
Class Summary
DescribeTransformationRequest_Impl The only request not defined as mandatory supplies the description of the transformation of coordinates from a spatial reference system to another.
DescribeTransformationResponse_Impl As an answer to a DescribeTransformationRequest the service answers with one list including all single transformations which can be accomplished, in order to convert a coordinate from a sourcecoordinatensystem into a target system.
GetCapabilitiesRequest_Impl With the GetCapabilities-Request the client determines which characteristics of the services - especially the transform-request - are supported by the service.
GetCapabilitiesResponse_Impl The response of an GetCapabilities-Request is a XML-Document which is according in its structure to the Capabilities-documents of the WFS or the WMS 1.1.1 The root-element of the Capabilities-document is the <CTS_Capabilities>.
IsTransformableRequest_Impl This class describes requests, which have to examine the possibility to transform one coordinate system into another.
IsTransformableResponse_Impl The response to a IsTransformable Request returns only ' true ' or ' false '; whether a transformation is possible or not an error arises during the treatment request and only then an exception is returned.
TransformationSequence_Impl Is the CTS able to execute user-defined transformations, a succession of transformation-steps can be defined by the <TransformationSequence> element.
TransformRequest_Impl The transform-schema describes the only mandatory request, which is to adapt from the Transformation-Web-Service The basic elememts of the reqest are the coordinate-system of the data (SourceCRS), the coordinate-system in which the data should be transformed (DestinationCRS) and the data itself.
TransformResponse_Impl The TransformResponse-schema describes the format of the answer of the transform-request that is fired by the coordinate-transformation-web-service.
WCTS_ProtocolFactory Factory class for creating WCTS_Protocol classes from a XML document that's conform to the WCTS-specification.