Uses of Interface

Packages that use CS_Info

Uses of CS_Info in org.deegree_impl.model.cs

Classes in org.deegree_impl.model.cs that implement CS_Info
private  class CompoundCoordinateSystem.Export
          Wrap a CompoundCoordinateSystem object for use with OpenGIS.
(package private)  class CoordinateSystem.Export
          Wrap a CoordinateSystem object for use with OpenGIS.
(package private)  class Datum.Export
          Wrap a Datum object for use with OpenGIS.
private  class Ellipsoid.Export
          Wrap a Ellipsoid object for use with OpenGIS.
private  class GeocentricCoordinateSystem.Export
          Wrap a LocalCoordinateSystem object for use with OpenGIS.
private  class GeographicCoordinateSystem.Export
          Wrap a GeographicCoordinateSystem object for use with OpenGIS.
(package private)  class HorizontalCoordinateSystem.Export
          Wrap a HorizontalCoordinateSystem object for use with OpenGIS.
private  class HorizontalDatum.Export
          Wrap a HorizontalDatum object for use with OpenGIS.
(package private)  class Info.AngularUnit
          OpenGIS angular unit.
(package private)  class Info.Export
          Wrap a Info object for use with OpenGIS.
(package private)  class Info.LinearUnit
          OpenGIS linear unit.
private  class LocalCoordinateSystem.Export
          Wrap a LocalCoordinateSystem object for use with OpenGIS.
private  class LocalDatum.Export
          Wrap a LocalDatum object for use with OpenGIS.
private  class PrimeMeridian.Export
          Wrap a PrimeMeridian object for use with OpenGIS.
private  class ProjectedCoordinateSystem.Export
          Wrap a ProjectedCoordinateSystem object for use with OpenGIS.
private  class Projection.Export
          Wrap a Projection object for use with OpenGIS.
private  class VerticalCoordinateSystem.Export
          Wrap a VerticalCoordinateSystem object for use with OpenGIS.
private  class VerticalDatum.Export
          Wrap a VerticalDatum object for use with OpenGIS.

Methods in org.deegree_impl.model.cs that return CS_Info
 CS_Info Adapters.export(Info info)
          Returns an OpenGIS interface for an info.

Methods in org.deegree_impl.model.cs with parameters of type CS_Info
 Info Adapters.wrap(CS_Info info)
          Returns info for an OpenGIS interface.
private static java.util.Map info)
          Returns a map for the specified OpenGIS structure.

Uses of CS_Info in org.opengis.cs

Subinterfaces of CS_Info in org.opengis.cs
 interface CS_AngularUnit
          Definition of angular units.
 interface CS_CompoundCoordinateSystem
          An aggregate of two coordinate systems (CRS).
 interface CS_CoordinateSystem
          Base interface for all coordinate systems.
 interface CS_Datum
          A set of quantities from which other quantities are calculated.
 interface CS_Ellipsoid
          An approximation of the Earth's surface as a squashed sphere.
 interface CS_FittedCoordinateSystem
          A coordinate system which sits inside another coordinate system.
 interface CS_GeocentricCoordinateSystem
          A 3D coordinate system, with its origin at the center of the Earth.
 interface CS_GeographicCoordinateSystem
          A coordinate system based on latitude and longitude.
 interface CS_HorizontalCoordinateSystem
          A 2D coordinate system suitable for positions on the Earth's surface.
 interface CS_HorizontalDatum
          Procedure used to measure positions on the surface of the Earth.
 interface CS_LinearUnit
          Definition of linear units.
 interface CS_LocalCoordinateSystem
          A local coordinate system, with uncertain relationship to the world.
 interface CS_LocalDatum
          Local datum.
 interface CS_PrimeMeridian
          A meridian used to take longitude measurements from.
 interface CS_ProjectedCoordinateSystem
          A 2D cartographic coordinate system.
 interface CS_Projection
          A projection from geographic coordinates to projected coordinates.
 interface CS_Unit
          Base interface for defining units.
 interface CS_VerticalCoordinateSystem
          A one-dimensional coordinate system suitable for vertical measurements.
 interface CS_VerticalDatum
          Procedure used to measure vertical distances.