool pattern an the singelton pattern.
WFSGServlet --------------------------------------------------------
WFSServicePool class to manage the object pool. this is part of the combination of the object pool pattern an the singelton pattern.
WFSServlet Serves as an OCC-compliant HTTP-frontend to the WFS.
WMServicePool Pool of WMService-Instances.
WMSServlet /** Serves as an OCC-compliant HTTP-frontend to the WMS.
WTServicePool Pool of WTService-Instances.
WTSServlet Serves as an OCC-compliant HTTP-frontend to the WTS.