Class MathTransformFactory

  extended byorg.deegree_impl.model.ct.MathTransformFactory

public class MathTransformFactory
extends java.lang.Object

Creates math transforms. MathTransformFactory is a low level factory that is used to create MathTransform objects. Many high level GIS applications will never need to use a MathTransformFactory directly; they can use a CoordinateTransformationFactory instead. However, the MathTransformFactory class is specified here, since it can be used directly by applications that wish to transform other types of coordinates (e.g. color coordinates, or image pixel coordinates).

A math transform is an object that actually does the work of applying formulae to coordinate values. The math transform does not know or care how the coordinates relate to positions in the real world. This lack of semantics makes implementing MathTransformFactory significantly easier than it would be otherwise. For example MathTransformFactory can create affine math transforms. The affine transform applies a matrix to the coordinates without knowing how what it is doing relates to the real world. So if the matrix scales Z values by a factor of 1000, then it could be converting meters into millimeters, or it could be converting kilometers into meters.

Because math transforms have low semantic value (but high mathematical value), programmers who do not have much knowledge of how GIS applications use coordinate systems, or how those coordinate systems relate to the real world can implement MathTransformFactory. The low semantic content of math transforms also means that they will be useful in applications that have nothing to do with GIS coordinates. For example, a math transform could be used to map color coordinates between different color spaces, such as converting (red, green, blue) colors into (hue, light, saturation) colors.

Since a math transform does not know what its source and target coordinate systems mean, it is not necessary or desirable for a math transform object to keep information on its source and target coordinate systems.

OpenGIS (, Martin Desruisseaux
See Also:

Nested Class Summary
private  class MathTransformFactory.Export
          Wrap a MathTransformFactory for use with OpenGIS.
Field Summary
private static MathTransformFactory DEFAULT
          The default math transform factory.
(package private) static WeakHashSet pool
          A pool of math transform.
private  MathTransformProvider[] providers
          List of registered math transforms.
Constructor Summary
MathTransformFactory(MathTransformProvider[] providers)
          Construct a factory using the specified providers.
Method Summary
private static boolean areInverse(MathTransform tr1, MathTransform tr2)
          Tests if one math transform is the inverse of the other.
 MathTransform2D createAffineTransform(java.awt.geom.AffineTransform matrix)
          Creates an affine transform from a matrix.
 MathTransform createAffineTransform(Matrix matrix)
          Creates an affine transform from a matrix.
 MathTransform createConcatenatedTransform(MathTransform tr1, MathTransform tr2)
          Creates a transform by concatenating two existing transforms.
 MathTransform createIdentityTransform(int dimension)
          Creates an identity transform of the specified dimension.
 MathTransform createParameterizedTransform(Projection projection)
          Convenience method for creating a transform from a projection.
 MathTransform createParameterizedTransform(java.lang.String classification, ParameterList parameters)
          Creates a transform from a classification name and parameters.
 MathTransform createPassThroughTransform(int firstAffectedOrdinate, MathTransform subTransform, int numTrailingOrdinates)
          Creates a transform which passes through a subset of ordinates to another transform.
 MathTransform createSubMathTransform(int lower, int upper, MathTransform transform)
          Creates a transform which retains only a portion of an other transform.
 MathTransformProvider getAffineTransformProvider(int numRow, int numCol)
          Create a provider for affine transforms of the specified dimension.
 java.lang.String[] getAvailableTransforms()
          Returns the classification names of every available transforms.
static MathTransformFactory getDefault()
          Returns the default math transform factory.
 MathTransformProvider getMathTransformProvider(java.lang.String classification)
          Returns the provider for the specified classification.
private static Matrix getMatrix(MathTransform transform)
          Returns the underlying matrix for the specified transform, or null if the matrix is unavailable.
(package private)  java.lang.Object toOpenGIS(java.lang.Object adapters)
          Returns an OpenGIS interface for this transform factory.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private static MathTransformFactory DEFAULT
The default math transform factory. This factory will be constructed only when first needed.


static final WeakHashSet pool
A pool of math transform. This pool is used in order to returns instance of existing math transforms when possible.


private final MathTransformProvider[] providers
List of registered math transforms.

Constructor Detail


public MathTransformFactory(MathTransformProvider[] providers)
Construct a factory using the specified providers.

Method Detail


public static MathTransformFactory getDefault()
Returns the default math transform factory.


public MathTransform createIdentityTransform(int dimension)
Creates an identity transform of the specified dimension.

dimension - The source and target dimension.
The identity transform.


public MathTransform2D createAffineTransform(java.awt.geom.AffineTransform matrix)
Creates an affine transform from a matrix.

matrix - The matrix used to define the affine transform.
The affine transform.


public MathTransform createAffineTransform(Matrix matrix)
Creates an affine transform from a matrix.

matrix - The matrix used to define the affine transform.
The affine transform.


private static Matrix getMatrix(MathTransform transform)
Returns the underlying matrix for the specified transform, or null if the matrix is unavailable.


private static boolean areInverse(MathTransform tr1,
                                  MathTransform tr2)
Tests if one math transform is the inverse of the other. This implementation can't detect every case. It just detect the case when tr2 is an instance of AbstractMathTransform.Inverse.


public MathTransform createConcatenatedTransform(MathTransform tr1,
                                                 MathTransform tr2)
Creates a transform by concatenating two existing transforms. A concatenated transform acts in the same way as applying two transforms, one after the other. The dimension of the output space of the first transform must match the dimension of the input space in the second transform. If you wish to concatenate more than two transforms, then you can repeatedly use this method.

tr1 - The first transform to apply to points.
tr2 - The second transform to apply to points.
The concatenated transform.


public MathTransform createPassThroughTransform(int firstAffectedOrdinate,
                                                MathTransform subTransform,
                                                int numTrailingOrdinates)
Creates a transform which passes through a subset of ordinates to another transform. This allows transforms to operate on a subset of ordinates. For example, if you have (latitidue,longitude,height) coordinates, then you may wish to convert the height values from feet to meters without affecting the latitude and longitude values.

firstAffectedOrdinate - Index of the first affected ordinate.
subTransform - The sub transform.
numTrailingOrdinates - Number of trailing ordinates to pass through. Affected ordinates will range from firstAffectedOrdinate inclusive to dimTarget-numTrailingOrdinates exclusive.
A pass through transform with the following dimensions:
 Source: firstAffectedOrdinate + subTransform.getDimSource() + numTrailingOrdinates
 Target: firstAffectedOrdinate + subTransform.getDimTarget() + numTrailingOrdinates


public MathTransform createSubMathTransform(int lower,
                                            int upper,
                                            MathTransform transform)
Creates a transform which retains only a portion of an other transform. For example if the source coordinate system has (longitude, latitude, height) values, then a sub-transform may be used to keep only the (longitude, latitude) part. In most cases, the created sub-transform is non-invertible since it loose informations.

This transform is a special case of a non-square matrix transform with less rows than columns. However, using a createSubMathTransfom(...) method makes it easier to optimize some common cases.

transform - The transform.
lower - Index of the first ordinate to keep.
upper - Index of the first ordinate. Must be greater than lower.


public MathTransform createParameterizedTransform(java.lang.String classification,
                                                  ParameterList parameters)
                                           throws java.util.NoSuchElementException,
Creates a transform from a classification name and parameters. The client must ensure that all the linear parameters are expressed in meters, and all the angular parameters are expressed in degrees. Also, they must supply "semi_major" and "semi_minor" parameters for cartographic projection transforms.

classification - The classification name of the transform (e.g. "Transverse_Mercator"). Leading and trailing spaces are ignored, and comparaison is case-insensitive.
parameters - The parameter values in standard units.
The parameterized transform.
java.util.NoSuchElementException - if there is no transform for the specified classification.
MissingParameterException - if a parameter was required but not found.


public MathTransform createParameterizedTransform(Projection projection)
                                           throws java.util.NoSuchElementException,
Convenience method for creating a transform from a projection.

projection - The projection.
The parameterized transform.
java.util.NoSuchElementException - if there is no transform for the specified projection.
MissingParameterException - if a parameter was required but not found.


public java.lang.String[] getAvailableTransforms()
Returns the classification names of every available transforms. The returned array may have a zero length, but will never be null.


public MathTransformProvider getMathTransformProvider(java.lang.String classification)
                                               throws java.util.NoSuchElementException
Returns the provider for the specified classification. This provider may be used to query parameter list for a classification name (e.g. getMathTransformProvider("Transverse_Mercator").getParameterList()), or the transform name in a given locale (e.g. getMathTransformProvider("Transverse_Mercator").getName(Locale#FRENCH))

classification - The classification name of the transform (e.g. "Transverse_Mercator"). It should be one of the name returned by getAvailableTransforms(). Leading and trailing spaces are ignored. Comparisons are case-insensitive.
The provider for a math transform.
java.util.NoSuchElementException - if there is no provider registered with the specified classification name.


public MathTransformProvider getAffineTransformProvider(int numRow,
                                                        int numCol)
                                                 throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Create a provider for affine transforms of the specified dimension. Created affine transforms will have a size of numRow × numCol.

Parameter Description
Num_row Number of rows in matrix
Num_col Number of columns in matrix
elt_<r>_<c> Element of matrix

For the element parameters, <r> and <c> should be substituted by printed decimal numbers. The values of r should be from 0 to (num_row-1), and the values of c should be from 0 to (num_col-1). Any undefined matrix elements are assumed to be zero for (r!=c), and one for (r==c). This corresponds to the identity transformation when the number of rows and columns are the same. The number of columns corresponds to one more than the dimension of the source coordinates and the number of rows corresponds to one more than the dimension of target coordinates. The extra dimension in the matrix is used to let the affine map do a translation.

numRow - The number of matrix's rows.
numCol - The number of matrix's columns.
The provider for an affine transform.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if numRow or numCol is not a positive number.


final java.lang.Object toOpenGIS(java.lang.Object adapters)
Returns an OpenGIS interface for this transform factory. The returned object is suitable for RMI use. Note: The returned type is a generic Object in order to avoid too early class loading of OpenGIS interface.