Uses of Class

Packages that use NoninvertibleTransformException

Uses of NoninvertibleTransformException in org.deegree_impl.model.ct

Methods in org.deegree_impl.model.ct that throw NoninvertibleTransformException
 MathTransform PassThroughTransform.inverse()
          Creates the inverse transform of this object.
 MathTransform MatrixTransform.inverse()
          Creates the inverse transform of this object.
 MathTransform MathTransformAdapter.inverse()
          Creates the inverse transform of this object.
 MathTransform MathTransform.inverse()
          Creates the inverse transform of this object.
 CoordinateTransformation CoordinateTransformation.inverse()
          Returns the inverse transform of this object.
 MathTransform ConcatenedTransform.inverse()
          Creates the inverse transform of this object.
 MathTransform AffineTransform2D.inverse()
          Creates the inverse transform of this object.
 MathTransform AbstractMathTransform.inverse()
          Creates the inverse transform of this object.
private static Matrix AbstractMathTransform.invert(Matrix matrix)
          Invert the specified matrix in place.

Constructors in org.deegree_impl.model.ct that throw NoninvertibleTransformException
CoordinateTransformation.Inverse(CoordinateTransformation transform)
          Construct a coordinate transformation.