Uses of Class

Packages that use SHPEnvelope   

Uses of SHPEnvelope in

Fields in declared as SHPEnvelope
protected  SHPEnvelope SHPGeometry.envelope
private  SHPEnvelope IndexFile.fileMBR
          minimum bounding rectangle of the shape-file
private  SHPEnvelope FileHeader.fileMBR

Methods in that return SHPEnvelope
 SHPEnvelope SHPGeometry.getEnvelope()
          returns the minimum boundary rectangle of the geomertry
static SHPEnvelope ShapeUtils.readBox(byte[] b, int off)
          method: readBox(byte[] b, int off)
Reads a bounding box record.
 SHPEnvelope MainFile.getFileMBR()
          method: getFileMBR()
returns the minimum bounding rectangle of geometries
within the shape-file
 SHPEnvelope MainFile.getRecordMBR(int RecNo)
          method: getRecordMBR(int RecNo)
returns the minimum bound rectangle of RecNo's Geometrie of the shape-file
 SHPEnvelope IndexFile.getFileMBR()
          method: getFileMBR()
returns the minimum bounding rectangle of the shape-file
 SHPEnvelope FileHeader.getFileMBR()
          method: getFileMBR();
Returns the bounding box of this shape file.

Methods in with parameters of type SHPEnvelope
static int ShapeUtils.writeBox(byte[] b, int off, SHPEnvelope box)
          method: writeBox(byte[] b, int off, ESRIBoundingBox box)
Writes the given bounding box to the given buffer at the given location.
 void MainFile.write(byte[] bytearray, IndexRecord record, SHPEnvelope mbr)
          method: public void write(byte[] bytearray)
appends a bytearray to the shape file
 void MainFile.writeHeader(int filelength, byte shptype, SHPEnvelope mbr)
          method: public void writeHeader(int filelength, byte shptype, SHPEnvelope mbr)
writes a header to the shape and index file
 void IndexFile.writeHeader(int shptype, SHPEnvelope mbr)
          method: writeHeader(int filelength, byte shptype,SHPEnvelope mbr)
Writes a header into the index file.
 void IndexFile.appendRecord(IndexRecord record, SHPEnvelope mbr)
          appends an index record to the indexfile
 void FileHeader.writeHeader(int filelength, int shptype, SHPEnvelope mbr)
          method: writeHeader(int filelength, byte shptype,SHPEnvelope mbr)
Writes a header into the shape file.

Constructors in with parameters of type SHPEnvelope
SHPEnvelope(SHPEnvelope env)
          create from an existing SHPEnvelope