Class ScaleHint_Impl

All Implemented Interfaces:
Marshallable, ScaleHint

class ScaleHint_Impl
extends java.lang.Object
implements ScaleHint, Marshallable

Layers may include a element that suggests minimum and maximum scales for which it is appropriate to display this layer. Because WMS output is destined for output devices of arbitrary size and resolution, the usual definition of scale as the ratio of map size to real-world size is not appropriate here. The following definition of Scale Hint is recommended. Consider a hypothetical map with a given Bounding Box, width and height. The central pixel of that map (or the pixel just to the northwest of center) will have some size, which can be expressed as the ground distance in meters of the southwest to northeast diagonal of that pixel. The two values in ScaleHint are the minimum and maximum recommended values of that diagonal. It is recognized that this definition is not geodetically precise, but at the same time the hope is that by including it conventions will develop that can be later specified more clearly.


$Revision: 1.8 $
Andreas Poth, Markus Schneider

Field Summary
private  double max
private  double min
Constructor Summary
(package private) ScaleHint_Impl()
          default constructor
(package private) ScaleHint_Impl(double min, double max)
          constructor initializing the class with the
Method Summary
 java.lang.String exportAsXML()
          Returns an XML representation of this object.
 double getMax()
          returns the maximum scale for which a layer is defined
 double getMin()
          returns the minimum scale for which a layer is defined
 void setMax(double max)
          sets the maximum scale for which a layer is defined
 void setMin(double min)
          sets the minimum scale for which a layer is defined
 java.lang.String toString()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private double max


private double min
Constructor Detail


default constructor


ScaleHint_Impl(double min,
               double max)
constructor initializing the class with the

Method Detail


public double getMin()
returns the minimum scale for which a layer is defined

Specified by:
getMin in interface ScaleHint


public void setMin(double min)
sets the minimum scale for which a layer is defined


public double getMax()
returns the maximum scale for which a layer is defined

Specified by:
getMax in interface ScaleHint


public void setMax(double max)
sets the maximum scale for which a layer is defined


public java.lang.String toString()


public java.lang.String exportAsXML()
Returns an XML representation of this object.

Specified by:
exportAsXML in interface Marshallable
XML-representation of this object