Uses of Interface

Packages that use Dimensioned

Uses of Dimensioned in org.deegree_impl.model.cs

Classes in org.deegree_impl.model.cs that implement Dimensioned
 class CompoundCoordinateSystem
          An aggregate of two coordinate systems.
 class CoordinateSystem
          Base class for all coordinate systems.
 class GeocentricCoordinateSystem
          A 3D coordinate system, with its origin at the center of the Earth.
 class GeographicCoordinateSystem
          A coordinate system based on latitude and longitude.
 class HorizontalCoordinateSystem
          A 2D coordinate system suitable for positions on the Earth's surface.
 class LocalCoordinateSystem
          A local coordinate system, with uncertain relationship to the world.
 class ProjectedCoordinateSystem
          A 2D cartographic coordinate system.
 class TemporalCoordinateSystem
          A one-dimensional coordinate system suitable for time measurements.
 class VerticalCoordinateSystem
          A one-dimensional coordinate system suitable for vertical measurements.

Uses of Dimensioned in org.deegree_impl.model.ct

Methods in org.deegree_impl.model.ct with parameters of type Dimensioned
private static AxisOrientation[] CoordinateTransformationFactory.getAxisOrientations(CoordinateSystem cs, Dimensioned dim)
          Returns the axis orientation for the specified coordinate system.

Uses of Dimensioned in

Classes in that implement Dimensioned
 class CoordinatePoint
          A position defined by a list of numbers.
 class Envelope
          A box defined by two positions.

Constructors in with parameters of type Dimensioned
MismatchedDimensionException(Dimensioned object1, Dimensioned object2)
          Construct an exception with a detail message stating that two objects don't have the same number of dimensions.