A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _


_bLine - Variable in class org.deegree_impl.io.bnaapi.BNAGeometry
Tells if it's a polygon or a surface
_dbf - Variable in class org.deegree_impl.io.shpapi.DBaseFile
_decadic - Variable in class org.deegree.services.TimeExtent.TimePeriod
_endIsNow - Variable in class org.deegree_impl.services.TimeExtent_Impl
_enddate - Variable in class org.deegree_impl.services.TimeExtent_Impl
_envelope - Variable in class org.deegree_impl.io.bnaapi.BNAFeature
The bounding box for all the geometries of this feature
_fs - Variable in class org.deegree_impl.io.bnaapi.BNAFile
The featureSet collected from the file.
_geometries - Variable in class org.deegree_impl.io.bnaapi.BNAFeature
The BNAGeometry'es of this feature
_getParameters(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.enterprise.control.WebEvent
Returns a list of Properties with key value pairs created out of the incoming POST paramteres.
_getRequest() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.enterprise.control.WebEvent
_getRequestUser(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.enterprise.control.WebEvent
_headers - Variable in class org.deegree_impl.io.bnaapi.BNAFeature
The headers' names
_higher - Variable in class org.deegree_impl.services.DoubleExtent_Impl
_hm - Variable in class org.deegree_impl.io.bnaapi.BNAFeatureSet
Contains the features keyed with ther unique name.
_level - Variable in class org.deegree_impl.model.cv.CVRange
_list - Variable in class org.deegree_impl.io.bnaapi.BNAFeatureSet
Provides an indexed access to features.
_lower - Variable in class org.deegree_impl.services.DoubleExtent_Impl
_maxX - Variable in class org.deegree_impl.io.bnaapi.BNAGeometry
_maxY - Variable in class org.deegree_impl.io.bnaapi.BNAGeometry
_minX - Variable in class org.deegree_impl.io.bnaapi.BNAGeometry
_minY - Variable in class org.deegree_impl.io.bnaapi.BNAGeometry
_multi - Variable in class org.deegree_impl.services.DoubleExtent_Impl
_multidate - Variable in class org.deegree_impl.services.TimeExtent_Impl
_name - Variable in class org.deegree_impl.model.cv.CVRange
_paramObj - Variable in class org.deegree_impl.services.RangeParam
_paramString - Variable in class org.deegree_impl.services.RangeParam
_period - Variable in class org.deegree_impl.services.DoubleExtent_Impl
_period - Variable in class org.deegree_impl.services.TimeExtent_Impl
_points - Variable in class org.deegree_impl.io.bnaapi.BNAGeometry
The sequence of points
_shp - Variable in class org.deegree_impl.io.shpapi.MainFile
_shx - Variable in class org.deegree_impl.io.shpapi.IndexFile
_single - Variable in class org.deegree_impl.services.DoubleExtent_Impl
_singledate - Variable in class org.deegree_impl.services.TimeExtent_Impl
_startdate - Variable in class org.deegree_impl.services.TimeExtent_Impl
_subranges - Variable in class org.deegree_impl.model.cv.CVRange
_te - Variable in class org.deegree_impl.model.cv.CVRangeTime

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _