Package org.deegree_impl.model.resources

Class Summary
ClassChanger Transforme un objet d'une classe vers une autre.
Colors Utilities methods for handling of colors informations.
Geometry Static utilities methods.
Images A set of static methods working on images.
Naming Methods for binding names to ParameterListDescriptors.
OpenGIS A set of static methods working on OpenGIS objects.
ResourceBundle {link java.util.ResourceBundle} implementation using integers instead of strings for resource keys.
ResourceCompiler Resources compiler.
Utilities A set of miscellaneous methods.
WeakHashSet A set of object hold by weak references.
XAffineTransform Utility methods for affine transforms.
XArray Simple operations on arrays.
XDimension2D Implement float and double version of Dimension2D.
XDimension2D.Double Implement double version of Dimension2D.
XDimension2D.Float Implement float version of Dimension2D.
XMath Simple mathematical functions.
XRectangle2D Serializable, high-performance double-precision rectangle.