Uses of Class

Packages that use GMLDocument_Impl

Uses of GMLDocument_Impl in org.deegree_impl.gml

Methods in org.deegree_impl.gml with parameters of type GMLDocument_Impl
private static GMLPoint GMLFactory.createGMLPoint(GM_Point geo, GMLDocument_Impl doc)
          creates a GMLPoint from a GM_Point
private static GMLLineString GMLFactory.createGMLLineString(GM_Curve geo, GMLDocument_Impl doc)
          creates a GMLLineString from a GM_Curve
private static GMLPolygon GMLFactory.createGMLPolygon(GM_Surface geo, GMLDocument_Impl doc)
          creates a GMLPolygon from a GM_Surface
private static GMLMultiPoint GMLFactory.createGMLMultiPoint(GM_MultiPoint geo, GMLDocument_Impl doc)
          creates a GMLMultiPoint from a GM_MultiPoint
private static GMLMultiLineString GMLFactory.createGMLMultiLineString(GM_MultiCurve geo, GMLDocument_Impl doc)
          creates a GMLMultiLineString from a GM_MultiCurve
private static GMLMultiPolygon GMLFactory.createGMLMultiPolygon(GM_MultiSurface geo, GMLDocument_Impl doc)
          creates a GMLMultiPolygon from a GM_MultiSurface