A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _


GAZETTEER - Static variable in interface org.deegree_impl.clients.gazetteer.Constants
GC_ByteInValuePacking - class org.opengis.gc.GC_ByteInValuePacking.
Specifies the order of the bytes in multi-byte values.
GC_ByteInValuePacking(int) - Constructor for class org.opengis.gc.GC_ByteInValuePacking
Construct a new enum value.
GC_ByteInValuePackingType - Static variable in class org.opengis.gc.GC_ParameterType
Byte in value packing enumeration GC_ByteInValuePacking.
GC_FloatingPointType - Static variable in class org.opengis.gc.GC_ParameterType
Floating point parameter.
GC_Format - interface org.opengis.gc.GC_Format.
This interface is a discovery mechanism to determine the formats supported by a GC_GridCoverageExchange implementation.
GC_Format_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.model.gc.GC_Format_Impl.
This interface is a discovery mechanism to determine the formats supported by a GC_GridCoverageExchange implementation.
GC_Format_Impl(String, String, String, int, GC_ParameterInfo, String, String) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.gc.GC_Format_Impl
GC_GridCoverage - interface org.opengis.gc.GC_GridCoverage.
Represent the basic implementation which provides access to grid coverage data.
GC_GridCoverageExchange - interface org.opengis.gc.GC_GridCoverageExchange.
Support for creation of grid coverages from persistent formats as well as exporting a grid coverage to a persistent formats.
GC_GridCoverageExchange_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.model.gc.GC_GridCoverageExchange_Impl.
Support for creation of grid coverages from persistent formats as well as exporting a grid coverage to a persistent formats.
GC_GridCoverageExchange_Impl() - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.gc.GC_GridCoverageExchange_Impl
defualt constructor
GC_GridCoverageExchange_Impl(GC_Parameter[]) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.gc.GC_GridCoverageExchange_Impl
constructor initializing the GC_GridCoverageExchange with user defined metadata
GC_GridCoverageType - Static variable in class org.opengis.gc.GC_ParameterType
Grid coverage instance.
GC_GridCoverage_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.model.gc.GC_GridCoverage_Impl.
Represent the basic implementation which provides access to grid coverage data.
GC_GridCoverage_Impl(CVDescriptor, boolean) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.gc.GC_GridCoverage_Impl
initialzies a simple CV_Coverage with an image, coordinate reference system, an envelope describing the spatial extension of of the coverage and the coverages metadata.
GC_GridGeometry - interface org.opengis.gc.GC_GridGeometry.
Describes the geometry and georeferencing information of the grid coverage.
GC_GridGeometryType - Static variable in class org.opengis.gc.GC_ParameterType
Grid geometry instance.
GC_GridGeometry_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.model.gc.GC_GridGeometry_Impl.
Describes the geometry and georeferencing information of the grid coverage.
GC_GridGeometry_Impl(GC_GridRange) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.gc.GC_GridGeometry_Impl
GC_GridGeometry_Impl(GC_GridRange, CT_MathTransform) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.gc.GC_GridGeometry_Impl
GC_GridPacking - interface org.opengis.gc.GC_GridPacking.
Describes the packing of data values within grid coverages.
GC_GridPacking_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.model.gc.GC_GridPacking_Impl.
Describes the packing of data values within grid coverages.
GC_GridPacking_Impl() - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.gc.GC_GridPacking_Impl
GC_GridRange - interface org.opengis.gc.GC_GridRange.
Specifies the range of valid coordinates for each dimension of the coverage.
GC_GridRange_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.model.gc.GC_GridRange_Impl.
Specifies the range of valid coordinates for each dimension of the coverage.
GC_GridRange_Impl(int[], int[]) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.gc.GC_GridRange_Impl
GC_HiBitFirst - Static variable in class org.opengis.gc.GC_ValueInBytePacking
High bit first (big endian order).
GC_IntegerType - Static variable in class org.opengis.gc.GC_ParameterType
Integer parameter.
GC_LoBitFirst - Static variable in class org.opengis.gc.GC_ValueInBytePacking
Low bit firts (little endian order).
GC_Parameter - interface org.opengis.gc.GC_Parameter.
The parameter required for a grid coverage processing operation.
GC_ParameterInfo - interface org.opengis.gc.GC_ParameterInfo.
Provides information for the parameters required for grid coverage processing operations and grid exchange.
GC_ParameterInfo_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.model.gc.GC_ParameterInfo_Impl.
Provides information for the parameters required for grid coverage processing operations and grid exchange.
GC_ParameterInfo_Impl() - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.gc.GC_ParameterInfo_Impl
GC_ParameterType - class org.opengis.gc.GC_ParameterType.
Specifies the type of a parameter value.
GC_ParameterType(int) - Constructor for class org.opengis.gc.GC_ParameterType
Construct a new enum value.
GC_Parameter_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.model.gc.GC_Parameter_Impl.
The parameter required for a grid coverage processing operation.
GC_Parameter_Impl() - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.gc.GC_Parameter_Impl
GC_StringType - Static variable in class org.opengis.gc.GC_ParameterType
String parameter.
GC_ValueInBytePacking - class org.opengis.gc.GC_ValueInBytePacking.
Order of the pixels in a byte for CV_1BIT, CV_2BIT and CV_4BIT grid values.
GC_ValueInBytePacking(int) - Constructor for class org.opengis.gc.GC_ValueInBytePacking
Construct a new enum value.
GC_ValueInBytePackingType - Static variable in class org.opengis.gc.GC_ParameterType
Value in byte packing enumeration GC_ValueInBytePacking.
GC_VectorType - Static variable in class org.opengis.gc.GC_ParameterType
Sequence of numbers.
GC_wkbNDR - Static variable in class org.opengis.gc.GC_ByteInValuePacking
Little Endian.
GC_wkbXDR - Static variable in class org.opengis.gc.GC_ByteInValuePacking
Big Endian.
GEOCENTRIC - Static variable in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.DatumType
A geocentric datum is a "satellite age" modern geodetic datum mainly of global extent, such as WGS84 (used in GPS), PZ90 (used in GLONASS) and ITRF.
GEOCENTRIC - Static variable in interface org.deegree_impl.model.resources.css.ResourceKeys
GEOCOLUMN - Static variable in class org.deegree.services.wfs.WFSConstants
GEOGRAPHICIDENTIFIER - Static variable in interface org.deegree_impl.clients.gazetteer.Constants
GEOID_MODEL_DERIVED - Static variable in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.DatumType
A vertical datum of geoid model derived heights, also called GPS-derived heights.
GEOID_MODEL_DERIVED - Static variable in interface org.deegree_impl.model.resources.css.ResourceKeys
GEOMETRY - Static variable in interface org.deegree.gml.GMLProperty
GEOMETRY - Static variable in interface org.deegree.services.wfs.configuration.FeatureType
GEOMETRYPROPERTY - Static variable in class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLGeometricMapping
GET - Static variable in class org.deegree_impl.tools.NetWorker
GETCAPABILITIES - Static variable in interface org.deegree.services.wms.capabilities.Operation
GETCAPABILITIES - Static variable in class org.deegree_impl.services.gazetteer.protocol.WFSGProtocolFactory
GETCAPABILITIES - Static variable in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.RemoteWFService
GETCAPABILITIES_NAME - Static variable in interface org.deegree.services.wms.capabilities.Operation
GETFEATURE - Static variable in class org.deegree_impl.services.gazetteer.protocol.WFSGProtocolFactory
GETFEATURE - Static variable in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.RemoteWFService
GETFEATUREINFO - Static variable in interface org.deegree.services.wms.capabilities.Operation
GETFEATUREINFO_NAME - Static variable in interface org.deegree.services.wms.capabilities.Operation
GETFEATUREWITHLOCK - Static variable in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.RemoteWFService
GETLEGENDGRAPHIC - Static variable in interface org.deegree.services.wms.capabilities.Operation
GETLEGENDGRAPHIC_NAME - Static variable in interface org.deegree.services.wms.capabilities.Operation
GETMAP - Static variable in interface org.deegree.services.wms.capabilities.Operation
GETMAP_NAME - Static variable in interface org.deegree.services.wms.capabilities.Operation
GETSCALEBAR - Static variable in interface org.deegree.services.wms.capabilities.Operation
GETSCALEBAR_NAME - Static variable in interface org.deegree.services.wms.capabilities.Operation
GETSTYLES - Static variable in interface org.deegree.services.wms.capabilities.Operation
GETSTYLES_NAME - Static variable in interface org.deegree.services.wms.capabilities.Operation
GML - Static variable in class org.deegree.services.wfs.WFSConstants
GML2Shape - class org.deegree_impl.tools.shape.GML2Shape.
GML2Shape(String, String) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.tools.shape.GML2Shape
GMLAdapter - class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GMLAdapter.
GMLAdapter() - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GMLAdapter
GMLBox - interface org.deegree.gml.GMLBox.
GMLBox_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLBox_Impl.
GMLBox_Impl(Element) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLBox_Impl
Creates a new GMLBox_Impl object.
GMLComplexProperty - interface org.deegree.gml.GMLComplexProperty.
GMLComplexProperty_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLComplexProperty_Impl.
The class represents a complex feature property.
GMLComplexProperty_Impl(Element) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLComplexProperty_Impl
Creates a new GMLComplexProperty_Impl object.
GMLCoord - interface org.deegree.gml.GMLCoord.
GMLCoord_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLCoord_Impl.
GMLCoord_Impl(Element) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLCoord_Impl
Creates a new GMLCoord_Impl object.
GMLCoordinates - interface org.deegree.gml.GMLCoordinates.
As an alternative to the sequence of <coords>, coordinates can also be conveyed by a single string.
GMLCoordinatesParser_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLCoordinatesParser_Impl.
This class parses the <coordinates> ----------------------------------------------------------
GMLCoordinatesParser_Impl() - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLCoordinatesParser_Impl
GMLCoordinates_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLCoordinates_Impl.
As an alternative to the sequence of <coords>, coordinates can also be conveyed by a single string.
GMLCoordinates_Impl(Element) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLCoordinates_Impl
constructor: creates a GMLCoordinate with an element
GMLDB - Static variable in interface org.deegree.services.wfs.configuration.DatastoreConfiguration
GMLDBDataStore - class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.gml.GMLDBDataStore.
The class concretes the implementation of a data store object for accessing simple databases containing just point geometries (and none geometric properties) through the WFS interface.
GMLDBDataStore(URL) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.gml.GMLDBDataStore
Creates a new GMLDBDataStore object.
GMLDBDataStoreOutputFC - class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.gml.GMLDBDataStoreOutputFC.
Implements the DataStoreOutputFormat interface to format the result of a data accessing class returned within the values of a HashMap as deegree feature collection -----------------------------------------------------------------------
GMLDBDataStoreOutputFC() - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.gml.GMLDBDataStoreOutputFC
GMLDBDataStoreOutputGML - class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.gml.GMLDBDataStoreOutputGML.
Implements the DataStoreOutputFormat interface to format the result of a data accessing class returned within the values of a HashMap as GML feature collection -----------------------------------------------------------------------
GMLDBDataStoreOutputGML() - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.gml.GMLDBDataStoreOutputGML
GMLDBDataStoreOutputXML - class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.gml.GMLDBDataStoreOutputXML.
Implements the DataStoreOutputFormat interface to format the result of a data accessing class returned within the values of a HashMap as XML -----------------------------------------------------------------------
GMLDBDataStoreOutputXML() - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.gml.GMLDBDataStoreOutputXML
GMLDBSQLBuilder - class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.filterencoding.GMLDBSQLBuilder.
Generation of SQL-fragments from a Filter object for DBs containing geometries as GML geometries considering the deegree WFS assumptions about naming the required columns.
GMLDBSQLBuilder(FeatureType) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.filterencoding.GMLDBSQLBuilder
GMLDocument - interface org.deegree.gml.GMLDocument.
GMLDocument_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLDocument_Impl.
GMLDocument_Impl() - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLDocument_Impl
Creates a new GMLDocument_Impl object.
GMLDocument_Impl(Reader) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLDocument_Impl
Creates a new GMLDocument_Impl object.
GMLDocument_Impl(Document) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLDocument_Impl
Creates a new GMLDocument_Impl object.
GMLException - exception org.deegree.gml.GMLException.
GMLException(String) - Constructor for class org.deegree.gml.GMLException
GMLFactory - class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLFactory.
class containing factory methods for creating GML-Objects from DOM-Elements and GM_XXXX geometries.
GMLFactory() - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLFactory
GMLFeature - interface org.deegree.gml.GMLFeature.
GMLFeatureAdapter - class org.deegree_impl.model.feature.GMLFeatureAdapter.
GMLFeatureAdapter() - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.feature.GMLFeatureAdapter
GMLFeatureCollection - interface org.deegree.gml.GMLFeatureCollection.
GMLFeatureCollection_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLFeatureCollection_Impl.
GMLFeatureCollection_Impl(String) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLFeatureCollection_Impl
Creates a new GMLFeatureCollection_Impl object.
GMLFeatureCollection_Impl(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLFeatureCollection_Impl
Creates a new GMLFeatureCollection_Impl object.
GMLFeatureCollection_Impl(Element) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLFeatureCollection_Impl
Creates a new GMLFeatureCollection_Impl object.
GMLFeatureProperty - interface org.deegree.gml.GMLFeatureProperty.
The class definies a property that a feature that may has different properties to.
GMLFeatureProperty_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLFeatureProperty_Impl.
GMLFeatureProperty_Impl(Element) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLFeatureProperty_Impl
Creates a new GMLFeatureProperty_Impl object.
GMLFeature_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLFeature_Impl.
GMLFeature_Impl() - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLFeature_Impl
Creates a new GMLFeature_Impl object.
GMLFeature_Impl(Element) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLFeature_Impl
Creates a new GMLFeature_Impl object.
GMLGeoProperty - interface org.deegree.gml.GMLGeoProperty.
GMLGeoProperty_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLGeoProperty_Impl.
GMLGeoProperty_Impl(Element) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLGeoProperty_Impl
Creates a new GMLGeoProperty_Impl object.
GMLGeometricMapping - class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLGeometricMapping.
class used by the GML implementation for mapping formal and descriptive property names.
GMLGeometricMapping() - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLGeometricMapping
GMLGeometry - interface org.deegree.gml.GMLGeometry.
GMLGeometryCollection - interface org.deegree.gml.GMLGeometryCollection.
GMLGeometryCollection_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLGeometryCollection_Impl.
GMLGeometryCollection_Impl(Element) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLGeometryCollection_Impl
Creates a new GMLGeometryCollection_Impl object.
GMLGeometryToSDO(GMLGeometry, StringBuffer) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.filterencoding.OracleSQLBuilder
GMLGeometry_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLGeometry_Impl.
GMLGeometry_Impl(Element) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLGeometry_Impl
Creates a new GMLGeometry_Impl object.
GMLLineString - interface org.deegree.gml.GMLLineString.
GMLLineString_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLLineString_Impl.
GMLLineString_Impl(Element) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLLineString_Impl
Creates a new GMLLineString_Impl object.
GMLLinearRing - interface org.deegree.gml.GMLLinearRing.
GMLLinearRing_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLLinearRing_Impl.
GMLLinearRing_Impl(Element) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLLinearRing_Impl
Creates a new GMLLinearRing_Impl object.
GMLMultiLineString - interface org.deegree.gml.GMLMultiLineString.
GMLMultiLineString_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLMultiLineString_Impl.
GMLMultiLineString_Impl(Element) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLMultiLineString_Impl
Creates a new GMLMultiLineString_Impl object.
GMLMultiPoint - interface org.deegree.gml.GMLMultiPoint.
GMLMultiPoint_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLMultiPoint_Impl.
GMLMultiPoint_Impl(Element) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLMultiPoint_Impl
Creates a new GMLMultiPoint_Impl object.
GMLMultiPolygon - interface org.deegree.gml.GMLMultiPolygon.
GMLMultiPolygon_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLMultiPolygon_Impl.
GMLMultiPolygon_Impl(Element) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLMultiPolygon_Impl
Creates a new GMLMultiPolygon_Impl object.
GMLNS - Static variable in interface org.deegree.ogcbasic.CommonNamespaces
GMLNameSpace - interface org.deegree.gml.GMLNameSpace.
GMLNameSpace_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLNameSpace_Impl.
GMLNameSpace_Impl() - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLNameSpace_Impl
Creates a new GMLNameSpace_Impl object.
GMLNameSpace_Impl(String) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLNameSpace_Impl
Creates a new GMLNameSpace_Impl object.
GMLPoint - interface org.deegree.gml.GMLPoint.
GMLPoint_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLPoint_Impl.
GMLPoint_Impl(Element) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLPoint_Impl
Creates a new GMLPoint_Impl object.
GMLPolygon - interface org.deegree.gml.GMLPolygon.
GMLPolygon_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLPolygon_Impl.
GMLPolygon_Impl(Element) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLPolygon_Impl
Creates a new GMLPolygon_Impl object.
GMLProperty - interface org.deegree.gml.GMLProperty.
GMLProperty_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLProperty_Impl.
GMLProperty_Impl(Element) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLProperty_Impl
Creates a new GMLProperty_Impl object.
GMLResponseHandler - class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.GMLResponseHandler.
class for handling GetFeatureResponses formated as GML -----------------------------------------------------
GMLResponseHandler() - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.GMLResponseHandler
GMLSchema - interface org.deegree.gml.GMLSchema.
GML_Transformer - class org.deegree_impl.gml.GML_Transformer.
This class transforms GML-documents.
GML_Transformer() - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.gml.GML_Transformer
the default constructor
GMT - Static variable in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.DatumType
A temporal datum for Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
GMT - Static variable in interface org.deegree_impl.model.resources.css.ResourceKeys
GM_Aggregate - interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_Aggregate.
This interface defines the basis functionallity of all geometry aggregations. it will be specialized for the use of primitive, and solid geometries.
GM_Aggregate_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Aggregate_Impl.
default implementierung of the GM_Aggregate interface ------------------------------------------------------------
GM_Aggregate_Impl(CS_CoordinateSystem) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Aggregate_Impl
Creates a new GM_Aggregate_Impl object.
GM_Aggregate_Impl() - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Aggregate_Impl
Creates a new GM_Aggregate_Impl object.
GM_Boundary - interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_Boundary.
This interface defines the basis functionallity of geomerty boundaries.
GM_Boundary_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Boundary_Impl.
default implementation of the GM_Boundary interface.
GM_Boundary_Impl(CS_CoordinateSystem) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Boundary_Impl
the reference system
GM_Complex - interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_Complex.
GM_ComplexBoundary - interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_ComplexBoundary.
GM_Composite - interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_Composite.
GM_CompositeCurve - interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_CompositeCurve.
GM_CompositePoint - interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_CompositePoint.
GM_CompositeSolid - interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_CompositeSolid.
GM_CompositeSurface - interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_CompositeSurface.
GM_Curve - interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_Curve.
The interface defines the access to curve geometries.
GM_CurveBoundary - interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_CurveBoundary.
The interface defines the access to curve boundaries -----------------------------------------------------
GM_CurveBoundary_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_CurveBoundary_Impl.
default implementation of the GM_CurveBoundary interface from package jago.model.
GM_CurveBoundary_Impl(CS_CoordinateSystem, GM_Position, GM_Position) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_CurveBoundary_Impl
constructor of curve_boundary with CS_CoordinateSystem and startpoint and endpoint
GM_CurveSegment - interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_CurveSegment.
The interface defines the root of each unit building Curves -----------------------------------------------------
GM_CurveSegment_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_CurveSegment_Impl.
default implementation of the GM_CurveSegment interface from package jago.model. the class is abstract because it should be specialized by derived classes GM_LineString for example ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
GM_CurveSegment_Impl(GM_Position[], CS_CoordinateSystem) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_CurveSegment_Impl
Creates a new GM_CurveSegment_Impl object.
GM_Curve_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Curve_Impl.
default implementation of the GM_Curve interface from package jago.model
GM_Curve_Impl(GM_CurveSegment[]) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Curve_Impl
initialize the curve by submitting a spatial reference system and an array of curve segments. the orientation of the curve is '+'
GM_Curve_Impl(char, GM_CurveSegment[]) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Curve_Impl
initialize the curve by submitting a spatial reference system, an array of curve segments and the orientation of the curve
GM_Envelope - interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_Envelope.
a boundingbox as child of a GM_Polygon isn't part of the iso19107 spec but it simplifies the geometry handling within jago
GM_Envelope_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Envelope_Impl.
a boundingbox as child of a GM_Polygon isn't part of the iso19107 spec but it simplifies the geometry handling within jago ------------------------------------------------------------
GM_Envelope_Impl() - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Envelope_Impl
Creates a new GM_Envelope_Impl object.
GM_Envelope_Impl(GM_Position, GM_Position) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Envelope_Impl
Creates a new GM_Envelope_Impl object.
GM_Exception - exception org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_Exception.
GM_Exception(String) - Constructor for class org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_Exception
GM_GenericCurve - interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_GenericCurve.
The interface defines the bais of curves and curve segments.
GM_GenericSurface - interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_GenericSurface.
The interface defines the basis of surfaces and surface patches -----------------------------------------------------
GM_LineString - interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_LineString.
The interface defines a specialisation of the GM_CurveSegment interface for a sequence of point connected with linear interpolation.
GM_LineString_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_LineString_Impl.
default implementation of the GM_LineString interface of package jago.model
GM_LineString_Impl(GM_Position[], CS_CoordinateSystem) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_LineString_Impl
Creates a new GM_LineString_Impl object.
GM_MultiCurve - interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_MultiCurve.
The interface defines the access to a aggregations of GM_Curve objects.
GM_MultiCurve_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_MultiCurve_Impl.
default implementation of the GM_MultiCurve interface from package jago.model
GM_MultiCurve_Impl(CS_CoordinateSystem) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_MultiCurve_Impl
Creates a new GM_MultiCurve_Impl object.
GM_MultiCurve_Impl(GM_Curve[]) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_MultiCurve_Impl
Creates a new GM_MultiCurve_Impl object.
GM_MultiCurve_Impl(GM_Curve[], CS_CoordinateSystem) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_MultiCurve_Impl
Creates a new GM_MultiCurve_Impl object.
GM_MultiPoint - interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_MultiPoint.
The interface defines the access to a aggregations of GM_Point objects.
GM_MultiPoint_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_MultiPoint_Impl.
default implementierung of the GM_MultiPoint interface of package jago.model.
GM_MultiPoint_Impl(CS_CoordinateSystem) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_MultiPoint_Impl
Creates a new GM_MultiPoint_Impl object.
GM_MultiPoint_Impl(GM_Point[]) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_MultiPoint_Impl
Creates a new GM_MultiPoint_Impl object.
GM_MultiPoint_Impl(GM_Point[], CS_CoordinateSystem) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_MultiPoint_Impl
Creates a new GM_MultiPoint_Impl object.
GM_MultiPrimitive - interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_MultiPrimitive.
This interface defines the basis functionallity of all aggregations containing primetive geometries.
GM_MultiPrimitive_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_MultiPrimitive_Impl.
default implementation of the GM_MultiPrimitive interface of package jago.model.
GM_MultiPrimitive_Impl(CS_CoordinateSystem) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_MultiPrimitive_Impl
Creates a new GM_MultiPrimitive_Impl object.
GM_MultiSolid - interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_MultiSolid.
Basic interface for handling aggregations of solid geometries.
GM_MultiSurface - interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_MultiSurface.
This Interface defines the Aggregation of GM_Surfaces.
GM_MultiSurface_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_MultiSurface_Impl.
default implementation of the GM_MultiSurface interface from package jago.model.
GM_MultiSurface_Impl(CS_CoordinateSystem) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_MultiSurface_Impl
Creates a new GM_MultiSurface_Impl object.
GM_MultiSurface_Impl(GM_Surface[]) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_MultiSurface_Impl
Creates a new GM_MultiSurface_Impl object.
GM_MultiSurface_Impl(GM_Surface[], CS_CoordinateSystem) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_MultiSurface_Impl
Creates a new GM_MultiSurface_Impl object.
GM_Object - interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_Object.
The basic interface for all geometries. it declares the methods that are common to all geometries. this doesn't means for example that all geometries defines a valid boundary but is there asked for they should be able to answer (with null).
GM_Object_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Object_Impl.
Default implementation of the GM_Object interface from package deegree.model.
GM_Object_Impl(CS_CoordinateSystem) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Object_Impl
constructor that sets the spatial reference system
GM_OrientableCurve - interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_OrientableCurve.
The specialisation of the GM_OrientablePrimitive as a curve.
GM_OrientableCurve_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_OrientableCurve_Impl.
default implementierung of the GM_OrientableSurface interface from package jago.model. the implementation is abstract because only initialization of the spatial reference system is unique to all orientated curves ------------------------------------------------------------
GM_OrientableCurve_Impl(CS_CoordinateSystem) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_OrientableCurve_Impl
Creates a new GM_OrientableCurve_Impl object.
GM_OrientableCurve_Impl(CS_CoordinateSystem, char) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_OrientableCurve_Impl
Creates a new GM_OrientableCurve_Impl object.
GM_OrientablePrimitive - interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_OrientablePrimitive.
The basic interface for orientated two dimensional geometries.
GM_OrientablePrimitive_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_OrientablePrimitive_Impl.
default implementation of the GM_OrientablePrimitive interface from package jago.model. the implementation is abstract because it doesn't make sense to instantiate it.
GM_OrientablePrimitive_Impl(CS_CoordinateSystem, char) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_OrientablePrimitive_Impl
the constructor sets the curves orientation
GM_OrientableSurface - interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_OrientableSurface.
GM_OrientableSurface_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_OrientableSurface_Impl.
default implementation of the GM_OrientableSurface interface from package jago.model. the implementation is abstract because only initialization of the spatial reference system is unique to all orientated surfaces -----------------------------------------------------------------------
GM_OrientableSurface_Impl(CS_CoordinateSystem) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_OrientableSurface_Impl
Creates a new GM_OrientableSurface_Impl object.
GM_OrientableSurface_Impl(CS_CoordinateSystem, char) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_OrientableSurface_Impl
Creates a new GM_OrientableSurface_Impl object.
GM_Point - interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_Point.
The basic two dimensional geometry -----------------------------------------------------
GM_Point_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Point_Impl.
default implementation of the GM_Point interface.
GM_Point_Impl(CS_CoordinateSystem) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Point_Impl
constructor. initializes a point to the coordinate 0/0
GM_Point_Impl(double, double, CS_CoordinateSystem) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Point_Impl
constructor for initializing a point within a two-dimensional coordinate system
GM_Point_Impl(double, double, double, CS_CoordinateSystem) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Point_Impl
constructor for initializing a point within a three-dimensional coordinate system
GM_Point_Impl(GM_Point) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Point_Impl
GM_Point_Impl(GM_Position, CS_CoordinateSystem) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Point_Impl
GM_Polygon - interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_Polygon.
A GM_Polygon is a specialized GM_SurfacePatch and it's implementation should be implementable.
GM_Polygon_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Polygon_Impl.
default implementierung of the GM_Polygon interface from package jago.model
GM_Polygon_Impl(GM_SurfaceInterpolation, GM_Position[], GM_Position[][], CS_CoordinateSystem) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Polygon_Impl
Creates a new GM_Polygon_Impl object.
GM_Position - interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_Position.
A sequence of decimals numbers which when written on a width are a sequence of coordinate positions.
GM_Position_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Position_Impl.
A sequence of decimals numbers which when written on a width are a sequence of coordinate positions.
GM_Position_Impl() - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Position_Impl
constructor. initializes a point to the coordinate 0/0
GM_Position_Impl(double, double) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Position_Impl
GM_Position_Impl(double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Position_Impl
GM_Position_Impl(double[]) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Position_Impl
GM_Primitive - interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_Primitive.
A GM_Primitive is the basic geometry for all none complex geometries.
GM_PrimitiveBoundary - interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_PrimitiveBoundary.
A GM_PrimitiveBoundary is the basic boundary for all none complex geometries.
GM_PrimitiveBoundary_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_PrimitiveBoundary_Impl.
default implementation of the GM_PrimitiveBoundary interface.
GM_PrimitiveBoundary_Impl(CS_CoordinateSystem) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_PrimitiveBoundary_Impl
Creates a new GM_PrimitiveBoundary_Impl object.
GM_Primitive_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Primitive_Impl.
default implementation of the GM_Primitive interface from package jago.model
GM_Primitive_Impl(CS_CoordinateSystem) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Primitive_Impl
Creates a new GM_Primitive_Impl object.
GM_Ring - interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_Ring.
defining a ring geometry that's part of a surface boundary ----------------------------------------------------------------------
GM_Ring_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Ring_Impl.
default implementation of the GM_Ring interface of the -----------------------------------------------------------------------
GM_Ring_Impl(GM_Position[], CS_CoordinateSystem) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Ring_Impl
Constructor, with Array and CS_CoordinateSystem
GM_Ring_Impl(GM_Position[], CS_CoordinateSystem, char) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Ring_Impl
Constructor, with Array, CS_CoordinateSystem and Orientation
GM_Shell - interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_Shell.
GM_Solid - interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_Solid.
definies the basis of a three dimensional geometry.
GM_SolidBoundary - interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_SolidBoundary.
GM_Surface - interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_Surface.
Defining the surface geometry of the iso geometry model. a surface is made of 1..n surface patches. for convention it is defined that GM_Surface is a closed geometry. that means each surface patch a surface is made of must touch at least one other surface patch if a surface is made of more then one surface patch -----------------------------------------------------
GM_SurfaceBoundary - interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_SurfaceBoundary.
Defining the boundary of a surface.
GM_SurfaceBoundary_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_SurfaceBoundary_Impl.
default implementation of the GM_SurfaceBoundary interface
GM_SurfaceBoundary_Impl(GM_Ring, GM_Ring[]) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_SurfaceBoundary_Impl
GM_SurfaceInterpolation - interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_SurfaceInterpolation.
Defining the different kind of surface interpolation known by the iso geometry modell.
GM_SurfaceInterpolation_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_SurfaceInterpolation_Impl.
default implementation of the GM_SurfaceInterpolation interface from the package jago.model
GM_SurfaceInterpolation_Impl() - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_SurfaceInterpolation_Impl
Creates a new GM_SurfaceInterpolation_Impl object.
GM_SurfaceInterpolation_Impl(int) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_SurfaceInterpolation_Impl
Creates a new GM_SurfaceInterpolation_Impl object.
GM_SurfacePatch - interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_SurfacePatch.
Defining the iso geometry GM_SurfacePatch which is used for building surfaces.
GM_SurfacePatch_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_SurfacePatch_Impl.
default implementation of the GM_SurfacePatch interface from package jago.model. the class is abstract because it should be specialized by derived classes GM_Polygon for example ------------------------------------------------------------
GM_SurfacePatch_Impl(GM_SurfaceInterpolation, GM_Position[], GM_Position[][], CS_CoordinateSystem) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_SurfacePatch_Impl
Creates a new GM_SurfacePatch_Impl object.
GM_Surface_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Surface_Impl.
default implementation of the GM_Surface interface from package jago.model.
GM_Surface_Impl(GM_SurfacePatch) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Surface_Impl
initializes the surface with default orientation submitting one surface patch.
GM_Surface_Impl(char, GM_SurfacePatch) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Surface_Impl
initializes the surface submitting the orientation and one surface patch.
GM_Surface_Impl(GM_SurfaceBoundary) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Surface_Impl
initializes the surface with default orientation submitting the surfaces boundary
GM_Surface_Impl(char, GM_SurfaceBoundary) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Surface_Impl
initializes the surface submitting the orientation and the surfaces boundary.
GNS - Static variable in class org.deegree_impl.services.gazetteer.configuration.ConfigurationFactory
GP_GridAnalysis - interface org.opengis.gp.GP_GridAnalysis.
Performs various analysis operations on a grid coverage.
GP_GridAnalysis_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.model.gp.GP_GridAnalysis_Impl.
Performs various analysis operations on a grid coverage.
GP_GridAnalysis_Impl() - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.gp.GP_GridAnalysis_Impl
GP_GridCoverageProcessor - interface org.opengis.gp.GP_GridCoverageProcessor.
Allows for different ways of accessing the grid coverage values.
GP_GridCoverageProcessor_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.model.gp.GP_GridCoverageProcessor_Impl.
Allows for different ways of accessing the grid coverage values.
GP_GridCoverageProcessor_Impl() - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.gp.GP_GridCoverageProcessor_Impl
GP_Operation - interface org.opengis.gp.GP_Operation.
This interface provides descriptive information for a grid coverage processing operation.
GP_Operation_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.model.gp.GP_Operation_Impl.
This interface provides descriptive information for a grid coverage processing operation.
GP_Operation_Impl() - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.gp.GP_Operation_Impl
GREENWICH - Static variable in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.PrimeMeridian
The Greenwich meridian, with angular measures in degrees.
GUIArea - interface org.deegree.clients.context.GUIArea.
this interface describes the content of an area of a GUI. a GUI area contains zero ... n modules described by the Module interface.
GUIArea_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.clients.context.GUIArea_Impl.
this interface describes the content of an area of a GUI. a GUI area contains zero ... n modules described by the Module interface.
GUIArea_Impl(int, boolean, Module[]) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.clients.context.GUIArea_Impl
Creates a new GUIArea_Impl object.
GZNS - Static variable in class org.deegree_impl.clients.gazetteer.configuration.ConfigurationFactory
GazetteerClientConfiguration - class org.deegree_impl.clients.gazetteer.configuration.GazetteerClientConfiguration.
enables access to the configuration parameters of the gazetteer client.
GazetteerClientConfiguration(HashMap) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.clients.gazetteer.configuration.GazetteerClientConfiguration
Creates a new GazetteerClientConfiguration object.
GazetteerClientException - exception org.deegree_impl.clients.gazetteer.GazetteerClientException.
GazetteerClientException() - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.clients.gazetteer.GazetteerClientException
Creates a new instance of GazetteerClientException without detail message.
GazetteerClientException(String) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.clients.gazetteer.GazetteerClientException
Constructs an instance of GazetteerClientException with the specified detail message.
GazetteerClientException(String, Exception) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.clients.gazetteer.GazetteerClientException
Constructs an instance of GazetteerClientException with the specified detail message.
GazetteerClientRequestDispatcher - class org.deegree_impl.clients.gazetteer.control.GazetteerClientRequestDispatcher.
GazetteerClientRequestDispatcher() - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.clients.gazetteer.control.GazetteerClientRequestDispatcher
GazetteerConfiguration - class org.deegree_impl.services.gazetteer.configuration.GazetteerConfiguration.
GazetteerConfiguration(String, Relation[]) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.services.gazetteer.configuration.GazetteerConfiguration
Creates a new instance of Configuration
GazetteerException - exception org.deegree.services.gazetteer.GazetteerException.
GazetteerException() - Constructor for class org.deegree.services.gazetteer.GazetteerException
Creates a new instance of GazetteerException without detail message.
GazetteerException(String) - Constructor for class org.deegree.services.gazetteer.GazetteerException
Constructs an instance of GazetteerException with the specified detail message.
GazetteerException(String, Exception) - Constructor for class org.deegree.services.gazetteer.GazetteerException
Constructs an instance of GazetteerException with the specified detail message.
GazetteerFactory - class org.deegree_impl.services.gazetteer.GazetteerFactory.
GazetteerFactory() - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.services.gazetteer.GazetteerFactory
GazetteerParam - interface org.deegree.services.wms.capabilities.GazetteerParam.
GazetteerParam_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.capabilities.GazetteerParam_Impl.
GazetteerParam_Impl(URL, double) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.capabilities.GazetteerParam_Impl
Creates a new instance of GazetteerParam_Impl
GazetteerResponseTree - class org.deegree_impl.services.gazetteer.GazetteerResponseTree.
GazetteerResponseTree(String) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.services.gazetteer.GazetteerResponseTree
GazetteerService_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.services.gazetteer.GazetteerService_Impl.
This is the basic implementation for a OGC conform web coverage service within the deegree framework.
GazetteerService_Impl(WFSGCapabilities) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.services.gazetteer.GazetteerService_Impl
General - class org.deegree_impl.clients.context.General.
The class encapsulates the general informations common to all types of contexts
General(String, String, Rectangle, ContactInformation, GM_Point[], BaseURL, ImageURL, String[], Marshallable) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.clients.context.General
Creates a new General object.
GeneralExtension - class org.deegree_impl.clients.context.GeneralExtension.
this class encapsulates the deegree specific extensions of the general section of a web map context document. this is a description of the GUI including the used modules (Frontend) and the parameters to control the map view (Marshallable).
GeneralExtension(IOSettings, Frontend, MapParameter) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.clients.context.GeneralExtension
Creates a new GeneralExtension object.
GenericSQLIDGenerator - class org.deegree_impl.io.GenericSQLIDGenerator.
Primary key generator for generic JDBC-connections.
GenericSQLIDGenerator(Connection, String, String, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.io.GenericSQLIDGenerator
Constructs a new GenericSQLIDGenerator.
GeoFieldIdentifier - interface org.deegree.services.wfs.configuration.GeoFieldIdentifier.
GeoFieldIdentifier_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.configuration.GeoFieldIdentifier_Impl.
GeoFieldIdentifier_Impl(String, int) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.configuration.GeoFieldIdentifier_Impl
Creates a new GeoFieldIdentifier_Impl object.
GeoTransform - interface org.deegree.graphics.transformation.GeoTransform.
GeoTransformInterface declares the methods which have to be implemented by each class that executes a geographical coordinat transformation.
GeoTransformer - class org.deegree_impl.model.ct.GeoTransformer.
class for transforming deegree geometries to new coordinate reference systems.
GeoTransformer(String) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.ct.GeoTransformer
Creates a new GeoTransformer object.
GeoTransformer(CoordinateSystem) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.ct.GeoTransformer
Creates a new GeoTransformer object.
GeoTransformer(CS_CoordinateSystem) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.ct.GeoTransformer
Creates a new GeoTransformer object.
GeocentricCoordinateSystem - class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.GeocentricCoordinateSystem.
A 3D coordinate system, with its origin at the center of the Earth.
GeocentricCoordinateSystem(String, HorizontalDatum) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.GeocentricCoordinateSystem
Construct a geocentric coordinate system with default axis.
GeocentricCoordinateSystem(String, Unit, HorizontalDatum, PrimeMeridian) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.GeocentricCoordinateSystem
Construct a geocentric coordinate system with default axis.
GeocentricCoordinateSystem(String, Unit, HorizontalDatum, PrimeMeridian, AxisInfo[]) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.GeocentricCoordinateSystem
Construct a geocentric coordinate system.
GeocentricCoordinateSystem(Map, Unit, HorizontalDatum, PrimeMeridian, AxisInfo[]) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.GeocentricCoordinateSystem
Construct a geocentric coordinate system.
GeocentricCoordinateSystem.Export - class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.GeocentricCoordinateSystem.Export.
Wrap a LocalCoordinateSystem object for use with OpenGIS.
GeocentricCoordinateSystem.Export(Object) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.GeocentricCoordinateSystem.Export
Construct a remote object.
GeocentricTransform - class org.deegree_impl.model.ct.GeocentricTransform.
Transforms three dimensional geographic points to geocentric coordinate points.
GeocentricTransform(Ellipsoid, boolean) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.ct.GeocentricTransform
Construct a transform.
GeocentricTransform(double, double, Unit, boolean) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.ct.GeocentricTransform
Construct a transform.
GeocentricTransform.Inverse - class org.deegree_impl.model.ct.GeocentricTransform.Inverse.
Inverse of a geocentric transform.
GeocentricTransform.Inverse() - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.ct.GeocentricTransform.Inverse
GeocentricTransform.Provider - class org.deegree_impl.model.ct.GeocentricTransform.Provider.
The provider for GeocentricTransform.
GeocentricTransform.Provider(boolean) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.ct.GeocentricTransform.Provider
Create a provider.
GeographicCoordinateSystem - class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.GeographicCoordinateSystem.
A coordinate system based on latitude and longitude.
GeographicCoordinateSystem(String, HorizontalDatum) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.GeographicCoordinateSystem
Creates a geographic coordinate system.
GeographicCoordinateSystem(String, Unit, HorizontalDatum, PrimeMeridian, AxisInfo, AxisInfo) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.GeographicCoordinateSystem
Creates a geographic coordinate system, which could be latitude/longiude or longitude/latitude.
GeographicCoordinateSystem(Map, Unit, HorizontalDatum, PrimeMeridian, AxisInfo, AxisInfo) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.GeographicCoordinateSystem
Creates a geographic coordinate system, which could be latitude/longiude or longitude/latitude.
GeographicCoordinateSystem.Export - class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.GeographicCoordinateSystem.Export.
Wrap a GeographicCoordinateSystem object for use with OpenGIS.
GeographicCoordinateSystem.Export(Object) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.GeographicCoordinateSystem.Export
Construct a remote object.
Geometry - interface org.deegree.graphics.sld.Geometry.
The Geometry element is optional and if it is absent then the default geometry property of the feature type that is used in the containing FeatureStyleType is used.
Geometry - class org.deegree_impl.model.resources.Geometry.
Static utilities methods.
Geometry() - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.resources.Geometry
Interdit la création d'objets de cette classe.
GeometryDisplayElement - interface org.deegree.graphics.displayelements.GeometryDisplayElement.
Basic interface of all display elements that are related to a geometry.
GeometryDisplayElement_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.graphics.displayelements.GeometryDisplayElement_Impl.
Basic interface of all display elements that are related to a geometry.
GeometryDisplayElement_Impl(Feature, GM_Object) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.graphics.displayelements.GeometryDisplayElement_Impl
Creates a new GeometryDisplayElement_Impl object.
GeometryDisplayElement_Impl(Feature, GM_Object, Symbolizer) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.graphics.displayelements.GeometryDisplayElement_Impl
Creates a new GeometryDisplayElement_Impl object.
GeometryDisplayElement_Impl(Feature, GM_Object, Symbolizer, Symbolizer, Symbolizer) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.graphics.displayelements.GeometryDisplayElement_Impl
Creates a new GeometryDisplayElement_Impl object.
GeometryFactory - class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GeometryFactory.
GeometryFactory() - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GeometryFactory
Geometry_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.graphics.sld.Geometry_Impl.
The Geometry element is optional and if it is absent then the default geometry property of the feature type that is used in the containing FeatureStyleType is used.
Geometry_Impl(String, GMLGeometry) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.graphics.sld.Geometry_Impl
constructor initializing the class with the
GetCapabilities - interface org.deegree.services.wcas.capabilities.GetCapabilities.
GetCapabilities - interface org.deegree.services.wfs.capabilities.GetCapabilities.
GetCapabilitiesRequest - interface org.deegree.services.wcts.protocol.GetCapabilitiesRequest.
With the GetCapabilities-Request the client determines which characteristics of the services - especially the transform-request - are supported by the service.
GetCapabilitiesRequest_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.services.wcts.protocol.GetCapabilitiesRequest_Impl.
With the GetCapabilities-Request the client determines which characteristics of the services - especially the transform-request - are supported by the service.
GetCapabilitiesRequest_Impl(String, String, HashMap) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.services.wcts.protocol.GetCapabilitiesRequest_Impl
constructor of the GetCapabilitiesRequest
GetCapabilitiesResponse - interface org.deegree.services.wcts.protocol.GetCapabilitiesResponse.
The response of an GetCapabilities-Request is a XML-Document which is according in its structure to the Capabilities-documents of the WFS or the WMS 1.1.1 The root-element of the Capabilities-document is the <CTS_Capabilities>.
GetCapabilitiesResponse_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.services.wcts.protocol.GetCapabilitiesResponse_Impl.
The response of an GetCapabilities-Request is a XML-Document which is according in its structure to the Capabilities-documents of the WFS or the WMS 1.1.1 The root-element of the Capabilities-document is the <CTS_Capabilities>.
GetCapabilitiesResponse_Impl(OGCWebServiceRequest, Document, String) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.services.wcts.protocol.GetCapabilitiesResponse_Impl
constructor of the CTS_CapabilitiesResponse
GetCapabilities_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.capabilities.GetCapabilities_Impl.
Describes the access/location to/of the capabilities informations ------------------------------------------------------------
GetCapabilities_Impl(DCPType[]) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.capabilities.GetCapabilities_Impl
GetCapabilities_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.capabilities.GetCapabilities_Impl.
In the particular case of a Web Map Service, the response of a GetCapabilities request is general information about the service itself and specific information about the available maps.
GetCapabilities_Impl() - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.capabilities.GetCapabilities_Impl
default constructor
GetCapabilities_Impl(DCPType[]) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.capabilities.GetCapabilities_Impl
constructor initializing the class with the requests
GetFeature - interface org.deegree.services.wfs.capabilities.GetFeature.
The <GetFeature> tag isused todefine the formats available for expressing the results of a query.
GetFeatureInfoHandler - interface org.deegree.services.wms.GetFeatureInfoHandler.
GetFeatureInfoHandler_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.GetFeatureInfoHandler_Impl.
GetFeatureInfoHandler_Impl(WMSCapabilities, WMSGetFeatureInfoRequest) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.GetFeatureInfoHandler_Impl
Creates a new GetMapHandler object.
GetFeatureInfoHandler_Impl.ServiceInvoker - class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.GetFeatureInfoHandler_Impl.ServiceInvoker.
Inner class for accessing the data of one layer and creating a GML document from it.
GetFeatureInfoHandler_Impl.ServiceInvoker(Layer, int) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.GetFeatureInfoHandler_Impl.ServiceInvoker
Creates a new ServiceInvoker object.
GetFeatureResponseHandler - interface org.deegree.services.wfs.GetFeatureResponseHandler.
GetFeatureWithLock - interface org.deegree.services.wfs.capabilities.GetFeatureWithLock.
The <GetFeature> tag isused todefine the formats available for expressing the results of a query.
GetFeatureWithLock_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.capabilities.GetFeatureWithLock_Impl.
The <GetFeature> tag isused todefine the formats available for expressing the results of a query.
GetFeatureWithLock_Impl(String[], String[], DCPType[]) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.capabilities.GetFeatureWithLock_Impl
GetFeature_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.capabilities.GetFeature_Impl.
The <GetFeature> tag isused todefine the formats available for expressing the results of a query.
GetFeature_Impl(String[], String[], DCPType[]) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.capabilities.GetFeature_Impl
constructor initializing the class with the
GetLegendGraphicHandler - class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.GetLegendGraphicHandler.
performs a GetLegendGraphic request.
GetLegendGraphicHandler(WMSCapabilities, WMSGetLegendGraphicRequest) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.GetLegendGraphicHandler
Creates a new GetMapHandler object.
GetMapHandler - interface org.deegree.services.wms.GetMapHandler.
GetMapHandler_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.GetMapHandler_Impl.
GetMapHandler_Impl(WMSCapabilities, WMSGetMapRequest) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.GetMapHandler_Impl
Creates a new GetMapHandler object.
GetMapHandler_Impl.ServiceInvokerForNL - class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.GetMapHandler_Impl.ServiceInvokerForNL.
Inner class for accessing the data of one named layer and creating DisplayElements and a Thrme from it.
GetMapHandler_Impl.ServiceInvokerForNL(Layer, UserStyle[], int) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.GetMapHandler_Impl.ServiceInvokerForNL
Creates a new ServiceInvokerForNL object.
GetMapHandler_Impl.ServiceInvokerForUL - class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.GetMapHandler_Impl.ServiceInvokerForUL.
Inner class for accessing the data of one user layer and creating DisplayElements and a Thrme from it.
GetMapHandler_Impl.ServiceInvokerForUL(UserLayer, int) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.GetMapHandler_Impl.ServiceInvokerForUL
GetRecord - interface org.deegree.services.wcas.capabilities.GetRecord.
The <GetFeature> tag isused todefine the formats available for expressing the results of a query.
GetRecord_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.capabilities.GetRecord_Impl.
The <GetFeature> tag isused todefine the formats available for expressing the results of a query.
GetRecord_Impl(DCPType[], String[], String[]) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.capabilities.GetRecord_Impl
constructor initializing the class with the
GetRelatedTermsListener - class org.deegree_impl.clients.gazetteer.control.GetRelatedTermsListener.
Listener for accessing gazetteer terms related to another term from one or more gazetteers.
GetRelatedTermsListener() - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.clients.gazetteer.control.GetRelatedTermsListener
GetScaleBarHandler - class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.GetScaleBarHandler.
performs a GetLegendGraphic request.
GetScaleBarHandler(WMSCapabilities, WMSGetScaleBarRequest) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.GetScaleBarHandler
Creates a new GetMapHandler object.
GetServiceInfoListener - class org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.control.GetServiceInfoListener.
This Listener reacts on 'initServiceAdministration' and 'getServiceInfo'- events, queries the WCAS and passes the service data on to be displayed by the JSP.
GetServiceInfoListener() - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.control.GetServiceInfoListener
GetTermListListener - class org.deegree_impl.clients.gazetteer.control.GetTermListListener.
GetTermListListener() - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.clients.gazetteer.control.GetTermListListener
GetTermsResultSet - class org.deegree_impl.clients.gazetteer.model.GetTermsResultSet.
GetTermsResultSet(String, String, String, HashMap) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.clients.gazetteer.model.GetTermsResultSet
Graphic - interface org.deegree.graphics.sld.Graphic.
A Graphic is a "graphic symbol" with an inherent shape, color, and size.
GraphicContextFactory - class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.GraphicContextFactory.
GraphicContextFactory() - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.GraphicContextFactory
GraphicFill - interface org.deegree.graphics.sld.GraphicFill.
The GraphicFill element both indicates that a stipple-fill repeated graphic will be used and specifies the fill graphic.
GraphicFill_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.graphics.sld.GraphicFill_Impl.
The GraphicFill element both indicates that a stipple-fill repeated graphic will be used and specifies the fill graphic.
GraphicFill_Impl() - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.graphics.sld.GraphicFill_Impl
default constructor
GraphicFill_Impl(Graphic) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.graphics.sld.GraphicFill_Impl
constructor initializing the class with the
GraphicStroke - interface org.deegree.graphics.sld.GraphicStroke.
The GraphicStroke element both indicates that a repeated-linear-graphic stroke type will be used.
GraphicStroke_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.graphics.sld.GraphicStroke_Impl.
The GraphicStroke element both indicates that a repeated-linear-graphic stroke type will be used.
GraphicStroke_Impl() - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.graphics.sld.GraphicStroke_Impl
default constructor
GraphicStroke_Impl(Graphic) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.graphics.sld.GraphicStroke_Impl
constructor initializing the class with the
Graphic_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.graphics.sld.Graphic_Impl.
A Graphic is a "graphic symbol" with an inherent shape, color, and size.
Graphic_Impl(Object[], ParameterValueType, ParameterValueType, ParameterValueType) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.graphics.sld.Graphic_Impl
Creates a new Graphic_Impl instance.
Graphic_Impl(ParameterValueType, ParameterValueType, ParameterValueType) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.graphics.sld.Graphic_Impl
Creates a new Graphic_Impl instance based on the default Mark: a square.
Graphic_Impl() - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.graphics.sld.Graphic_Impl
Creates a new Graphic_Impl instance based on the default Mark: a square.
GrayEntry - interface org.deegree.model.coverage.GrayEntry.
describes a gray entry of a color palette -----------------------------------------------------------------------
GrayEntry_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.model.cv.GrayEntry_Impl.
describes a gray entry of a color palette -----------------------------------------------------------------------
GrayEntry_Impl(int, float) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.cv.GrayEntry_Impl
Grid - interface org.deegree.model.coverage.Grid.
GridAxis - interface org.deegree.model.coverage.GridAxis.
describts the axis of a grid -----------------------------------------------------------------------
GridAxisDescription - interface org.deegree.model.coverage.GridAxisDescription.
describes the axis of a grid -----------------------------------------------------------------------
GridAxisDescription_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.model.cv.GridAxisDescription_Impl.
describes the axis of a grid -----------------------------------------------------------------------
GridAxisDescription_Impl(GridAxis[]) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.cv.GridAxisDescription_Impl
GridAxis_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.model.cv.GridAxis_Impl.
describts the axis of a grid -----------------------------------------------------------------------
GridAxis_Impl(String, String, int) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.cv.GridAxis_Impl
GridCoverageLayer - interface org.deegree.model.coverage.GridCoverageLayer.
defines the additional fields for a GridCoverageLayer.
GridCoverageLayer_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.model.cv.GridCoverageLayer_Impl.
defines the additional fields for a GridCoverageLayer.
GridCoverageLayer_Impl(String, String, String, String[], GM_Envelope, String[], String, URL[], Format[], String[], GridExtentDescription, URL, RangeSetDescription) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.cv.GridCoverageLayer_Impl
GridCoverageLayer_Impl(String, String, String, String[], GM_Envelope, String[], String[], String, URL[], Format[], String[], GridExtentDescription, RangeSetDescription) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.cv.GridCoverageLayer_Impl
GridExtentDescription - interface org.deegree.model.coverage.GridExtentDescription.
The GridExtentDescription that extends the shared DomainSetExtentDescription.
GridExtentDescription_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.model.cv.GridExtentDescription_Impl.
The GridExtentDescription_Impl that extends the shared DomainSetExtentDescription_Impl.
GridExtentDescription_Impl(SpatialExtent, int, TemporalExtent, ElevationExtent, Grid, GridAxisDescription, GridSpacing) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.cv.GridExtentDescription_Impl
GridExtentDescription_Impl(SpatialExtent, int, TemporalExtent, ElevationExtent, RectifiedGrid, GridAxisDescription, GridSpacing) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.cv.GridExtentDescription_Impl
GridRange - interface org.deegree.model.coverage.GridRange.
Specifies the range of valid coordinates for each dimension of the coverage.
GridRangeDescription - interface org.deegree.model.coverage.GridRangeDescription.
In the case of a grid coverage layer, the range description adds several optional elements of the generic range component description, using a repeatable GridRangeDescription -----------------------------------------------------------------------
GridRangeDescription_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.model.cv.GridRangeDescription_Impl.
In the case of a grid coverage layer, the range description adds several optional elements of the generic range component description, using a repeatable GridRangeDescription -----------------------------------------------------------------------
GridRangeDescription_Impl(String, String, String, Observable, RangeAxis[], String, Histogram, PseudoColorTable, String) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.cv.GridRangeDescription_Impl
GridRange_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.model.cv.GridRange_Impl.
Implements the range of valid coordinates for each dimension of the coverage.
GridRange_Impl(double[], double[]) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.cv.GridRange_Impl
GridSpacing - interface org.deegree.model.coverage.GridSpacing.
GridSpacing is required for rectified grids, but undefined for other grids.
GridSpacing_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.model.cv.GridSpacing_Impl.
GridSpacing is required for rectified grids, but undefined for other grids.
GridSpacing_Impl(double[]) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.cv.GridSpacing_Impl
Grid_Impl - class org.deegree_impl.model.cv.Grid_Impl.
Grid_Impl(int, String, GridRange) - Constructor for class org.deegree_impl.model.cv.Grid_Impl
gap - Variable in class org.deegree_impl.graphics.sld.LinePlacement_Impl
gazetteer - Variable in class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.capabilities.DeegreeParam_Impl
gazetteerURL - Variable in class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.capabilities.GazetteerParam_Impl
gazetteerresponsetree - Variable in class org.deegree_impl.services.gazetteer.GazetteerService_Impl
gazetteers - Variable in class org.deegree_impl.clients.gazetteer.configuration.GazetteerClientConfiguration
gc - Variable in class org.deegree_impl.graphics.displayelements.RasterDisplayElement_Impl
gcs - Variable in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.ProjectedCoordinateSystem
Geographic coordinate system to base projection on.
general - Variable in class org.deegree_impl.clients.context.AbstractContext
generateUniqueID() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.tools.IDGenerator
Generates a completly unique ID.
generateUniqueId() - Method in interface org.deegree.tools.IDGenerator
Generates a new Id, suitable as a primary key for the next dataset.
generateUniqueId() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.io.GenericSQLIDGenerator
Generates a new id, suitable as a primary key for the next dataset.
geoColumns - Variable in class org.deegree_impl.io.MySQLDBAccess
geoFields - Variable in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.configuration.TableDescription_Impl
geoProps - Variable in class org.deegree_impl.model.feature.Feature_Impl
geoTiff - Variable in class org.deegree_impl.tools.raster.TileImageTree
geoTiff - Variable in class org.deegree_impl.tools.raster.TileImageTree2
geoidFromWKTName(String) - Method in interface org.opengis.cs.CS_CoordinateSystemAuthorityFactory
Gets the Geoid code from a WKT name.
geomFactory - Variable in class org.deegree_impl.io.mapinfo.MapInfoDataSource
geometry - Variable in class org.deegree_impl.graphics.displayelements.GeometryDisplayElement_Impl
geometry - Variable in class org.deegree_impl.graphics.sld.Symbolizer_Impl
geometryAsGML - Variable in class org.deegree_impl.graphics.sld.Geometry_Impl
geometryCheckBox - Variable in class org.deegree_impl.tools.shape.IndexFrame
geometryLiteral - Variable in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.filterencoding.SpatialOperation
geometryProperty - Variable in class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.capabilities.DataSource_Impl
geometryType - Variable in class org.deegree_impl.clients.context.DataService
get(String) - Static method in class javax.units.Unit
Returns an unit instance.
get(int) - Method in class org.deegree.services.TimeExtent.TimePeriod
get(Object) - Method in interface org.deegree.tools.Cache
gets an entry from the cache.
get(int) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.io.shpapi.DBaseIndex.Cache
Get a page form the cache
get(Object) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.resources.WeakHashSet
Returns an object equals to the specified object, if present.
get(WMSGetMapRequest) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.WMSCache
gets an entry from the cache.
get(WMSGetLegendGraphicRequest) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.WMSCache
gets an entry from the cache.
get(WMSGetFeatureInfoRequest) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.WMSCache
gets an entry from the cache.
get(Object) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.tools.Cache_Impl
gets an entry from the cache.
get(int, String) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.tools.TimeTools
returns a part of the submitted iso-formatted timestamp. possible values for value are: YEAR MONTH DAY HOUR MINUTE SECOND
getAOV() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wts.protocol.WTSGetViewRequest
returns the angle representing the breadth of landscape in the viewer's scene.
getAOV() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wts.protocol.WTSGetViewRequest_Impl
returns the angle representing the breadth of landscape in the viewer's scene.
getAbbreviation() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.Info.Export
Gets the abbreviation.
getAbbreviation(Locale) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.Info
Gets the abbreviation, or null if there is none.
getAbbreviation() - Method in interface org.opengis.cs.CS_Info
Gets the abbreviation.
getAbstract() - Method in interface org.deegree.graphics.sld.FeatureTypeStyle
human-readable information about the style
getAbstract() - Method in interface org.deegree.graphics.sld.Rule
returns the human readable abstract of the rule
getAbstract() - Method in interface org.deegree.graphics.sld.UserStyle
the Abstract is a more exact description that may be a few paragraphs long.
getAbstract() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.coverage.Layer
returns a narrative description of the map layer
getAbstract() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.capabilities.Service
The Abstract element allows a descriptive narrative providing more information about the enclosing object.
getAbstract() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcas.capabilities.FederatedCatalog
returns an abstract that describes the federated catalog in detail
getAbstract() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcas.capabilities.RecordType
The <Abstract> is a descriptive narrative for more information about the feature type.
getAbstract() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcas.capabilities.TaxonomyType
returns an abstract text describing the taxonomy
getAbstract() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcas.metadatadesc.ISO19119
getAbstract() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wfs.capabilities.FeatureType
The <Abstract> is a descriptive narrative for more information about the feature type.
getAbstract() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wms.capabilities.Layer
Abstract is a narrative description of the map layer.
getAbstract() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wms.capabilities.Style
returns a short narrative description of the style
getAbstract() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.context.General
getAbstract() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.context.Layer
The abstract of the selected layer (extracted from Capabilities by the Context document creator).
getAbstract() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.context.Style
A narrative description of the current style (extracted from Capabilities by the Context document creator).
getAbstract() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.model.DetailedMetadata
getAbstract() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.graphics.sld.FeatureTypeStyle_Impl
human-readable information about the style
getAbstract() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.graphics.sld.Rule_Impl
returns the human readable abstract of the rule
getAbstract() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.graphics.sld.StyledLayerDescriptor_Impl
getAbstract() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.graphics.sld.UserStyle_Impl
the Abstract is a more exact description that may be a few paragraphs long.
getAbstract() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cv.Layer_Impl
returns a narrative description of the map layer
getAbstract() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.capabilities.Service_Impl
The Abstract element allows a descriptive narrative providing more information about the enclosing object.
getAbstract() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.capabilities.FederatedCatalog_Impl
returns an abstract that describes the federated catalog in detail
getAbstract() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.capabilities.RecordType_Impl
The <Abstract> is a descriptive narrative for more information about the record type.
getAbstract() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.capabilities.TaxonomyType_Impl
returns an abstract text describing the taxonomy
getAbstract() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.metadatadesc.ISO19119_Impl
getAbstract() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.capabilities.FeatureType_Impl
The <Abstract> is a descriptive narrative for more information about the feature type.
getAbstract() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.capabilities.Layer_Impl
Abstract is a narrative description of the map layer.
getAbstract() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.capabilities.Style_Impl
returns a short narrative description of the style
getAccessConstraints() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.capabilities.Service
Returns access constraints assigned to the service.
getAccessConstraints() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.capabilities.Service_Impl
Returns access constraints assigned to the service.
getAccessProperties() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcas.metadatadesc.ISO19119
getAccessProperties() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.metadatadesc.ISO19119_Impl
getAccessProperties(Element) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.metadatadesc.WCAS_ISO19119Factory
returns an instance of the element <accessProperties>
getActionType(Element) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcts.capabilities.WCTSCapabilitiesFactory
All four elements: GetCapabilities, Transform, IsTransformable, DescribeTransformation are built in the same way.
getAddress() - Method in interface org.deegree.ogcbasic.ContactAddress
returns the address. usally this is the street and number of a building.
getAddress() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcas.metadatadesc.ContactInfo
getAddress() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.configuration.CCatalog
getAddress() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.ogcbasic.ContactAddress_Impl
returns the address. usally this is the street and number of a building.
getAddress() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.metadatadesc.ContactInfo_Impl
getAddress(Element) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.metadatadesc.WCAS_ISO19119Factory
returns an instance of the element <address> minOccurs="0"
getAddressType() - Method in interface org.deegree.ogcbasic.ContactAddress
returns the address type. e.g.
getAddressType() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.ogcbasic.ContactAddress_Impl
returns the address type. e.g.
getAdministrativeArea() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcas.metadatadesc.Address
getAdministrativeArea() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.metadatadesc.Address_Impl
getAdministrator() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.gazetteer.SI_LocationInstance
getAdministrator() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.gazetteer.SI_LocationInstance_Impl
getAffectedFeatureTypes() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wfs.protocol.WFSBasicResponse
returns a list of feature type names that has been affected by the response.
getAffectedFeatureTypes(WFSQuery[]) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.AbstractGetFeature
return the names of the feature types affected by a Query
getAffectedFeatureTypes(WFSOperation[]) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.AbstractTransaction
returns the list of feature types that are affected by a Transaction
getAffectedFeatureTypes() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.WFSRequestController
returns all feature types affected by the current request
getAffectedFeatureTypes(WFSOperation[]) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.WFSRequestController
returns the list of feature types that are affected by a Transaction
getAffectedFeatureTypes(WFSOperation[]) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.db.CTransaction
returns the list of feature types that are affected by a Transaction
getAffectedFeatureTypes(WFSOperation[]) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.gml.CTransaction
returns the list of feature types that are affected by a Transaction
getAffectedFeatureTypes(WFSOperation[]) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.mysql.CTransaction
returns the list of feature types that are affected by a Transaction
getAffectedFeatureTypes(WFSOperation[]) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.oracle.CTransaction
returns the list of feature types that are affected by a Transaction
getAffectedFeatureTypes(WFSOperation[]) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.postgis.CTransaction
returns the list of feature types that are affected by a Transaction
getAffectedFeatureTypes() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.protocol.WFSBasicResponse_Impl
returns a list of feature type names that has been affected by the response.
getAffectedFields(String, FeatureType, WFSQuery) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.AbstractGetFeature
the method returns a comma-seperated list of fields, that are affected by a WFSQuery against the subbmitted table.
getAffineTransform() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.WGS84ConversionInfo
Returns an affine maps that can be used to define this Bursa Wolf transformation.
getAffineTransformProvider(int, int) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.ct.MathTransformFactory
Create a provider for affine transforms of the specified dimension.
getAlias(String) - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wfs.configuration.FeatureType
returns the alieas names of the datastore fields assigned to a property
getAlias() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.Info.Export
Gets the alias.
getAlias(Locale) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.Info
Gets the alias, or null if there is none.
getAlias(String) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.configuration.FeatureType_Impl
returns the alieas names of the datastore fields asigned to a property
getAlias() - Method in interface org.opengis.cs.CS_Info
Gets the alias.
getAll() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_Aggregate
returns all GM_Objects as array
getAll() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.model.MetadataList
returns all base MD_Metadata objects
getAll(Object[]) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.model.ModelList
returns all base MD_Metadata objects
getAll() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.model.Selection
returns all base MD_Metadata objects
getAll() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.model.ThesaurusList
returns all base MD_Metadata objects
getAll() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Aggregate_Impl
returns all GM_Objects as array
getAllCurves() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_MultiCurve
returns all GM_Curves as array
getAllCurves() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_MultiCurve_Impl
returns all GM_Curves as array
getAllFeatures() - Method in interface org.deegree.graphics.FeatureLayer
returns all features
getAllFeatures() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.feature.FeatureCollection
returns an array of all features
getAllFeatures() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.graphics.FeatureLayer_Impl
returns all features
getAllFeatures() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.feature.FeatureCollection_Impl
returns an array of all features
getAllPoints() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_MultiPoint
returns all GM_Points as array
getAllPoints() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_MultiPoint_Impl
returns all GM_Points as array
getAllPrimitives() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_MultiPrimitive
returns all GM_Primitives as array
getAllPrimitives() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_MultiPrimitive_Impl
returns all GM_Primitives as array
getAllSortedByName() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.model.MetadataList
returns all base MD_Metadata objects sorted by their names
getAllSortedByName(Object[]) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.model.ModelList
returns all base MD_Metadata objects sorted by their names
getAllSortedByName() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.model.Selection
returns all base MD_Metadata objects sorted by their names
getAllSortedByName() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.model.ThesaurusList
returns all base MD_Metadata objects sorted by their names
getAllSurfaces() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_MultiSurface
returns all GM_Surfaces as array
getAllSurfaces() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_MultiSurface_Impl
returns all GM_Surfaces as array
getAllTaxonomies() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcas.capabilities.TaxonomyTypeList
returns a list of all taxonomies known by a catalog
getAllTaxonomies() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.capabilities.TaxonomyTypeList_Impl
returns a list of all taxonomies known by a catalog
getAllThemes() - Method in interface org.deegree.graphics.MapView
returns the Themes in correct order.
getAllThemes() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.graphics.MapView_Impl
returns the Themes in correct order.
getAlpha() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.coverage.RGBAEnty
returns the alpha component of the color table entry (0..1)
getAlpha() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cv.RGBAEnty_Impl
returns the alpha component of the color table entry (0..1)
getAlternateTitle() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcas.metadatadesc.Citation
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"
getAlternateTitle() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.metadatadesc.Citation_Impl
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"
getAlternativeGeographicIdentifier() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.gazetteer.SI_LocationInstance
equivalent to RT in a thesaurus.
getAlternativeGeographicIdentifier() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.gazetteer.SI_LocationInstance_Impl
getAlternativeNextPage() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.enterprise.control.AbstractListener
getAnchorPoint(Feature) - Method in interface org.deegree.graphics.sld.PointPlacement
The AnchorPoint element of a PointPlacement gives the location inside of a label to use for anchoring the label to the main-geometry point.
getAnchorPoint(Feature) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.graphics.sld.PointPlacement_Impl
The AnchorPoint element of a PointPlacement gives the location inside of a label to use for anchoring the label to the main-geometry point.
getAngleFormat() - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.model.pt.Angle
Returns a shared instance of AngleFormat.
getAngularUnit() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.GeographicCoordinateSystem.Export
Returns the AngularUnit.
getAngularUnit() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.PrimeMeridian.Export
Returns the AngularUnits.
getAngularUnit() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.PrimeMeridian
Returns the angular units.
getAngularUnit() - Method in interface org.opengis.cs.CS_GeographicCoordinateSystem
Returns the AngularUnit.
getAngularUnit() - Method in interface org.opengis.cs.CS_PrimeMeridian
Returns the AngularUnits.
getAoV() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wts.ViewPoint
defines the angle of view of the observer in radians
getAoV() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wts.ViewPoint_Impl
gets the field of view of the observer in radians
getApplicationProfile() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcas.metadatadesc.ConnectPoint
getApplicationProfile() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcas.metadatadesc.OnLineResource
getApplicationProfile() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcas.metadatadesc.ValueOnLineResource
getApplicationProfile() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.metadatadesc.ConnectPoint_Impl
getApplicationProfile() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.metadatadesc.OnLineResource_Impl
getApplicationProfile() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.metadatadesc.ValueOnLineResource_Impl
getArea() - Method in interface org.deegree.clients.context.GUIArea
returns area (north, west, east ...)
getArea() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_GenericSurface
The operation "area" shall return the area of this GM_GenericSurface.
getArea() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_SurfacePatch
The operation "area" shall return the area of this GM_GenericSurface.
getArea() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.context.GUIArea_Impl
returns area (north, west, east ...)
getArea(ViewContext, int) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.context.JSPCreator
creates JSP import statement for the modules being part of an area of the GUI/page.
getArea(ViewContext, int) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.context.JSPCreator2
creates JSP import statement for the modules being part of an area of the GUI/page.
getArea() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.io.rtree.HyperBoundingBox
Gibt die Ausdehnung der HyperBoundingBox.
getArea() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_MultiSurface_Impl
returns the area of the multi surface. this is calculate as the sum of all containing surface areas.
getArea() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_SurfacePatch_Impl
The operation "area" shall return the area of this GM_GenericSurface.
getArea() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Surface_Impl
The operation "area" shall return the area of this GM_GenericSurface.
getAreaOfOuccrence() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wts.AtmosphericCondition
getAreaOfUse() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.ct.CoordinateTransformation.Export
Human readable description of domain in source coordinate system.
getAreaOfUse() - Method in interface org.opengis.ct.CT_CoordinateTransformation
Human readable description of domain in source coordinate system.
getArguments() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.filterencoding.Function
returns the arguments of the function
getArguments() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.filterencoding.LogicalOperation
Returns the arguments of the operation.
getAsArray() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_Point
returns the x- and y-value of the point as a two dimensional array the first field contains the x- the second field the y-value.
getAsArray() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_Position
returns the x- and y-value of the point as a two dimensional array the first field contains the x- the second field the y-value.
getAsArray() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Point_Impl
returns the x- and y-value of the point as a two dimensional array the first field contains the x- the second field the y-value.
getAsArray() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Position_Impl
returns the position as a array the first field contains the x- the second field the y-value etc.
getAsCurveSegment() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_Ring
returns the ring as an instance of GM_CurveSegment
getAsCurveSegment() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Ring_Impl
returns the Ring as a CurveSegment
getAsElement() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLCoord_Impl
getAsElement() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLCoordinates_Impl
returns the GMLCoordinate as an element
getAsElement() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLFeatureCollection_Impl
getAsElement() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLFeature_Impl
getAsElement() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLGeometry_Impl
getAsElement() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLLineString_Impl
getAsElement() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLLinearRing_Impl
getAsElement() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLPolygon_Impl
getAsElement() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLProperty_Impl
getAsImage() - Method in interface org.deegree.graphics.sld.ExternalGraphic
returns the external graphic as an image. this method is not part of the sld specifications but it is added for speed up applications
getAsImage(Feature) - Method in interface org.deegree.graphics.sld.Graphic
Returns a BufferedImage representing this object.
getAsImage(Feature, int) - Method in interface org.deegree.graphics.sld.Mark
Returns the mark as an image.
getAsImage() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.graphics.sld.ExternalGraphic_Impl
returns the external graphic as an image. this method is not part of the sld specifications but it is added for speed up applications
getAsImage(Feature) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.graphics.sld.Graphic_Impl
Returns a BufferedImage representing this object.
getAsImage(Feature, int) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.graphics.sld.Mark_Impl
getAsLineString() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_GenericCurve
returns the curve as GM_LineString
getAsLineString() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Curve_Impl
returns the curve as GM_LineString. if there isn't a curve segment within the curve null will be returned
getAsLineString() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_LineString_Impl
returns a reference to itself
getAssociateFeatureId() - Method in interface org.deegree.graphics.displayelements.DisplayElement
returns the id of thr feature that's associated with the DisplayElement
getAssociateFeatureId() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.graphics.displayelements.DisplayElement_Impl
returns the id of the feature that's associated with the DisplayElement
getAtmosphericConditions() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wts.WTSScene
returns the athmospheric conditions of the scene
getAtmosphericConditions() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wts.WTSScene_Impl
gets the atmospheric conditions for the rendering.
getAtmosphericParameters() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wts.protocol.WTSGetViewRequest
retruns a list of atmospheric paramteres to be considered for rendering
getAtmosphericParameters() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wts.protocol.WTSGetViewRequest_Impl
retruns a list of atmospheric paramteres to be considered for rendering
getAttrValue(String, Node) - Static method in class org.deegree.xml.XMLTools
Returns the value of the specified node attribute or null if it is missing.
getAttrValue(Node, String) - Static method in class org.deegree.xml.XMLTools
Returns the attribute value of the given node.
getAttrValue(Node, String, String) - Static method in class org.deegree.xml.XMLTools
Returns the attribute value of the given node.
getAttribution() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wms.capabilities.Layer
The optional element provides a way to identify the source of the map data used in a Layer or collection of Layers.
getAttribution() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.capabilities.Layer_Impl
The optional element provides a way to identify the source of the map data used in a Layer or collection of Layers.
getAuthType() - Method in interface org.deegree.enterprise.control.RequestUser
Authorization scheme
getAuthType() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.enterprise.control.RequestUser_Impl
Authorization scheme
getAuthority() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcts.capabilities.KnownCoordinateReferenceSystem
returns the authority for the knownCoordinateReferenceSystem
getAuthority() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcts.capabilities.KnownTransformationType
returns the Authority
getAuthority() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wms.capabilities.Identifier
returns the name of the authority that defines the identifier
getAuthority() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.CoordinateSystemAuthorityFactory
Returns the authority name.
getAuthority() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.Info.Export
Gets the authority name.
getAuthority(Locale) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.Info
Gets the authority name, or null if unspecified.
getAuthority() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.ct.CoordinateTransformation.Export
Authority which defined transformation and parameter values.
getAuthority() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcts.capabilities.KnownCoordinateReferenceSystem_Impl
gets the authority for the knownCoordinateReferenceSystem
getAuthority() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcts.capabilities.KnownTransformationType_Impl
gets the name for the knownCoordinateReferenceSystem
getAuthority() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.capabilities.Identifier_Impl
returns the name of the authority that defines the identifier
getAuthority() - Method in interface org.opengis.cs.CS_CoordinateSystemAuthorityFactory
Returns the authority name.
getAuthority() - Method in interface org.opengis.cs.CS_Info
Gets the authority name.
getAuthority() - Method in interface org.opengis.ct.CT_CoordinateTransformation
Authority which defined transformation and parameter values.
getAuthority() - Method in interface org.opengis.ct.CT_CoordinateTransformationAuthorityFactory
The name of the authority.
getAuthorityCode() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.Info.Export
Gets the authority-specific identification code.
getAuthorityCode(Locale) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.Info
Gets the authority-specific identification code, or null if unspecified.
getAuthorityCode() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.ct.CoordinateTransformation.Export
Code used by authority to identify transformation.
getAuthorityCode() - Method in interface org.opengis.cs.CS_Info
Gets the authority-specific identification code.
getAuthorityCode() - Method in interface org.opengis.ct.CT_CoordinateTransformation
Code used by authority to identify transformation.
getAuthorityURL() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wms.capabilities.Layer
The authority attribute of the Identifier element corresponds to the name attribute of a separate element.
getAuthorityURL() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.capabilities.Layer_Impl
The authority attribute of the Identifier element corresponds to the name attribute of a separate element.
getAvailability() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.model.SelectionEntry
returns a list of service types that offer the dataset assigned to this entry
getAvailableLayersAsComboBox(ViewContext) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.context.JSPCreator
getAvailableLayersAsComboBox(ViewContext) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.context.JSPCreator2
getAvailableLayersAsHTMLList(ViewContext) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.context.JSPCreator
getAvailableLayersAsHTMLList(ViewContext) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.context.JSPCreator2
getAvailableTransforms() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.ct.MathTransformFactory
Returns the classification names of every available transforms.
getAxis(int) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.CompoundCoordinateSystem
Gets axis details for dimension within coordinate system.
getAxis(int) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.CoordinateSystem.Export
Gets axis details for dimension within coordinate system.
getAxis(int) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.CoordinateSystem
Gets axis details for dimension within coordinate system.
getAxis(int) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.GeocentricCoordinateSystem
Gets axis details for dimension within coordinate system.
getAxis(int) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.HorizontalCoordinateSystem
Gets axis details for dimension within coordinate system.
getAxis(int) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.LocalCoordinateSystem
Gets axis details for dimension within coordinate system.
getAxis(int) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.TemporalCoordinateSystem
Gets axis details for temporal dimension within coordinate system.
getAxis(int) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.VerticalCoordinateSystem
Gets axis details for vertical dimension within coordinate system.
getAxis(int) - Method in interface org.opengis.cs.CS_CoordinateSystem
Gets axis details for dimension within coordinate system.
getAxisOrientations(CoordinateSystem, Dimensioned) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.model.ct.CoordinateTransformationFactory
Returns the axis orientation for the specified coordinate system.
getAxisUnit() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.Ellipsoid.Export
Returns the LinearUnit.
getAxisUnit() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.Ellipsoid
Returns the units of the semi-major and semi-minor axis values.
getAxisUnit() - Method in interface org.opengis.cs.CS_Ellipsoid
Returns the LinearUnit.
getBAppearance() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wts.Block
getBAppearance(String) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wts.Tree
getBBOX(SpatialOperation, StringBuffer) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.filterencoding.OracleSQLBuilder
getBGColor() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wms.protocol.WMSGetMapRequest
The optional BGCOLOR parameter specifies the color to be used as the background of the map.
getBGColor() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wms.protocol.WMSGetScaleBarRequest
returns the background color of the scale bar
getBGColor() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wts.protocol.WTSGetViewRequest
The optional BGCOLOR parameter specifies the color to be used as the background of the map.
getBGColor() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.protocol.WMSGetMapRequest_Impl
The optional BGCOLOR parameter specifies the color to be used as the background of the map.
getBGColor() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.protocol.WMSGetScaleBarRequest_Impl
returns the background color of the scale bar
getBGColor() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wts.protocol.WTSGetViewRequest_Impl
The optional BGCOLOR parameter specifies the color to be used as the background of the map.
getBGColorAsHex() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wms.protocol.WMSGetMapRequest
transforms the color of the request from java.awt.Color to the hexadecimal representation as in an OGC conform WMS-GetMap request (e.g. white == "0xffffff").
getBGColorAsHex() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.protocol.WMSGetMapRequest_Impl
transforms the color of the request from java.awt.Color to the hexadecimal representation as in an OGC conform WMS-GetMap request (e.g. white == "0xffffff").
getBackFrame() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wts.WTSScene
returns the four corner coordinates of farest frame the viewer sees and that contains data
getBackFrame() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wts.WTSScene_Impl
returns the four corner coordinates of farest frame the viewer sees and that contains data
getBackground() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wts.WTSScene
returns the background object of the scene. this may be a Background, a Shape3D or null if no background is defined.
getBackground(String) - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wts.configuration.WTSConfiguration
returns the background image associated to the named background
getBackground() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wts.protocol.WTSGetViewRequest
returns the Color, Image or Shape to fill the scene background
getBackground() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wts.WTSScene_Impl
returns the background object of the scene. this may be a Background, a Shape3D or null if no background is defined.
getBackground(String) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wts.configuration.WTSConfiguration_Impl
returns the background image associated to the named background
getBackground() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wts.protocol.WTSGetViewRequest_Impl
returns the Color, Image or Shape to fill the scene background
getBandPacking() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.gc.GC_GridPacking_Impl
Gives the ordinate index for the band.
getBandPacking() - Method in interface org.opengis.gc.GC_GridPacking
Gives the ordinate index for the band.
getBarSize() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wms.protocol.WMSGetScaleBarRequest
return the size of the scale bar in pixel
getBarSize() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.protocol.WMSGetScaleBarRequest_Impl
return the size of the scale bar in pixel
getBaseCoordinateSystem() - Method in interface org.opengis.cs.CS_FittedCoordinateSystem
Gets underlying coordinate system.
getBasicStroke(Stroke) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.graphics.legend.LegendElement_Impl
constructs a java.awt.BasicStroke for painting a LineString legend symbol.
getBegin() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.gazetteer.SI_LocationInstance
for the TemporalExtent
getBegin() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.gazetteer.SI_LocationInstance_Impl
getBitCount(int) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.model.resources.Colors
Returns a suggered bit count for an IndexColorModel of mapSize colors.
getBlack() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.coverage.CMYKEntry
returns the black component (0..1)
getBlack() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cv.CMYKEntry_Impl
returns the black component (0..1)
getBlue() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.coverage.RGBAEnty
returns the blue component of the color table entry (0..1)
getBlue() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cv.RGBAEnty_Impl
returns the blue component of the color table entry (0..1)
getBottomLabel() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wms.protocol.WMSGetScaleBarRequest
get the label type that shall be displayed below the scale bar.
getBottomLabel() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.protocol.WMSGetScaleBarRequest_Impl
get the label type that shall be displayed below the scale bar.
getBoundary() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_Object
returns the boundary of a geometry
getBoundary() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_MultiCurve_Impl
returns the boundary of the MultiCurve not implemented yet
getBoundary() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Object_Impl
returns the boundary of the surface as general boundary
getBoundary() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Polygon_Impl
The operation "boundary" shall return the boundary of this GM_SurfacePatch represented as a collection of GM_Curves organized as a GM_SurfaceBoundary, consisting of GM_Curve instances along the boundary of the aggregate GM_Surface, and interior to the GM_Surface where GM_SurfacePatches are adjacent.
getBoundary() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_SurfaceBoundary_Impl
returns the boundary of the boundary
getBoundedBy() - Method in interface org.deegree.gml.GMLFeature
returns the boundingbox of the feature
getBoundedBy() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLFeature_Impl
returns the boundingbox of the feature
getBoundingBox() - Method in interface org.deegree.graphics.Layer
returns the BoundingBox (Envelope) of Layer.
getBoundingBox() - Method in interface org.deegree.graphics.MapView
returns the BoundingBox (Envelope) of the MapView.
getBoundingBox() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.coverage.Directory
returns the bounding box of the Directory
getBoundingBox() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.coverage.Tile
returns the bounding box of the Tile
getBoundingBox() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcs.protocol.WCSGetCoverageRequest
GetCoverage queries must express spatial constraints in at least 2-D (XY) coordinate space, using a BBOX parameter with comma-separated numbers (minx, miny, maxx, maxy), expressed in the spatial reference system given in the SRS parameter.
getBoundingBox() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wms.capabilities.Layer
Layers may have zero or more elements that are either stated explicitly or inherited from a parent Layer.
getBoundingBox() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wms.protocol.WMSGetMapRequest
The required BBOX parameter allows a Client to request a particular Bounding Box.
getBoundingBox() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.context.General
getBoundingBox() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.model.MetadataList
returns the boundingbox that had limited the spatial extent of the request the list bases on
getBoundingBox() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.model.SelectionEntry
returns the bounding box that bases the request the entry was find at
getBoundingBox() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.graphics.Layer_Impl
returns the BoundingBox (Envelope) of Layer.
getBoundingBox() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.graphics.MapView_Impl
returns the BoundingBox (Envelope) of the MapView.
getBoundingBox() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cv.Directory_Impl
returns the bounding box of the Directory
getBoundingBox() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cv.Tile_Impl
returns the bounding box of the Tile
getBoundingBox() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcs.protocol.WCSGetCoverageRequest_Impl
GetCoverage queries must express spatial constraints in at least 2-D (XY) coordinate space, using a BBOX parameter with comma-separated numbers (minx, miny, maxx, maxy), expressed in the spatial reference system given in the SRS parameter.
getBoundingBox() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.filterencoding.SpatialOperation
Deprecated. replaced by SpatialOperation.getGeometry()
getBoundingBox() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.capabilities.Layer_Impl
Layers may have zero or more elements that are either stated explicitly or inherited from a parent Layer.
getBoundingBox() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.protocol.WMSGetMapRequest_Impl
The required BBOX parameter allows a Client to request a particular Bounding Box.
getBoundingBoxFromGazetteer(String, String, double, GazetteerParam) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.protocol.WMSProtocolFactory
returns the bounding box of the submitted location.
getBoxes() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wts.WTService_Impl
returns the boxes the requested area has been splitted up to
getBriefDescriptions(URL) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.control.InitServiceAdministrationListener
Retrieves "brief descriptions" of all available services from the WCAS.
getBuffer(double) - Method in interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_Envelope
creates a new envelope
getBuffer(double) - Method in interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_Object
The operation "buffer" shall return a GM_Object containing all points whose distance from this GM_Object is less than or equal to the "distance" passed as a parameter.
getBuffer(double) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Envelope_Impl
getBuffer(double) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Object_Impl
The operation "buffer" shall return a GM_Object containing all points whose distance from this GM_Object is less than or equal to the "distance" passed as a parameter.
getBufferBetweenLegendAndLabel() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.graphics.legend.LegendElement_Impl
returns the buffer place between the legend symbol and the legend label in pixels
getBufferedImage(GM_Envelope, int, int) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.io.ecwapi.ECWReader
read part from ECW-file which falls within env and return this part as BufferedImage with dimenions width and height
getBufferedImage(GM_Envelope, int, int, int, Tile[], RangeParamList, List) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.gc.GC_GridCoverage_Impl
reads a grid coverage from image sources and returns it as BufferedImage
getButtons() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.context.JSPFrontend
returns the name of a javascript file containing a associative array (Map) for the used buttons (images).
getByRecNo(int) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.io.shpapi.MainFile
method: getByRecNo (int RecNo)
retruns a ShapeRecord-Geometry by RecorcNumber
getByteInValuePacking() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.gc.GC_GridPacking_Impl
Order of bytes packed in values for sample dimensions with greater than 8 bits.
getByteInValuePacking() - Method in interface org.opengis.gc.GC_GridPacking
Order of bytes packed in values for sample dimensions with greater than 8 bits.
getCONTAINS(SpatialOperation, StringBuffer) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.filterencoding.OracleSQLBuilder
getCROSSES(SpatialOperation, StringBuffer) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.filterencoding.OracleSQLBuilder
getCRS() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.coverage.Layer
For each Coverage Layer, the Capabilities XML description specifies (i) the native Spatial Reference System (SRS) of the data; (ii) the SRSs in which it understands incoming GetCoverage requests; and (iii) the SRSs in which it can produce coverages in response to GetCoverage requests Every CoverageLayer must have either one or more SRS elements, or both a QuerySRS and a ResponseSRS element (which contain one or more SRS elements).
getCRS() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.coverage.SpatialExtent
returns the CRS name the spatial extent is defined
getCRS() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wfs.configuration.FeatureType
returns the name of the coordinated reference system the geo spatial data are stored.
getCRS(String, Element) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.model.MetadataFactory
returns the reference system identifier
getCRS() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cv.Layer_Impl
For each Coverage Layer, the Capabilities XML description specifies (i) the native Spatial Reference System (SRS) of the data; (ii) the SRSs in which it understands incoming GetCoverage requests; and (iii) the SRSs in which it can produce coverages in response to GetCoverage requests Every CoverageLayer must have either one or more SRS elements, or both a QuerySRS and a ResponseSRS element (which contain one or more SRS elements).
getCRS() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cv.SpatialExtent_Impl
returns the CRS name the spatial extent is defined
getCRS(String) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.model.feature.GMLFeatureAdapter
returns an instance of CS_CoordinateSystem corrsponding to the passed crs name
getCRS(FeatureType) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.bna.BNADataStore.CGetFeature
getCRS() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.configuration.FeatureType_Impl
returns the name of the coordinated reference system the geo spatial data are stored. this is mandatory for ORACLESPATIAL, POINTDB and SHAPEFILES.
getCSByName(String) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.ConvenienceCSFactory
getCSByName(String) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.ConvenienceCSFactoryFull
getCacheSize() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wms.capabilities.DeegreeParam
returns the cache size used for the WMS in MB. default is 100MB.
getCacheSize() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.capabilities.DeegreeParam_Impl
returns the cache size used for the WMS in MB. default is 100MB.
getCapabilities() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.OGCWebService
getCapabilities() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcts.protocol.GetCapabilitiesResponse
gets the capabilties XML-document as a String
getCapabilities() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wms.protocol.WMSGetCapabilitiesResponse
returns the capabilities as result of an GetCapabilities request.
getCapabilities() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wts.protocol.WTSGetCapabilitiesResponse
returns the capabilities as result of an GetCapabilities request.
getCapabilities() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.OGCWebService_Impl
getCapabilities - Variable in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.capabilities.Request_Impl
getCapabilities - Variable in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcts.capabilities.WCTS_Request_Impl
getCapabilities() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcts.protocol.GetCapabilitiesResponse_Impl
gets the CTS_Capabilities
getCapabilities - Variable in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.capabilities.Request_Impl
getCapabilities() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.protocol.WMSGetCapabilitiesResponse_Impl
returns the capabilities as result of an GetCapabilities request.
getCapabilities() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wts.protocol.WTSGetCapabilitiesResponse_Impl
returns the capabilities as result of an GetCapabilities request.
getCapability() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcas.capabilities.WCASCapabilities
A Capability lists available request types, how exceptions may be reported, and whether any vendor-specific capabilities are defined.
getCapability() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcts.capabilities.CTS_Capabilities
gets the capability
getCapability() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wfs.capabilities.WFSCapabilities
A Capability lists available request types, how exceptions may be reported, and whether any vendor-specific capabilities are defined.
getCapability() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wms.capabilities.WMSCapabilities
The element of the Capabilities XML names the actual operations that are supported by the service instance, the output formats offered for those operations, and the URL prefix for each operation.
getCapability(Element) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.capabilities.WCASCapabilitiesFactory
returns an instance of an object that capsulates the service element of the WFS capabilities.
getCapability() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.capabilities.WCASCapabilities_Impl
A Capability lists available request types, how exceptions may be reported, and whether any vendor-specific capabilities are defined.
getCapability() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcts.capabilities.CTS_Capabilities_Impl
gets the capability
getCapability(Element) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcts.capabilities.WCTSCapabilitiesFactory
returns an instance of an object that capsulates the capabilty element of the WCTS capabilities.
getCapability(Element) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.capabilities.WFSCapabilitiesFactory
returns an instance of an object that capsulates the service element of the WMS capabilities.
getCapability() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.capabilities.WFSCapabilities_Impl
A Capability lists available request types, how exceptions may be reported, and whether any vendor-specific capabilities are defined.
getCapability() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.capabilities.WMSCapabilities_Impl
The element of the Capabilities XML names the actual operations that are supported by the service instance, the output formats offered for those operations, and the URL prefix for each operation.
getCapacity() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.io.rtree.PageFile
Kapazität der Knoten in der PageFile.
getCaption() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.graphics.displayelements.HorizontalLabel
getCaption() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.graphics.displayelements.RotatedLabel
getCascaded() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wms.capabilities.Layer
returns '0' if the layer is provided directly form the deegree WMS.
getCascaded() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.capabilities.Layer_Impl
returns '0' if the layer is provided directly form the deegree WMS.
getCatalog() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.model.MetadataList
returns the name of the catalog the list of MD_Metadata objects came from
getCatalog() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.model.SelectionEntry
returns the name of the catalog the catalog/selection entry belongs to
getCatalogElements(String) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.configuration.CMapping
returns the catalog (iso-) elements that shall be targeted by a html form element
getCatalogElements(String) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.configuration.CSWClientConfiguration
returns the catalog (iso-) elements that shall be targeted by a html form element
getCatalogIdAssociations(RPCWebEvent) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.control.DownloadListener
performs the access to the data marked at the shopping card
getCatalogIdAssociations(RPCWebEvent) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.control.MapViewListener
returns the associations between catalogs and the IDs/layers that are served by them. for each catalog the returned HashMap contains an ArrayList containing the associated IDs
getCatalogNames() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.configuration.CSWClientConfiguration
returns the names of all servered catalogs
getCatalogServerAddress(String) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.configuration.CSWClientConfiguration
returns the address of the submitted catalog
getCatalogServerAddresses() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.configuration.CSWClientConfiguration
returns the addresses of all connected catalogs
getCatalogURL() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcas.capabilities.FederatedCatalog
returns the URL of the federated catalog
getCatalogURL() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.capabilities.FederatedCatalog_Impl
returns the URL of the federated catalog
getCategoryNames() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cv.CV_SampleDimension_Impl
Sequence of category names for the values contained in a sample dimension.
getCategoryNames() - Method in interface org.opengis.cv.CV_SampleDimension
Sequence of category names for the values contained in a sample dimension.
getCenter() - Method in interface org.deegree.clients.context.Frontend
returns the description of the central GUI area
getCenter() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.context.AbstractFrontend
returns the description of the central GUI area
getCenter(int) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.pt.Envelope
Returns the center ordinate along the specified dimension.
getCenterX() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.resources.XRectangle2D
Returns the X coordinate of the center of the rectangle.
getCenterY() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.resources.XRectangle2D
Returns the Y coordinate of the center of the rectangle.
getCentroid() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_Object
The operation "centroid" shall return the mathematical centroid for this GM_Object.
getCentroid() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_SurfacePatch
The operation "centroid" shall return the mathematical centroid for this GM_Object.
getCentroid() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Object_Impl
The operation "centroid" shall return the mathematical centroid for this GM_Object.
getCentroid() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_SurfacePatch_Impl
The operation "centroid" shall return the mathematical centroid for this GM_Object.
getChild() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.gazetteer.SI_LocationType
name of child location type (a location type which sub-divides this location type)
getChild() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.gazetteer.SI_LocationType_Impl
getChild(Element) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.services.gazetteer.capabilities.WFSGCapabilitiesFactory
getChildByName(String, String, Node) - Static method in class org.deegree.xml.XMLTools
Returns the specified child element of the given elemen.
getChildElements(Node) - Static method in class org.deegree.xml.XMLTools
Returns all child ELEMENTs.
getChildElementsByName(String, String, Node) - Static method in class org.deegree.xml.XMLTools
Returns the specified child elements of the given element.
getChildType() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.gazetteer.model.GetTermsResultSet
getChildren() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.feature.FeatureType
returns the direct children of the FeatureType
getChildren() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.gazetteer.Node
returns the child-nodes, if available.
getChildren() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.gazetteer.SI_LocationInstance
getChildren() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.feature.FeatureType_Impl
returns the direct children of the FeatureType
getChildren() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.gazetteer.Node_Impl
returns all child nodes of this node
getChildren() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.gazetteer.SI_LocationInstance_Impl
getCitation() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcas.metadatadesc.ISO19119
getCitation() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.metadatadesc.ISO19119_Impl
getCitation(Element) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.metadatadesc.WCAS_ISO19119Factory
returns an instance of the element <citation>
getCitedResponsibleParty() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcas.metadatadesc.Citation
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"
getCitedResponsibleParty(Element) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.services.gazetteer.capabilities.WFSGCapabilitiesFactory
getCitedResponsibleParty() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.metadatadesc.Citation_Impl
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"
getCitedResponsibleParty(Element) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.metadatadesc.WCAS_ISO19119Factory
returns an instance of the element <citedResponsibleParty> minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"
getCity() - Method in interface org.deegree.ogcbasic.ContactAddress
returns the name of the city
getCity() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcas.metadatadesc.Address
getCity() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.model.Contact
returns the city where the contact person can be reached
getCity() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.ogcbasic.ContactAddress_Impl
returns the name of the city
getCity() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.metadatadesc.Address_Impl
getClassChanger(Class) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.model.resources.ClassChanger
Returns the class changer for the specified classe.
getClassForFormat(String) - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcas.capabilities.GetRecord
the method returns the class that is responsible for handling/creating the submitted format.
getClassForFormat(String) - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wfs.capabilities.GetFeature
the method returns the class that is responsible for handling/creating the submitted format.
getClassForFormat(String) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.capabilities.GetRecord_Impl
the method returns the class that is responsible for handling/creating the submitted format.
getClassForFormat(String) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.capabilities.GetFeature_Impl
the method returns the class that is responsible for handling/creating the submitted format.
getClassName() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wms.capabilities.ServiceClass
returns the name of the class that acts as get service for a layer
getClassName() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.Projection.Export
Gets the projection classification name (e.g.
getClassName() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.Projection
Gets the projection classification name (e.g.
getClassName() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.ct.MathTransformProvider
Returns the classification name.
getClassName() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.capabilities.ServiceClass_Impl
returns the name of the class that acts as service for a layer
getClassName() - Method in interface org.opengis.cs.CS_Projection
Gets the projection classification name (e.g.
getClassification() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcas.metadatadesc.ClassificationCode
returns the attribute "Classification". use="required".
getClassification() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.metadatadesc.ClassificationCode_Impl
returns the attribute "Classification". use="required".
getClassificationCode() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcas.metadatadesc.SecurityConstraints
getClassificationCode() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.metadatadesc.SecurityConstraints_Impl
getClassificationCode(Element) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.metadatadesc.WCAS_ISO19119Factory
returns an instance of the element <classificationCode>
getClassificationSystem() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcas.metadatadesc.SecurityConstraints
getClassificationSystem() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.metadatadesc.SecurityConstraints_Impl
getCleanerInterval() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.configuration.Download
getClickPoint() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wms.protocol.WMSGetFeatureInfoRequest
The required X and Y parameters indicate a point of interest on the map.
getClickPoint() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.protocol.WMSGetFeatureInfoRequest_Impl
The required X and Y parameters indicate a point of interest on the map.
getClouds() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wts.AtmosphericCondition
getCode() - Method in interface org.deegree.enterprise.control.RPCFault
returns the code of the fault.
getCode() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcts.capabilities.KnownCoordinateReferenceSystem
returns the code
getCode() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcts.capabilities.KnownTransformationType
returns the Code
getCode() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcts.protocol.TransformationSequence
gets the Code-element
getCode() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wms.ServiceExceptionReport
returns the code of te expetion as defined in the OGC WMS 1.1.1 spec and the WMS 1.1.1 test suite
getCode() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.enterprise.control.RPCFault_Impl
returns the code of the fault.
getCode() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcts.capabilities.KnownCoordinateReferenceSystem_Impl
returns the code
getCode() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcts.capabilities.KnownTransformationType_Impl
gets the absract
getCode() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcts.protocol.TransformationSequence_Impl
gets the Code-element
getCode() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.ServiceExceptionReport_Impl
returns the code of te expetion as defined in the OGC WMS 1.1.1 spec and the WMS 1.1.1 test suite
getCodeSpace() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcts.protocol.TransformationSequence
gets the CodeSpace-element
getCodeSpace() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcts.protocol.TransformationSequence_Impl
gets the CodeSpace-element
getCodomainConvexHull(double[]) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.ct.MathTransformExport
Gets transformed convex hull.
getCodomainConvexHull(double[]) - Method in interface org.opengis.ct.CT_MathTransform
Gets transformed convex hull.
getCollectionTitle() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcas.metadatadesc.Citation
getCollectionTitle() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.metadatadesc.Citation_Impl
getColor(Feature) - Method in interface org.deegree.graphics.sld.Font
Returns the (evaluated) value of the font's CssParameter 'font-color'.
getColor() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wms.protocol.WMSGetScaleBarRequest
returns the color will be painted or null if the scale bar hasn't a unique color (depends on the style)
getColor(Feature) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.graphics.sld.Font_Impl
Returns the (evaluated) value of the font's CssParameter 'font-color'.
getColor() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.protocol.WMSGetScaleBarRequest_Impl
returns the color will be painted or null if the scale bar hasn't a unique color (depends on the style)
getColorAsHex(Color) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.graphics.sld.StyleFactory
transforms the color of the request from java.awt.Color to the hexadecimal representation as in an OGC conform WMS-GetMap request (e.g. white == "#ffffff").
getColorFromString(String) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.tools.LecGUI
reads out the color from the string and returns the corresponding color.
getColorInterpretation() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.coverage.GridRangeDescription
indicates how to read the image colors
getColorInterpretation() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cv.CV_SampleDimension_Impl
Color interpretation of the sample dimension.
getColorInterpretation() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cv.GridRangeDescription_Impl
indicates how to read the image colors
getColorInterpretation() - Method in interface org.opengis.cv.CV_SampleDimension
Color interpretation of the sample dimension.
getColumn(String) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.io.shpapi.DBaseFile
method: getColumn(String col_name)
Retrieve a column's string value from the current row.
getColumnCount() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.table.Table
returns the number columns of the table
getColumnCount() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.table.Table_Impl
returns the number columns of the table
getColumnIndex(String) - Method in interface org.deegree.model.table.Table
returns the index of the submitted columns name.
getColumnIndex(String) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.table.Table_Impl
returns the index of the submitted columns name.
getColumnIndex(String[], String) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.db.PointDBDataStoreOutputFC
returns the index of the column with the submitted name. if the column isn't contained within the columnNames array -1 will be returned
getColumnName(int) - Method in interface org.deegree.model.table.Table
returns the name of the specified column.
getColumnName(int) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.table.Table_Impl
returns the name of the specified column.
getColumnNames() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.table.Table
returns the names of all table columns.
getColumnNames() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.table.Table_Impl
returns the names of all table columns.
getColumnType(int) - Method in interface org.deegree.model.table.Table
returns the name of the type of the specifies column.
getColumnType(int) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.table.Table_Impl
returns the name of the type of the specifies column.
getColumnTypes() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.table.Table
returns the names of all column types.
getColumnTypes(String, String[]) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.io.DBAccess
returns a HashMap that maps a column to a data type. if null is submitted for columns all columns are considered.
getColumnTypes() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.table.Table_Impl
returns the names of all column types.
getColumnTypesAsInt(String, String[]) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.io.DBAccess
returns a HashMap that maps a column to a data type. if null is submitted for columns all columns are considered.
getCommonJS() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.context.JSPFrontend
returns a list of javascript files containing objects and methods to be used by more than one module of the GUI
getComplexPropertyValue() - Method in interface org.deegree.gml.GMLComplexProperty
returns the value of the property
getComplexPropertyValue() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLComplexProperty_Impl
returns the value of the property
getComponents() - Method in interface org.deegree.graphics.sld.ParameterValueType
Returns the contents (mix of String/Expression-objects) of this ParameterValueType.
getComponents() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.graphics.sld.ParameterValueType_Impl
Returns the contents (mix of String/Expression-objects) of this ParameterValueType.
getConfigURL() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcas.capabilities.RecordType
returns the name of the configuration file of the responsible class
getConfigURL() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wfs.capabilities.FeatureType
returns the name of the configuration file of the responsible class
getConfigURL() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.capabilities.RecordType_Impl
returns the name of the configuration file of the responsible class
getConfigURL() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.capabilities.FeatureType_Impl
returns the name of the configuration file of the responsible class
getConfiguration() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.AbstractDataStore
returns the configuration of the datastore
getConfigurationFile() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wms.capabilities.ServiceClass
returns the name of the configuration file for the service class.
getConfigurationFile() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.capabilities.ServiceClass_Impl
returns the name of the configuration file for the service class.
getConnectPoint() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcas.metadatadesc.Dcp
getConnectPoint() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.metadatadesc.Dcp_Impl
getConnectPoint(Element) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.metadatadesc.WCAS_ISO19119Factory
returns an instance of the element <connectPoint>
elements: linkage, protocol minOccurs="0", applicationProfile minOccurs="0", onlineResourceName minOccurs="0", onlineResourceDescription minOccurs="0", functionCode minOccurs="0"
getConnection() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wfs.configuration.DatastoreConfiguration
returns an object that describes the connection to a database if datastore type equals ORACLESPATIAL, GMLDB or POINTDB
getConnection() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.io.DBAccess
returns the SQL connection encapsulated by the object
getConnection() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.configuration.DatastoreConfiguration_Impl
returns an object that describes the connection to a database if datastore type equals ORACLESPATIAL, GMLDB or POINTDB
getConnectionPool() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.AbstractDataStore
getContact(String, ElementList) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.model.MetadataFactory
returns the list of contacts for a Metadataset
getContactAddress() - Method in interface org.deegree.ogcbasic.ContactInformation
returns the address where to reach to contact person
getContactAddress() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.ogcbasic.ContactInformation_Impl
returns the address where to reach to contact person
getContactAddress(Element) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcts.capabilities.WCTSCapabilitiesFactory
gets ContactAddress
getContactElectronicMailAddress() - Method in interface org.deegree.ogcbasic.ContactInformation
returns the email address of the contact person
getContactElectronicMailAddress() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.ogcbasic.ContactInformation_Impl
returns the email address of the contact person
getContactFacsimileTelephone() - Method in interface org.deegree.ogcbasic.ContactInformation
returns the facsimile Telephone number of the contact person
getContactFacsimileTelephone() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.ogcbasic.ContactInformation_Impl
returns the facsimile Telephone number of the contact person
getContactInfo() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcas.metadatadesc.CitedResponsibleParty
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"
getContactInfo() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcas.metadatadesc.PointOfContact
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"
getContactInfo() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcas.metadatadesc.UserContactInfo
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"
getContactInfo() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.metadatadesc.CitedResponsibleParty_Impl
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"
getContactInfo() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.metadatadesc.PointOfContact_Impl
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"
getContactInfo() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.metadatadesc.UserContactInfo_Impl
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"
getContactInfo(Element) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.metadatadesc.WCAS_ISO19119Factory
returns an instance of the element <contactInfo> minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"
getContactInformation() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.capabilities.Service
Returns informations who to contact for questions about the service.
getContactInformation() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.context.General
getContactInformation() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.capabilities.Service_Impl
Returns informations who to contact for questions about the service.
getContactInformation(Element) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcts.capabilities.WCTSCapabilitiesFactory
returns getContactInformation
getContactInstructions() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcas.metadatadesc.ContactInfo
getContactInstructions() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.metadatadesc.ContactInfo_Impl
getContactOrganization() - Method in interface org.deegree.ogcbasic.ContactPersonPrimary
returns the name of the organization that can be contacted / the contact person works at.
getContactOrganization() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.ogcbasic.ContactPersonPrimary_Impl
returns the name of the organization that can be contacted / the contact person works at.
getContactPerson() - Method in interface org.deegree.ogcbasic.ContactPersonPrimary
returns the name of the contact person
getContactPerson() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.ogcbasic.ContactPersonPrimary_Impl
returns the name of the contact person
getContactPersonPrimary() - Method in interface org.deegree.ogcbasic.ContactInformation
returns a datastructure that contains the name of the contact person and the organization he works for.
getContactPersonPrimary() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.ogcbasic.ContactInformation_Impl
returns a datastructure that contains the name of the contact person and the organization he works for.
getContactPersonPrimary(Element) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcts.capabilities.WCTSCapabilitiesFactory
returns ContactPersonPrimary
getContactPosition() - Method in interface org.deegree.ogcbasic.ContactInformation
returns the positon of the contact person within its organization
getContactPosition() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.ogcbasic.ContactInformation_Impl
returns the positon of the contact person within its organization
getContactVoiceTelephone() - Method in interface org.deegree.ogcbasic.ContactInformation
returns the voice Telephone number of the contact person
getContactVoiceTelephone() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.ogcbasic.ContactInformation_Impl
returns the voice Telephone number of the contact person
getContacts() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.model.DetailedMetadata
returns a list of contact informations associated to a metadataset
getContent() - Method in interface org.deegree.clients.context.Module
returns the name of the page/class/file etc. containing the content of the module
getContent() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.context.AbstractModule
returns the name of the page/class/file etc. containing the content of the module
getContent() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.context.Module_Impl
returns the name of the page/class/file etc. containing the content of the module
getContentType() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.tools.NetWorker
returns the content type of the response from the connected net resource.
getContextURL() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.context.ViewContextReference
getControlBarContent(ViewContext) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.context.JSPCreator
getControlBarContent(ViewContext) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.context.JSPCreator2
getController() - Method in interface org.deegree.clients.context.Frontend
returns the name of the central controller of the front end. depending on the implementation this may be the name of a HTML/JSP-page a java class or something else.
getController() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.context.AbstractFrontend
returns the name of the central controller of the front end. depending on the implementation this may be the name of a HTML/JSP-page a java class or something else.
getConvexHull() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_Object
The operation "convexHull" shall return a GM_Object that represents the convex hull of this GM_Object.
getConvexHull() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Object_Impl
The operation "convexHull" shall return a GM_Object that represents the convex hull of this GM_Object.
getCoord() - Method in interface org.deegree.gml.GMLCoord
returns the coordinate as double array
getCoord() - Method in interface org.deegree.gml.GMLLinearRing
returns the coordinates (location) of the LineString as as array of GMLCoord
getCoord() - Method in interface org.deegree.gml.GMLPoint
returns the coordinate (location) of the point as GMLCoord
getCoord() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLCoord_Impl
returns the coordinate as double array
getCoord() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLLinearRing_Impl
returns the coordinates (location) of the LineString as as array of GMLCoord
getCoord() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLPoint_Impl
returns the coordinate (location) of the point as GMLCoord
getCoord(int) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.io.rtree.HyperPoint
Gibt die Koordinate zur Dimension index des Punktes.
getCoordValues(String) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.db.PointRowSelector
Returns the double values of the coordinates of the given GMLPointXML-fragment.
getCoordinateDimension() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_Object
The operation "coordinateDimension" shall return the dimension of the coordinates that define this GM_Object, which must be the same as the coordinate dimension of the coordinate reference system for this GM_Object.
getCoordinateDimension() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_CurveBoundary_Impl
The operation "coordinateDimension" shall return the dimension of the coordinates that define this GM_Object, which must be the same as the coordinate dimension of the coordinate reference system for this GM_Object.
getCoordinateDimension() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Curve_Impl
The operation "coordinateDimension" shall return the dimension of the coordinates that define this GM_Object, which must be the same as the coordinate dimension of the coordinate reference system for this GM_Object.
getCoordinateDimension() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_MultiCurve_Impl
The operation "coordinateDimension" shall return the dimension of the coordinates that define this GM_Object, which must be the same as the coordinate dimension of the coordinate reference system for this GM_Object.
getCoordinateDimension() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_MultiPoint_Impl
The operation "coordinateDimension" shall return the dimension of the coordinates that define this GM_Object, which must be the same as the coordinate dimension of the coordinate reference system for this GM_Object.
getCoordinateDimension() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_MultiPrimitive_Impl
getCoordinateDimension() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_MultiSurface_Impl
The operation "coordinateDimension" shall return the dimension of the coordinates that define this GM_Object, which must be the same as the coordinate dimension of the coordinate reference system for this GM_Object.
getCoordinateDimension() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Point_Impl
The operation "coordinateDimension" shall return the dimension of the coordinates that define this GM_Object, which must be the same as the coordinate dimension of the coordinate reference system for this GM_Object.
getCoordinateDimension() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Ring_Impl
The operation "coordinateDimension" shall return the dimension of the coordinates that define this GM_Object, which must be the same as the coordinate dimension of the coordinate reference system for this GM_Object.
getCoordinateDimension() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_SurfaceBoundary_Impl
The operation "coordinateDimension" shall return the dimension of the coordinates that define this GM_Object, which must be the same as the coordinate dimension of the coordinate reference system for this GM_Object.
getCoordinateDimension() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Surface_Impl
The operation "coordinateDimension" shall return the dimension of the coordinates that define this GM_Object, which must be the same as the coordinate dimension of the coordinate reference system for this GM_Object.
getCoordinateSeperator() - Method in interface org.deegree.gml.GMLCoordinates
return the character used as coordinate seperator
getCoordinateSeperator() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLCoordinates_Impl
return the character used as coordinate seperator
getCoordinateSystem() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_CurveSegment
returns the coordinate system of the curve segment
getCoordinateSystem() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_Object
returns the spatial reference system of a geometry
getCoordinateSystem() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_SurfacePatch
returns the coordinate system of the surface patch
getCoordinateSystem() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.gazetteer.capabilities.SI_Gazetteer
getCoordinateSystem() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cv.CV_Coverage_Impl
This specifies the coordinate system used when accessing a coverage or grid coverage with the evaluate methods.
getCoordinateSystem() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_CurveSegment_Impl
returns the coordinate system of the curve segment
getCoordinateSystem() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Object_Impl
returns the spatial reference system of a geometry
getCoordinateSystem() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_SurfacePatch_Impl
returns the coordinate system of the surface patch
getCoordinateSystem() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.gazetteer.capabilities.SI_Gazetteer_Impl
getCoordinateSystem() - Method in interface org.opengis.cv.CV_Coverage
This specifies the coordinate system used when accessing a coverage or grid coverage with the evaluate methods.
getCoordinateSystem2D(CoordinateSystem) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.model.resources.OpenGIS
Returns a two-dimensional coordinate system representing the two first dimensions of the specified coordinate system.
getCoordinates() - Method in interface org.deegree.gml.GMLBox
returns the coordinates of the box
getCoordinates() - Method in interface org.deegree.gml.GMLCoordinates
returns the coordinates in the <coordinates> tag
getCoordinates() - Method in interface org.deegree.gml.GMLLineString
returns the coordinate (location) of the point as GMLCoordinates
getCoordinates() - Method in interface org.deegree.gml.GMLLinearRing
returns the coordinate (location) of the point as GMLCoordinates
getCoordinates() - Method in interface org.deegree.gml.GMLPoint
returns the coordinate (location) of the point as GMLCoordinates
getCoordinates(RPCStruct) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.wmsclient2.control.HighlightingInfoListener
calculates the coordinates of the click event.
getCoordinates(RPCStruct) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.wmsclient2.control.HighlightingListener
calculates the coordinates of the click event.
getCoordinates() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLBox_Impl
returns the coordinates of the box
getCoordinates() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLCoordinates_Impl
returns the coordinates in the <coordinates> tag
getCoordinates() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLLineString_Impl
returns the coordinate (location) of the point as GMLCoordinates
getCoordinates() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLLinearRing_Impl
returns the coordinate (location) of the point as GMLCoordinates
getCoordinates() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLPoint_Impl
returns the coordinate (location) of the point as GMLCoordinates
getCoordinatesSystem() - Method in interface org.deegree.graphics.Layer
returns the coordinate reference system of the MapView
getCoordinatesSystem() - Method in interface org.deegree.graphics.MapView
returns the coordinate reference system of the MapView
getCoordinatesSystem() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.graphics.Layer_Impl
returns the coordinate reference system of the MapView
getCoordinatesSystem() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.graphics.MapView_Impl
returns the coordinate reference system of the MapView
getCoords() - Method in interface org.deegree.gml.GMLLineString
returns the coordinates (location) of the LineString as as array of GMLCoord
getCoords() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLLineString_Impl
returns the coordinates (location) of the LineString as as array of GMLCoord
getCoords() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.io.rtree.HyperPoint
Gibt die Koordinaten des Punktes zurück.
getCopyRight() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wms.capabilities.DeegreeParam
returns a copy right note to draw at the left side of the maps bottom
getCopyRight() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.capabilities.DeegreeParam_Impl
returns a copy right note to draw at the left side of the maps bottom
getCorrelation() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.gp.GP_GridAnalysis_Impl
Determine the correlation between sample dimensions in the grid.
getCorrelation() - Method in interface org.opengis.gp.GP_GridAnalysis
Determine the correlation between sample dimensions in the grid.
getCount() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.coverage.Count
returns the absolut value of the histogram at the index position
getCount() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cv.Count_Impl
returns the absolut value of the histogram at the index position
getCountry() - Method in interface org.deegree.ogcbasic.ContactAddress
returns the name of the country. this should be the complete name and not an abbreviation.
getCountry() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcas.metadatadesc.Address
getCountry() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.model.Contact
getCountry() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.ogcbasic.ContactAddress_Impl
returns the name of the country. this should be the complete name and not an abbreviation.
getCountry() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.metadatadesc.Address_Impl
getCounts() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.coverage.Histogram
returns the counts for each histogram class
getCounts() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cv.Histogram_Impl
returns the counts for each histogram class
getCouplingType() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcas.metadatadesc.DataCoupling
gets the attribute "couplingType". use="required" Possible values are: tight loose mixed
getCouplingType() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.metadatadesc.DataCoupling_Impl
gets the attribute "couplingType". use="required" Possible values are: tight loose mixed
getCoverage - Variable in class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.capabilities.DataSource_Impl
getCoverageLayer() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.coverage.CVDescriptor
returns a description of the coverage layer as defined in the capabilities section of the OGC WCS sppecification 0.7
getCoverageLayer() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cv.CVDescriptor_Impl
returns a description of the coverage layer as defined in the capabilities section of the OGC WCS sppecification 0.7
getCoverageLayerList() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcs.capabilities.WCSCapabilities
returns the list off CoverageLayer that are available through the WCS.
getCoverageLayerList() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcs.capabilities.WCSCapabilities_Impl
returns the list off CoverageLayer that are available through the WCS.
getCreateTableStatement(FeatureType) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.tools.shape.Shp2MySQL
creates a create table sql statement from the passed FeatureType
getCredit() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcas.metadatadesc.ISO19119
getCredit() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.metadatadesc.ISO19119_Impl
getCrs() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.model.DetailedMetadata
getCssParameters() - Method in interface org.deegree.graphics.sld.Drawing
A simple SVG/CSS2 styling parameters are given with the CssParameter element.
getCssParameters() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.graphics.sld.Drawing_Impl
A simple SVG/CSS2 styling parameters are given with the CssParameter element.
getCurrentFormat() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.context.FormatList
getCurrentSize() - Method in interface org.deegree.tools.Cache
returns the actual amount of entries within the cache
getCurrentSize() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.tools.Cache_Impl
returns the actual amount of entries within the cache
getCurrentStyle() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.context.StyleList
returns the currentlay
getCurveAt(int) - Method in interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_MultiCurve
returns the GM_Curve at the submitted index. if index is larger then getSize() - 1 or smaller then 0 an exception will be thrown.
getCurveAt(int) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_MultiCurve_Impl
returns the GM_Curve at the submitted index.
getCurveBoundary() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_OrientableCurve
getCurveBoundary() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Curve_Impl
returns the boundary of the curve
getCurveBoundary() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Ring_Impl
returns the CurveBoundary of the Ring.
getCurveSegmentAt(int) - Method in interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_Curve
returns the curve segment at the submitted index
getCurveSegmentAt(int) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Curve_Impl
returns the curve segment at the submitted index
getCustodian() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.gazetteer.capabilities.SI_Gazetteer
getCustodian() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.gazetteer.capabilities.SI_Gazetteer_Impl
getCustodian(Element) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.services.gazetteer.capabilities.WFSGCapabilitiesFactory
calls getCitedResponsibleParty(element)
getCyan() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.coverage.CMYKEntry
returns the cyan component (0..1)
getCyan() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cv.CMYKEntry_Impl
returns the cyan component (0..1)
getDCP() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcas.metadatadesc.OperationMetadata
getDCP() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.metadatadesc.OperationMetadata_Impl
getDCPType() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wfs.capabilities.DescribeFeatureType
The DCPType.
getDCPType() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wfs.capabilities.GetCapabilities
The only available distributed computing platform is HTTP for which two request methods are defined; GET and POST.
getDCPType() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wfs.capabilities.GetFeature
The only available distributed computing platform is HTTP for which two request methods are defined; GET and POST.
getDCPType() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wfs.capabilities.LockFeature
The only available distributed computing platform is HTTP for which two request methods are defined; GET and POST.
getDCPType() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wfs.capabilities.Transaction
The only available distributed computing platform is HTTP for which two request methods are defined; GET and POST.
getDCPType(NodeList) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcts.capabilities.WCTSCapabilitiesFactory
Gets the <getDCPType>
getDCPType() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.capabilities.DescribeFeatureType_Impl
adds the available Distributed Computing Platforms (DCPs) for a operation.
getDCPType() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.capabilities.GetCapabilities_Impl
The only available distributed computing platform is HTTP for which two request methods are defined; GET and POST.
getDCPType() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.capabilities.GetFeature_Impl
The only available distributed computing platform is HTTP for which two request methods are defined; GET and POST.
getDCPType() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.capabilities.LockFeature_Impl
The only available distributed computing platform is HTTP for which two request methods are defined; GET and POST.
getDCPType() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.capabilities.Transaction_Impl
The only available distributed computing platform is HTTP for which two request methods are defined; GET and POST.
getDCPType(NodeList) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.capabilities.WFSCapabilitiesFactory
creates list of DCPTypes
getDCPTypes() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcas.capabilities.RequestType
The only available distributed computing platform is HTTP for which two request methods are defined; GET and POST.
getDCPTypes() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcts.capabilities.ActionType
returns the <DCPType> element
getDCPTypes() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wms.capabilities.Operation
returns the available Distributed Computing Platforms (DCPs) for a operation.
getDCPTypes() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.capabilities.RequestType_Impl
The only available distributed computing platform is HTTP for which two request methods are defined; GET and POST.
getDCPTypes(NodeList) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.capabilities.WCASCapabilitiesFactory
returns the addresses and protocols a request can be reached
getDCPTypes() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcts.capabilities.ActionType_Impl
returns the <DCPType> element
getDCPTypes() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.capabilities.Operation_Impl
returns the available Distributed Computing Platforms (DCPs) for a operation.
getDEMSource(String) - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wts.configuration.WTSConfiguration
returns the source for submitted DEM.
getDEMSource(String) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wts.configuration.WTSConfiguration_Impl
returns the source for submitted DEM.
getDISJOINT(SpatialOperation, StringBuffer) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.filterencoding.OracleSQLBuilder
getDTDLocation() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wms.capabilities.DeegreeParam
returns the URL where the DTD defining the OGC WMS capabilities is located
getDTDLocation() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.capabilities.DeegreeParam_Impl
returns the URL where the DTD defining the OGC WMS capabilities is located
getDWITHIN(SpatialOperation, StringBuffer) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.filterencoding.OracleSQLBuilder
calvin added on 10/23/2003
getDashArray(Feature) - Method in interface org.deegree.graphics.sld.Stroke
The stroke-dasharray CssParameter element encodes a dash pattern as a series of space separated floats.
getDashArray(Feature) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.graphics.sld.Stroke_Impl
Evaluates the 'stroke-dasharray' parameter as defined in OGC 02-070.
getDashOffset(Feature) - Method in interface org.deegree.graphics.sld.Stroke
The stroke-dashoffset CssParameter element specifies the distance as a float into the stroke-dasharray pattern at which to start drawing.
getDashOffset(Feature) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.graphics.sld.Stroke_Impl
The stroke-dashoffset CssParameter element specifies the distance as a float into the stroke-dasharray pattern at which to start drawing.
getData() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.gazetteer.Node
returns the data of the node (only if it is a leaf)
getData(int) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.io.rtree.LeafNode
Gibt Dateneintrag zurück.
getData(int) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.io.rtree.Node
Holt Daten aus AbstractNode.
getData(int) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.io.rtree.NoneLeafNode
Holt Kindknoten an Stelle index.
getData() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.gazetteer.Node_Impl
getData(NodeList) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcts.protocol.WCTS_ProtocolFactory
gets the Data element
getDataAsByteArr(int) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.tools.NetWorker
performs the request and returns the result as a byte array.
getDataBaseVendor() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.io.DBAccess
returns the database vendor the access id made to
getDataBlockAsBoolean(GC_GridRange) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.gc.GC_GridCoverage_Impl
Return a sequence of boolean values for a block.
getDataBlockAsBoolean(GC_GridRange) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.gc.ImageGridCoverage
Return a sequence of boolean values for a block.
getDataBlockAsBoolean(GC_GridRange) - Method in interface org.opengis.gc.GC_GridCoverage
Return a sequence of boolean values for a block.
getDataBlockAsByte(GC_GridRange) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.gc.GC_GridCoverage_Impl
Return a sequence of byte values for a block.
getDataBlockAsByte(GC_GridRange) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.gc.ImageGridCoverage
Return a sequence of byte values for a block.
getDataBlockAsByte(GC_GridRange) - Method in interface org.opengis.gc.GC_GridCoverage
Return a sequence of byte values for a block.
getDataBlockAsInteger(GC_GridRange) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.gc.GC_GridCoverage_Impl
Return a sequence of int values for a block.
getDataBlockAsInteger(GC_GridRange) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.gc.ImageGridCoverage
Return a sequence of int values for a block.
getDataBlockAsInteger(GC_GridRange) - Method in interface org.opengis.gc.GC_GridCoverage
Return a sequence of int values for a block.
getDataCoupling() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcas.metadatadesc.ISO19119
getDataCoupling() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.metadatadesc.ISO19119_Impl
getDataCoupling(Element) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.metadatadesc.WCAS_ISO19119Factory
returns an instance of the element <dataCoupling> <xs:complexType name="dataCouplingType"> <xs:attribute name="couplingType" use="required"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN"> <xs:enumeration value="tight"/> <xs:enumeration value="loose"/> <xs:enumeration value="mixed"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:attribute> </xs:complexType>
getDataFromSDE(WFSQuery, String[]) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.sde.SDEDataStore.CGetFeature
queries and retrieves data from a ArcSDE
getDataLength(String) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.io.shpapi.DBaseFile
returns the size of a column
getDataLengths() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.io.shpapi.ShapeFile
getDataSection() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.io.shpapi.DBFDataSection
method: public byte[] getDataSection() returns the data section as a byte array.
getDataService() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.context.LayerExtension
returns a description of the service/server behind a WMS layer.
getDataSource() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wms.capabilities.Layer
source where the WMS can find the data of a layer.
getDataSource(double) - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wms.capabilities.Layer
source where the WMS can find the data of a layer that matches the submitted scale.
getDataSource() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.capabilities.Layer_Impl
source where the WMS can find the data of a layer.
getDataSource(double) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.capabilities.Layer_Impl
source where the WMS can find the data of a layer that matches the submitted scale.
getDataType() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcas.metadatadesc.PermittedValues
Choice: minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"
getDataType() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcas.metadatadesc.TypeValue
getDataType() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.metadatadesc.PermittedValues_Impl
Choice: minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"
getDataType() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.metadatadesc.TypeValue_Impl
getDataType(Element) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.metadatadesc.WCAS_ISO19119Factory
returns an instance of the element <dataType>
<xs:complexType name="dataTypeType"> <xs:attribute name="type" use="required"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN"> <xs:enumeration value="string"/> <xs:enumeration value="number"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:attribute> </xs:complexType>
getDataType(String) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.configuration.ConfigurationFactory
getDataType(int) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.configuration.DatastoreConfiguration_Impl
getDataTypes() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.io.shpapi.DBaseFile
method: public String[] getDataTypes()
returns the datatype of each column of the database
getDataTypes(String[]) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.io.shpapi.DBaseFile
method: public String[] getDataTypes(String[] fields)
returns the datatype of each column of the database specified by fields
getDataTypes() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.io.shpapi.ShapeFile
returns the datatype of each column of the database file
associated to the shape-file
getDataTypes(String[]) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.io.shpapi.ShapeFile
returns the datatype of each column of the dBase associated
to the shape-file specified by fields
getDataURL() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wms.capabilities.Layer
A Map Server may use DataURL to offer more information about the data represented by a particular layer.
getDataURL() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.context.Layer
This element contains a link to an online resource where data corresponding to the layer can be found.
getDataURL() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.capabilities.Layer_Impl
A Map Server may use DataURL to offer more information about the data represented by a particular layer.
getDatastoreField(String) - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wfs.configuration.FeatureType
returns the names of the datastore fields a property of the feature type will be mapped to
getDatastoreField(String) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.configuration.FeatureType_Impl
returns the names of the datastore fields a property of the feature type will be mapped to
getDatastoreFieldBaseName() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wfs.configuration.GeoFieldIdentifier
returns the root of the geo field name(s). example: if a POINTDB is used where the x- and y-value are stored in columns named col_x and col_y the base name will be 'col'.
getDatastoreFieldBaseName() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.configuration.GeoFieldIdentifier_Impl
returns the root of the geo field name(s). example: if a POINTDB is used where the x- and y-value are stored in columns named col_x and col_y the base name will be 'col'.
getDatastoreFieldType(String) - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wfs.configuration.FeatureType
returns the type of a named datastore fields The types are encoded like defined at java.sql.types
getDatastoreFieldType(String) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.configuration.FeatureType_Impl
Returns the type of the datastore field.
getDate() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.TimeExtent
Used for single valued time extents
getDate(int) - Method in interface org.deegree.services.TimeExtent
Used for listed time extents
getDate() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcas.metadatadesc.Citation
getDate() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wts.WTSScene
returns the date and day time defined for the scene
getDate() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wts.protocol.WTSGetViewRequest
returns the date/time for which a scene shall be rendered
getDate() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.TimeExtent_Impl
Used for single valued time extents
getDate(int) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.TimeExtent_Impl
Used for listed time extents
getDate() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.metadatadesc.Citation_Impl
getDate(Element) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.metadatadesc.WCAS_ISO19119Factory
returns an instance of the element <Date>
use="required", value="creation" or "publication" or "revision"
getDate() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wts.WTSScene_Impl
get the date and the time for determining time depending the light conditions of the scene
getDate() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wts.protocol.WTSGetViewRequest_Impl
returns the date/time for which a scene shall be rendered
getDateStamp() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.model.BaseMetadata
returns the date stamp of the metadata set
getDateType() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcas.metadatadesc.Date
returns the DateType attribute possible value are: creation publication revision
getDateType() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.metadatadesc.Date_Impl
returns the DateType attribute possible value are: creation publication revision
getDatum() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.CoordinateSystem
Returns the datum.
getDatum() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.GeocentricCoordinateSystem
Override CoordinateSystem.getDatum().
getDatum() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.HorizontalCoordinateSystem
Override CoordinateSystem.getDatum().
getDatum() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.LocalCoordinateSystem
Override CoordinateSystem.getDatum().
getDatum() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.TemporalCoordinateSystem
Override CoordinateSystem.getDatum().
getDatum() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.VerticalCoordinateSystem
Override CoordinateSystem.getDatum().
getDatumType() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.Datum.Export
Gets the type of the datum as an enumerated code.
getDatumType() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.Datum
Gets the type of the datum as an enumerated code.
getDatumType() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.HorizontalDatum
Gets the type of the datum as an enumerated code.
getDatumType() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.LocalDatum
Gets the type of the datum as an enumerated code.
getDatumType() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.TemporalDatum
Gets the type of the datum as an enumerated code.
getDatumType() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.VerticalDatum
Gets the type of the datum as an enumerated code.
getDatumType() - Method in interface org.opengis.cs.CS_Datum
Gets the type of the datum as an enumerated code.
getDaySinceVernalEquinox(int, int, int) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wts.util.SunPosition
caluculates for a given date the number of days since the last vernal equinox.
getDcp(Element) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.metadatadesc.WCAS_ISO19119Factory
returns an instance of the element <DCP>
elements: "invocationName", "connectPoint", "parameter" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"
attributes: name="type" use="required" - values: "HTTPGet", "HTTPPost"
getDecimalSeperator() - Method in interface org.deegree.gml.GMLCoordinates
return the character used as decimal seperator
getDecimalSeperator() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLCoordinates_Impl
return the character used as decimal seperator
getDeegreeParam() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wms.capabilities.WMSCapabilities
returns deegree specific capabilities/coniguration parameters
getDeegreeParam() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.capabilities.WMSCapabilities_Impl
returns deegree specific capabilities/coniguration parameters
getDefault() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.coverage.ExtentType
getDefault() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wms.capabilities.Extent
returns the default extent
getDefault() - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.Adapters
Gets the default adapters.
getDefault() - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.CoordinateSystemFactory
Returns the default coordinate system factory.
getDefault() - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.model.ct.Adapters
Gets the default adapters.
getDefault() - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.model.ct.CoordinateTransformationFactory
Returns the default coordinate transformation factory.
getDefault() - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.model.ct.MathTransformFactory
Returns the default math transform factory.
getDefault() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cv.ExtentType_Impl
getDefault() - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.model.pt.Adapters
Returns the default adapters.
getDefault() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.capabilities.Extent_Impl
returns the default extent
getDefaultClientConfiguration() - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.wmsclient.control.MapApplicationHandler
returns the default configuration of the WMS client
getDefaultEnvelope() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.CompoundCoordinateSystem
Gets default envelope of coordinate system.
getDefaultEnvelope() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.CoordinateSystem.Export
Gets default envelope of coordinate system.
getDefaultEnvelope() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.CoordinateSystem
Gets default envelope of coordinate system.
getDefaultEnvelope() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.GeographicCoordinateSystem
Gets default envelope of coordinate system.
getDefaultEnvelope() - Method in interface org.opengis.cs.CS_CoordinateSystem
Gets default envelope of coordinate system.
getDefaultGeometryProperty() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.feature.Feature
Returns the default geometry of the Feature.
getDefaultGeometryProperty() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.feature.Feature_Impl
Returns the default geometry of the Feature.
getDefaultOnlineResource() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wms.capabilities.DeegreeParam
returns the default URL of the deegree WMS which is used as default if no other URL is specified in the capabilities/configuration document if required.
getDefaultOnlineResource() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.capabilities.DeegreeParam_Impl
returns the default URL of the deegree WMS which is used as default if no other URL is specified in the capabilities/configuration document if required.
getDefaultValue() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.gc.GC_ParameterInfo_Impl
Default value for parameter.
getDefaultValue() - Method in interface org.opengis.gc.GC_ParameterInfo
Default value for parameter.
getDefaultWebMapContext() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.wmsclient2.control.MapApplicationHandler
returns the default configuration of the WMS client
getDefinition() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.gazetteer.SI_LocationType
the way in which location instances are defined
getDefinition() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.gazetteer.SI_LocationType_Impl
getDeliveryPoint() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcas.metadatadesc.Address
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"
getDeliveryPoint() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.metadatadesc.Address_Impl
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"
getDependsOn() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcas.metadatadesc.OperationMetadata
getDependsOn() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.metadatadesc.OperationMetadata_Impl
getDependsOn(Element) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.metadatadesc.WCAS_ISO19119Factory
returns an instance of the element <dependsOn>
complexType xs:sequence xs:element name="operationName" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"
getDepth() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcs.protocol.WCSGetCoverageRequest
getDepth() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.io.shpapi.DBaseIndex.Page
Calculate the depth for this page
getDepth() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.io.shpapi.DBaseIndex
Calculate the depth for the index
getDepth() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcs.protocol.WCSGetCoverageRequest_Impl
getDescribeFeatureType() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wfs.capabilities.Request
The <DescribeFeatureType> tag isused toindicate what schema description languages can be used to describe the schema of a feature type when a client requests such a description.
getDescribeFeatureType() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.capabilities.Request_Impl
The <DescribeFeatureType> tag isused toindicate what schema description languages can be used to describe the schema of a feature type when a client requests such a description.
getDescribeFeatureType(Element) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.capabilities.WFSCapabilitiesFactory
returns an instance of an DescribeFeatureType object generated from the submitted dom element
getDescribeRecordType() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcas.capabilities.Request
The <DescribeFeatureType> tag isused toindicate what schema description languages can be used to describe the schema of a feature type when a client requests such a description.
getDescribeRecordType() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.capabilities.Request_Impl
The <DescribeFeatureType> tag isused toindicate what schema description languages can be used to describe the schema of a feature type when a client requests such a description.
getDescribeTransformation() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcts.capabilities.WCTS_Request
returns the optional <DescribeTransformation> element
getDescribeTransformation(Element) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcts.capabilities.WCTSCapabilitiesFactory
Gets the <getDescribeTransformation>
getDescribeTransformation() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcts.capabilities.WCTS_Request_Impl
returns the optional <DescribeTransformation> element
getDescription() - Method in interface org.deegree.gml.GMLFeature
returns the description of the feature
getDescription() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.coverage.Format
returns a short description of the format
getDescription() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.coverage.GridAxis
returns a short description of the axis
getDescription() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.coverage.GridRangeDescription
returns a short description of the range set
getDescription() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.coverage.Observable
returns a short description of the Observable
getDescription() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.model.OnlineTransferOption
getDescription() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLFeature_Impl
returns the description of the feature
getDescription() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cv.CV_SampleDimension_Impl
Sample dimension title or description.
getDescription() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cv.Format_Impl
returns a short description of the format
getDescription() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cv.GridAxis_Impl
returns a short description of the axis
getDescription() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cv.GridRangeDescription_Impl
returns a short description of the range set
getDescription() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cv.Observable_Impl
returns a short description of the Observable
getDescription() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.gc.GC_Format_Impl
Description of the file format.
getDescription() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.gc.GC_ParameterInfo_Impl
Parameter description.
getDescription() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.gp.GP_Operation_Impl
Description of the processing operation.
getDescription() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.tools.raster.TileImageTree2.UniteGvDesc.DDFileFilter
getDescription() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.tools.shape.ShapeFilter
getDescription() - Method in interface org.opengis.cv.CV_SampleDimension
Sample dimension title or description.
getDescription() - Method in interface org.opengis.gc.GC_Format
Description of the file format.
getDescription() - Method in interface org.opengis.gc.GC_ParameterInfo
Parameter description.
getDescription() - Method in interface org.opengis.gp.GP_Operation
Description of the processing operation.
getDescriptionURL() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.context.General
getDescriptiveKeywords(String, Element) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.model.MetadataFactory
returns the optional keyword values
getDescriptor(Object[]) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.ConvenienceCSFactory
Returns the parameter list descriptor for the specified properties list.
getDescriptor(Object[]) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.model.ct.MathTransformProvider
Returns the parameter list descriptor for the specified properties list.
getDescriptorResource() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.coverage.CoverageLayer
returns the URL where to access the descriptor file for this layer
getDescriptorResource() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cv.CoverageLayer_Impl
returns the URL where to access the descriptor file for this layer
getDestDirTextfieldContent() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.tools.LecGUI
returns the content of the open dialog destination/target-textfield
getDestPoint(GM_Position) - Method in interface org.deegree.graphics.transformation.GeoTransform
getDestPoint(GM_Position) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.graphics.transformation.WorldToScreenTransform
executes a coordinat transformation for the submitted point of the source coordinat system.
getDestRect() - Method in interface org.deegree.graphics.transformation.GeoTransform
getDestRect() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.graphics.transformation.WorldToScreenTransform
getDestX(double) - Method in interface org.deegree.graphics.transformation.GeoTransform
getDestX(double) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.graphics.transformation.WorldToScreenTransform
executes a coordinat transformation for the submitted x-coordinate of the source coordinat system.
getDestY(double) - Method in interface org.deegree.graphics.transformation.GeoTransform
getDestY(double) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.graphics.transformation.WorldToScreenTransform
executes a coordinat transformation for the submitted y-coordinate of the source coordinat system.
getDestination() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.OGCWebServiceEvent
returns the client where to write the result/response or an error message to
getDestination() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.OGCWebServiceEvent_Impl
returns the client where to write the result/response or an error message to
getDestinationCRS() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcts.protocol.DescribeTransformationRequest
gets the DestinationCRS
getDestinationCRS() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcts.protocol.IsTransformableRequest
gets the DestinationCRS
getDestinationCRS() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcts.protocol.TransformRequest
gets DestinationCRS-element.
getDestinationCRS() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcts.protocol.DescribeTransformationRequest_Impl
gets the DestinationCRS
getDestinationCRS() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcts.protocol.IsTransformableRequest_Impl
gets the DestinationCRS
getDestinationCRS() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcts.protocol.TransformRequest_Impl
gets DestinationCRS-element.
getDestinationCRS(Element) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcts.protocol.WCTS_ProtocolFactory
gets the DestinationCRS out of the Transformable element
getDimSource() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.ct.AbridgedMolodenskiTransform
Gets the dimension of input points, which is 3.
getDimSource() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.ct.AbstractMathTransform.Inverse
Gets the dimension of input points.
getDimSource() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.ct.AffineTransform2D
Gets the dimension of input points.
getDimSource() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.ct.ConcatenedTransform
Gets the dimension of input points.
getDimSource() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.ct.GeocentricTransform
Gets the dimension of input points, which is 2 or 3.
getDimSource() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.ct.MapProjection
Gets the dimension of input points.
getDimSource() - Method in interface org.deegree_impl.model.ct.MathTransform
Gets the dimension of input points.
getDimSource() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.ct.MathTransformAdapter
Gets the dimension of input points.
getDimSource() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.ct.MathTransformExport
Gets the dimension of input points.
getDimSource() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.ct.MatrixTransform
Gets the dimension of input points.
getDimSource() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.ct.PassThroughTransform
Gets the dimension of input points.
getDimSource() - Method in interface org.opengis.ct.CT_MathTransform
Gets the dimension of input points.
getDimTarget() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.ct.AbridgedMolodenskiTransform
Gets the dimension of output points, which is the same than AbridgedMolodenskiTransform.getDimSource().
getDimTarget() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.ct.AbstractMathTransform.Inverse
Gets the dimension of output points.
getDimTarget() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.ct.AffineTransform2D
Gets the dimension of output points.
getDimTarget() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.ct.ConcatenedTransform
Gets the dimension of output points.
getDimTarget() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.ct.GeocentricTransform
Gets the dimension of output points, which is 3.
getDimTarget() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.ct.MapProjection
Gets the dimension of output points.
getDimTarget() - Method in interface org.deegree_impl.model.ct.MathTransform
Gets the dimension of output points.
getDimTarget() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.ct.MathTransformAdapter
Gets the dimension of output points.
getDimTarget() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.ct.MathTransformExport
Gets the dimension of output points.
getDimTarget() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.ct.MatrixTransform
Gets the dimension of output points.
getDimTarget() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.ct.PassThroughTransform
Gets the dimension of output points.
getDimTarget() - Method in interface org.opengis.ct.CT_MathTransform
Gets the dimension of output points.
getDimension() - Method in interface org.deegree.gml.GMLCoord
retuns the dimension of the coordinate
getDimension() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.coverage.DomainSetExtentDescription
return the dimension of the (spatial?)
getDimension() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.coverage.Grid
getDimension() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_Object
The operation "dimension" shall return the inherent dimension of this GM_Object, which shall be less than or equal to the coordinate dimension.
getDimension() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wfs.configuration.GeoFieldIdentifier
returns the dimension of the geomtries stored. supported are two- and three-dimensional geometries.
getDimension() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wms.capabilities.Layer
Dimension declarations are inherited from parent Layers.
getDimension() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLCoord_Impl
retuns the dimension of the coordinate
getDimension() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.io.rtree.HyperBoundingBox
Gibt die Anzahl der Dimensionen der HyperBoundingBox
getDimension() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.io.rtree.HyperPoint
Gibt die Dimension des Punktes:
getDimension() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.io.rtree.PageFile
Dimension der Daten in der PageFile
getDimension() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.CompoundCoordinateSystem
Returns the dimension of the coordinate system.
getDimension() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.CoordinateSystem.Export
Dimension of the coordinate system.
getDimension() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.CoordinateSystem
Returns the dimension of the coordinate system.
getDimension() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.GeocentricCoordinateSystem
Returns the dimension of this coordinate system, which is usually 3.
getDimension() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.HorizontalCoordinateSystem
Returns the dimension of this coordinate system, which is 2.
getDimension() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.LocalCoordinateSystem
Dimension of the coordinate system.
getDimension() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.TemporalCoordinateSystem
Returns the dimension of this coordinate system, which is 1.
getDimension() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.VerticalCoordinateSystem
Returns the dimension of this coordinate system, which is 1.
getDimension() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cv.DomainSetExtentDescription_Impl
return the dimension of the (spatial?)
getDimension() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cv.Grid_Impl
getDimension() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_CurveBoundary_Impl
The operation "dimension" shall return the inherent dimension of this GM_Object, which shall be less than or equal to the coordinate dimension.
getDimension() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Curve_Impl
The operation "dimension" shall return the inherent dimension of this GM_Object, which shall be less than or equal to the coordinate dimension.
getDimension() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_MultiCurve_Impl
The operation "dimension" shall return the inherent dimension of this GM_Object, which shall be less than or equal to the coordinate dimension.
getDimension() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_MultiPoint_Impl
The operation "dimension" shall return the inherent dimension of this GM_Object, which shall be less than or equal to the coordinate dimension.
getDimension() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_MultiPrimitive_Impl
getDimension() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_MultiSurface_Impl
The operation "dimension" shall return the inherent dimension of this GM_Object, which shall be less than or equal to the coordinate dimension.
getDimension() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Point_Impl
The operation "dimension" shall return the inherent dimension of this GM_Object, which shall be less than or equal to the coordinate dimension.
getDimension() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Ring_Impl
The operation "dimension" shall return the inherent dimension of this GM_Object, which shall be less than or equal to the coordinate dimension.
getDimension() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_SurfaceBoundary_Impl
The operation "dimension" shall return the inherent dimension of this GM_Object, which shall be less than or equal to the coordinate dimension.
getDimension() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Surface_Impl
The operation "dimension" shall return the inherent dimension of this GM_Object, which shall be less than or equal to the coordinate dimension.
getDimension() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.pt.CoordinatePoint
The number of ordinates of a CoordinatePoint.
getDimension() - Method in interface org.deegree_impl.model.pt.Dimensioned
Returns the number of dimensions.
getDimension() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.pt.Envelope
Returns the number of dimensions.
getDimension() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.configuration.GeoFieldIdentifier_Impl
returns the dimension of the geomtries stored. supported are two- and three-dimensional geometries.
getDimension() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.capabilities.Layer_Impl
Dimension declarations are inherited from parent Layers.
getDimension() - Method in interface org.opengis.cs.CS_CoordinateSystem
Dimension of the coordinate system.
getDimensionNames() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cv.CV_Coverage_Impl
The names of each dimension in the coverage.
getDimensionNames() - Method in interface org.opengis.cv.CV_Coverage
The names of each dimension in the coverage.
getDimensionOf(CoordinateSystem, AxisInfo) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.model.resources.OpenGIS
Returns the dimension of the first axis of a particular type.
getDirection() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcas.metadatadesc.Parameter
use="required" Possible values are: in out inout
getDirection() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.metadatadesc.Parameter_Impl
use="required" Possible values are: in out inout
getDirectories() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.coverage.Directory
if the tiles are ordered at a quad tree or something like this an instance of Directory will contain one or more Directory instances with a smaller bounding box.
getDirectories() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.coverage.Level
returns the directories contained within the level
getDirectories() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cv.Directory_Impl
if the tiles are ordered at a quad tree or something like this an instance of Directory will contain one or more Directory instances with a smaller bounding box.
getDirectories() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cv.Level_Impl
returns the directories contained within the level
getDirectoryName() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.context.DirectoryAccess
getDisplacement(Feature) - Method in interface org.deegree.graphics.sld.PointPlacement
The Displacement element of a PointPlacement gives the X and Y displacements from the main-geometry point to render a text label.
getDisplacement(Feature) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.graphics.sld.PointPlacement_Impl
The Displacement element of a PointPlacement gives the X and Y displacements from the main-geometry point to render a text label.
getDisplayElements() - Method in interface org.deegree.graphics.Theme
Returns all DisplayElements that this Theme contains.
getDisplayElements() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.graphics.Theme_Impl
Returns all DisplayElements that this Theme contains.
getDistance() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wts.protocol.WTSGetViewRequest
Distance between the viewer and the POI in meters.
getDistance(int[], int[]) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.graphics.displayelements.CurveWalker
getDistance(double, double, double, double) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.graphics.displayelements.CurveWalker
getDistance(int[], int[]) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.graphics.displayelements.LabelFactory
getDistance(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.graphics.displayelements.LabelFactory
getDistance(double, double, double, double) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.graphics.displayelements.LineStringDisplayElement_Impl
getDistance() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.filterencoding.SpatialOperation
returns the distance for geo spatial comparsions such as DWithin or Beyond
getDistance() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wts.protocol.WTSGetViewRequest_Impl
Distance between the viewer and the POI in meters.
getDocURL() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.coverage.Observable
returns an index into a registry of observation types
getDocURL() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cv.Observable_Impl
returns an index into a registry of observation types
getDocURL() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.gc.GC_Format_Impl
Documentation URL for the format.
getDocURL() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.gp.GP_Operation_Impl
URL for documentation on the processing operation.
getDocURL() - Method in interface org.opengis.gc.GC_Format
Documentation URL for the format.
getDocURL() - Method in interface org.opengis.gp.GP_Operation
URL for documentation on the processing operation.
getDocument() - Method in interface org.deegree.gml.GMLDocument
returns the dom document representing the GML document
getDocument() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLDocument_Impl
returns the dom document representing the GML document
getDocumentPath() - Method in interface org.deegree.enterprise.control.FormEvent
Returns the document path.
getDocumentPath() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.enterprise.control.WebEvent
getDomainFlags(double[]) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.ct.MathTransformExport
Gets flags classifying domain points within a convex hull.
getDomainFlags(double[]) - Method in interface org.opengis.ct.CT_MathTransform
Gets flags classifying domain points within a convex hull.
getDomainOfValidity() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.gazetteer.capabilities.SI_SpatialReferenceSystem
getDomainSetExtentDescription() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.coverage.CoverageLayer
returns the DomainSetExtentDescription of the CoverageLayer.
getDomainSetExtentDescription() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cv.CoverageLayer_Impl
returns the DomainSetExtentDescription of the CoverageLayer.
getDoubleValue(String, String, Node, double) - Static method in class org.deegree.xml.XMLTools
Returns the numerical value of the text contained in the specified child element of the given element as a double (if it denotes a double).
getDownload() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.configuration.CSWClientConfiguration
returns the address of the host for sending the mails that inform the users about the place where to download the requested data
getDownloadDirectory() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.context.IOSettings
getDriver() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wfs.configuration.Connection
returns the name of the jdbc driver class
getDriver() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.configuration.Connection_Impl
returns the name of the jdbc driver class
getDust() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wts.AtmosphericCondition
getEQUALS(SpatialOperation, StringBuffer) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.filterencoding.OracleSQLBuilder
getEast() - Method in interface org.deegree.clients.context.Frontend
returns the description of the east GUI area
getEast() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.context.AbstractFrontend
returns the description of the east GUI area
getEccentricity() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.Ellipsoid
The ratio of the distance between the center and a focus of the ellipse to the length of its semimajor axis.
getEdition() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcas.metadatadesc.Citation
getEdition() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.metadatadesc.Citation_Impl
getEditionDate() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcas.metadatadesc.Citation
getEditionDate() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.metadatadesc.Citation_Impl
getElectronicMailAddress() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcas.metadatadesc.Address
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"
getElectronicMailAddress() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.metadatadesc.Address_Impl
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"
getElement() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.graphics.optimizers.LabelChoice
getElementSetName() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcas.protocol.CASSearchResult
returns the name of the element set the result data contains
getElementSetName() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.protocol.CASSearchResult_Impl
returns the name of the element set the result data contains
getElements() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.pt.Matrix
Retrieves the specifiable values in the transformation matrix into a 2-dimensional array of double precision values.
getElevation() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wms.protocol.WMSGetMapRequest
Some geospatial information may be available at multiple elevations.
getElevation() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.protocol.WMSGetMapRequest_Impl
Some geospatial information may be available at multiple elevations.
getElevationExtent() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.coverage.DomainSetExtentDescription
Lastly, an optional ElevationExtent element, lists the elevation intervals or points at which coverages may be requested from a coverage layer.
getElevationExtent() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cv.DomainSetExtentDescription_Impl
Lastly, an optional ElevationExtent element, lists the elevation intervals or points at which coverages may be requested from a coverage layer.
getElevationModels() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wts.protocol.WTSGetViewRequest
returns a list of the DEMs to be used
getElevationModels() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wts.protocol.WTSGetViewRequest_Impl
returns a list of the DEMs to be used
getEllipsoid() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.HorizontalDatum.Export
Returns the Ellipsoid.
getEllipsoid() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.HorizontalDatum
Returns the ellipsoid.
getEllipsoid() - Method in interface org.opengis.cs.CS_HorizontalDatum
Returns the Ellipsoid.
getEmail() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.model.Contact
returns the email address of the contact person
getEnd() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.gazetteer.SI_LocationInstance
for the TemporalExtent
getEnd() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.gazetteer.SI_LocationInstance_Impl
getEndDate() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.TimeExtent
Used for periodic time extents
getEndDate() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.TimeExtent_Impl
Used for periodic time extents
getEndPoint() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_CurveBoundary
gets the end position of a boundary
getEndPoint() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_GenericCurve
returns the last point of the curve
getEndPoint() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_CurveBoundary_Impl
returns the EndPoint of the boundary
getEndPoint() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_CurveSegment_Impl
returns the last point of the curve. if the curve segment doesn't contain a point null will be returned
getEndPoint() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Curve_Impl
returns the last point of the curve.if the curve doesn't contain a segment or the last segment doesn't contain a point null will be returned
getEndTime() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.model.DetailedMetadata
getEntry(String) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.model.ModelList
returns an entry (MD_Metadata object) identified by the passed id
getEnum(int) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.AxisOrientation
Return the enum for the specified value.
getEnum(int) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.DatumType
Return the enum for the specified value.
getEnum(int) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.model.ct.DomainFlags
Return the enum for the specified value.
getEnum(int) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.model.ct.TransformType
Return the enum for the specified value.
getEnumValues() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcas.metadatadesc.PermittedValues
Choice: minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"
getEnumValues() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcas.metadatadesc.TypeValue
getEnumValues() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.metadatadesc.PermittedValues_Impl
Choice: minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"
getEnumValues() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.metadatadesc.TypeValue_Impl
getEnumValues(Element) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.metadatadesc.WCAS_ISO19119Factory
returns an instance of the element <enumValues>
getEnvelope() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.feature.Feature
returns the envelope / boundingbox of the feature
getEnvelope() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_GenericSurface
returns the bounding box of the surface
getEnvelope() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_Object
returns the bounding box of a geometry
getEnvelope() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wts.WTSScene
returns the envelope od the scene.
getEnvelope() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.control.DownloadListener.FeatureTemplate
getEnvelope() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.io.bnaapi.BNAFeature
Returns the bounding box containing all the geometris of this feature.
getEnvelope() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.io.bnaapi.BNAGeometry
getEnvelope() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.io.shpapi.SHPGeometry
returns the minimum boundary rectangle of the geomertry
getEnvelope() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cv.CV_Coverage_Impl
The bounding box for the coverage domain in coordinate system coordinates.
getEnvelope() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.feature.FeatureCollection_Impl
returns the envelope / boundingbox of the feature collection
getEnvelope() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.feature.Feature_Impl
returns the envelope / boundingbox of the feature
getEnvelope() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Object_Impl
returns the bounding box / envelope of a geometry
getEnvelope() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_SurfacePatch_Impl
returns the bounding box of the surface patch
getEnvelope() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wts.WTSScene_Impl
returns the envelope od the scene.
getEnvelope() - Method in interface org.opengis.cv.CV_Coverage
The bounding box for the coverage domain in coordinate system coordinates.
getEpoch() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cs.TemporalCoordinateSystem
Returns the epoch.
getEquivalentScale(String, Element) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.model.MetadataFactory
returns the optional equivalentScale value
getEscapeChar() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.filterencoding.PropertyIsLikeOperation
getEventSource() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.OGCWebServiceEvent_Impl
returns the instance of the OGCWebService that is the source of the event.
getException() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.OGCWebServiceResponse
returns an XML encoding of the exception that raised.
getException() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wms.capabilities.Capability
returns the format where exceptions will be returned
getException() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.OGCWebServiceResponse_Impl
returns an XML encoding of the exception that raised.
getException() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.capabilities.Capability_Impl
returns the format where exceptions will be returned
getExceptions() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcas.capabilities.Capability
returns the format exceptions will be returned
getExceptions() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcs.protocol.WCSGetCoverageRequest
A Web Coverage Service must offer the exception reporting format application/vnd.ogc.se_xml by listing it in a element in its Capabilities XML.
getExceptions() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wms.protocol.WMSGetFeatureInfoRequest
The optional EXCEPTIONS parameter states the manner in which errors are to be reported to the client.
getExceptions() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wms.protocol.WMSGetLegendGraphicRequest
This gives the MIME type of the format in which to return exceptions.
getExceptions() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wms.protocol.WMSGetMapRequest
The optional EXCEPTIONS parameter states the manner in which errors are to be reported to the client.
getExceptions() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wts.protocol.WTSGetViewRequest
The optional EXCEPTIONS parameter states the manner in which errors are to be reported to the client.
getExceptions() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.capabilities.Capability_Impl
getExceptions(Element) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.capabilities.WCASCapabilitiesFactory
returns the format exception will be retruned
getExceptions() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcs.protocol.WCSGetCoverageRequest_Impl
A Web Coverage Service must offer the exception reporting format application/vnd.ogc.se_xml by listing it in a element in its Capabilities XML.
getExceptions() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.protocol.WMSGetFeatureInfoRequest_Impl
The optional EXCEPTIONS parameter states the manner in which errors are to be reported to the client.
getExceptions() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.protocol.WMSGetLegendGraphicRequest_Impl
This gives the MIME type of the format in which to return exceptions.
getExceptions() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.protocol.WMSGetMapRequest_Impl
The optional EXCEPTIONS parameter states the manner in which errors are to be reported to the client.
getExceptions() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wts.protocol.WTSGetViewRequest_Impl
The optional EXCEPTIONS parameter states the manner in which errors are to be reported to the client.
getExpiry() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wfs.protocol.WFSLockFeatureRequest
The element is used to set a limit on how long the lock should be held in the event that a transaction is never issued that will release the lock.
getExpiry() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.protocol.WFSLockFeatureRequest_Impl
The element is used to set a limit on how long the lock should be held in the event that a transaction is never issued that will release the lock.
getExpression() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.filterencoding.PropertyIsNullOperation
getExpressionId() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wfs.filterencoding.Expression
Returns the expression's id.
getExpressionId() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.filterencoding.Expression_Impl
Returns the expression's id.
getExpressionName() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wfs.filterencoding.Expression
Returns the name of the expression.
getExpressionName() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.filterencoding.Expression_Impl
Returns the name of the expression.
getExtension() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.context.General
getExtension() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.context.Layer
The Extension element is a container tag in which arbitrary vendor specific information can be included without compromising the ability of other clients to enforce schema validation.
getExtensions() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.coverage.Directory
returns the file extension known by the directory
getExtensions() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.cv.Directory_Impl
returns the file extension known by the directory
getExtent() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wms.capabilities.Layer
Extent declarations are inherited from parent Layers.
getExtent() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.capabilities.Layer_Impl
Extent declarations are inherited from parent Layers.
getExtents() - Method in interface org.deegree.graphics.sld.FeatureTypeConstraint
returns the extent for filtering the feature type
getExtents() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.graphics.sld.FeatureTypeConstraint_Impl
returns the extent for filtering the feature type
getExteriorRing() - Method in interface org.deegree.gml.GMLPolygon
returns the exterior ring of the polygon
getExteriorRing() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_SurfaceBoundary
getExteriorRing() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_SurfacePatch
returns the exterior ring of the surface
getExteriorRing() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLPolygon_Impl
returns the exterior ring of the polygon
getExteriorRing() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_SurfaceBoundary_Impl
gets the exterior ring
getExteriorRing() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_SurfacePatch_Impl
returns a reference to the exterior ring of the surface
getFCBoundingBox(GMLFeatureCollection) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.WFSRequestController
getFRow(int) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.io.shpapi.DBaseFile
returns a row of the dBase-file as Feature containing a place holder (field name = "GEOM") for a geometry.
getFacsimile() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcas.metadatadesc.Phone
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"
getFacsimile() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.model.Contact
returns the facsimile numbe of the contact person
getFacsimile() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.metadatadesc.Phone_Impl
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"
getFactor() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.wmsclient.configuration.MapOperationFactor
returns the numeric factor to be used in a map operation like zoom or pan
getFamily(Feature) - Method in interface org.deegree.graphics.sld.Font
Returns the (evaluated) value of the font's CssParameter 'font-family'.
getFamily(Feature) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.graphics.sld.Font_Impl
Returns the (evaluated) value of the font's CssParameter 'font-family'.
getFault() - Method in interface org.deegree.enterprise.control.RPCMethodResponse
returns the fault object if a fault occured while performing a RPC
getFault() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.enterprise.control.RPCMethodResponse_Impl
returns the fault object if a fault occured while performing a RPC
getFaultString() - Method in interface org.deegree.enterprise.control.RPCFault
returns a human readable description of the fault.
getFaultString() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.enterprise.control.RPCFault_Impl
returns a human readable description of the fault.
getFeature(String) - Method in interface org.deegree.gml.GMLFeatureCollection
returns the feature that matvhes the submitted id
getFeature(int) - Method in interface org.deegree.graphics.FeatureLayer
returns the feature that matches the submitted id
getFeature() - Method in interface org.deegree.graphics.displayelements.DisplayElement
Returns the associated Feature.
getFeature(int) - Method in interface org.deegree.model.feature.FeatureCollection
returns the feature at the submitted index
getFeature(WFSGetFeatureRequest) - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wfs.DataStore
returns the features that matches the submitted request
getFeature(String) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLFeatureCollection_Impl
returns the feature that matches the submitted id
getFeature(int) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.graphics.FeatureLayer_Impl
returns the feature that matches the submitted index
getFeature() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.graphics.displayelements.DisplayElement_Impl
Returns the associated Feature.
getFeature(int) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.io.bnaapi.BNAFeatureSet
getFeature(int) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.feature.FeatureCollection_Impl
returns the feature that is assigned to the submitted index.
getFeature(WFSGetFeatureRequest) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.bna.BNADataStore
returns the features that matches the submitted request
getFeature - Variable in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.capabilities.Request_Impl
getFeature(WFSGetFeatureRequest) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.db.PointDBDataStore
returns the features that matches the submitted request
getFeature(WFSGetFeatureRequest) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.gml.GMLDBDataStore
returns the features that matches the submitted request
getFeature(WFSGetFeatureRequest) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.mapinfo.MapInfoDataStore
returns the features that matches the submitted request
getFeature(WFSGetFeatureRequest) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.mysql.MySQLDataStore
returns the features that matches the submitted request
getFeature(WFSGetFeatureRequest) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.oracle.OracleDataStore
returns the features that matches the submitted request
getFeature(WFSGetFeatureRequest) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.postgis.PostgisDataStore
returns the features that matches the submitted request
getFeature(WFSGetFeatureRequest) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.sde.SDEDataStore
returns the features that matches the submitted request
getFeature(WFSGetFeatureRequest) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.shape.ShapeDataStore
returns the features that matches the submitted request
getFeatureAsGeometry(FeatureCollection, int) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.io.shpapi.ShapeFile
returns the n'th feature of a featurecollection as a GM_Object
getFeatureById(String) - Method in interface org.deegree.graphics.FeatureLayer
returns the feature that matches the submitted id
getFeatureById(String) - Method in interface org.deegree.model.feature.FeatureCollection
returns the feature identified by it's id
getFeatureById(String) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.graphics.FeatureLayer_Impl
returns the feature that matches the submitted id
getFeatureById(String) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.feature.FeatureCollection_Impl
returns the feature that is assigned to the submitted id.
getFeatureByRecNo(int) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.io.shpapi.ShapeFile
returns the RecNo'th entry of the shape file as Feature.
getFeatureCollections() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wts.protocol.WTSGetViewRequest
returns a list of named Faetuter collections and associated styles to put into the scene.
getFeatureCollections() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wts.protocol.WTSGetViewRequest_Impl
returns a list of named Faetuter collections and associated styles to put into the scene.
getFeatureCollectionsAsSLD() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wts.protocol.WTSGetViewRequest
returns a list of named Faetuter collections and associated styles to put into the scene as a SLD-document.
getFeatureCollectionsAsSLD() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wts.protocol.WTSGetViewRequest_Impl
returns a list of named Faetuter collections and associated styles to put into the scene as a SLD-document.
getFeatureCount() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wms.protocol.WMSGetFeatureInfoRequest
The optional FEATURE_COUNT parameter states the maximum number of features for which feature information should be returned.
getFeatureCount() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.protocol.WMSGetFeatureInfoRequest_Impl
The optional FEATURE_COUNT parameter states the maximum number of features for which feature information should be returned.
getFeatureIDs(FeatureType, Filter, DBAccess) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.db.CTransaction
Retrieves all IDs of the Feature's MasterTable that are affected by the given Filter.
getFeatureIDs(FeatureType, Filter, DBAccess) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.gml.CTransaction
Retrieves all IDs of the Feature's MasterTable that are affected by the given Filter.
getFeatureIDs(FeatureType, Filter, DBAccess) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.oracle.CTransaction
Retrieves all IDs of the Feature's MasterTable that are affected by the given Filter.
getFeatureIDs(FeatureType, Filter, DBAccess) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.postgis.CTransaction
Retrieves all IDs of the Feature's MasterTable that are affected by the given Filter.
getFeatureIds() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wcas.protocol.CASInsertResult
Returns the ids of the inserted features
getFeatureIds() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wfs.protocol.WFSGetFeatureRequest
A list of feature identifiers upon which the specified operation shall be applied.
getFeatureIds() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wfs.protocol.WFSInsertResult
Returns the ids of the inserted features
getFeatureIds() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wfs.protocol.WFSLock
A list of feature identifiers upon which the specified operation shall be applied.
getFeatureIds() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wcas.protocol.CASInsertResult_Impl
Returns the ids of the inserted features
getFeatureIds() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.filterencoding.FeatureFilter
Returns the contained FeatureIds.
getFeatureIds() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.protocol.WFSGetFeatureRequest_Impl
A list of feature identifiers upon which the specified operation shall be applied.
getFeatureIds() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.protocol.WFSInsertResult_Impl
Returns the ids of the inserted features
getFeatureIds() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.protocol.WFSLock_Impl
A list of feature identifiers upon which the specified operation shall be applied.
getFeatureInfo() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wms.protocol.WMSGetFeatureInfoResponse
returns the feature info the corresponds to an feature info request.
getFeatureInfo() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.protocol.WMSGetFeatureInfoResponse_Impl
returns the feature info the corresponds to an feature info request.
getFeatureListURL() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wms.capabilities.Layer
A Map Server may use a element to point to a list of the features represented in a Layer.
getFeatureListURL() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.capabilities.Layer_Impl
A Map Server may use a element to point to a list of the features represented in a Layer.
getFeatureProperties(FeatureCollection, int) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.io.shpapi.ShapeFile
getFeaturePropertyValue() - Method in interface org.deegree.gml.GMLFeatureProperty
returns the value of the property
getFeaturePropertyValue() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLFeatureProperty_Impl
returns the value of the property
getFeatureSet() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.io.bnaapi.BNAFile
getFeatureSource(String) - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wts.configuration.WTSConfiguration
returns the source for submitted feature.
getFeatureSource(String) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wts.configuration.WTSConfiguration_Impl
returns the source for submitted feature.
getFeatureTexture(String) - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wts.configuration.WTSConfiguration
returns the texture of a feature as BufferedImage
getFeatureTexture(String) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wts.configuration.WTSConfiguration_Impl
returns the texture of a feature as BufferedImage
getFeatureType() - Method in interface org.deegree.model.feature.Feature
returns the FeatureType of this Feature
getFeatureType(String) - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wfs.capabilities.FeatureTypeList
returns the FeatureType that matches the submitted name.
getFeatureType(String) - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wfs.configuration.DatastoreConfiguration
returns the feature description for a named feature type. if no feature type is known with the submitted name null will be returned
getFeatureType() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wms.protocol.WMSGetLegendGraphicRequest
getFeatureType() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.context.DataService
returns the featuretype assigned to the WMS layer if the server behind it is a WFS
getFeatureType() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.feature.FeatureCollection_Impl
returns the FeatureType of this Feature(Collection)
getFeatureType() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.model.feature.Feature_Impl
returns the FeatureType of this Feature
getFeatureType() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.InsertTree
returns the feature type that is mapped to the tree
getFeatureType(String) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.capabilities.FeatureTypeList_Impl
returns the FeatureType that matches the submitted name.
getFeatureType(String) - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.configuration.DatastoreConfiguration_Impl
returns the feature description for a named feature type. if no feature type is known with the submitted name null will be returned
getFeatureType() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wms.protocol.WMSGetLegendGraphicRequest_Impl
returns the
getFeatureTypeConstraint() - Method in interface org.deegree.graphics.sld.LayerFeatureConstraints
A FeatureTypeConstraint element is used to identify a feature type by a well-known name, using the FeatureTypeName element.
getFeatureTypeConstraint() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.graphics.sld.LayerFeatureConstraints_Impl
A FeatureTypeConstraint element is used to identify a feature type by a well-known name, using the FeatureTypeName element.
getFeatureTypeList() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wfs.capabilities.WFSCapabilities
The optional VendorSpecificCapabilities element lists any capabilities unique to a particular server.
getFeatureTypeList(Element) - Static method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.capabilities.WFSCapabilitiesFactory
returns an instance of an object that capsulates the WFS's feature type list.
getFeatureTypeList() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.capabilities.WFSCapabilities_Impl
The optional VendorSpecificCapabilities element lists any capabilities unique to a particular server.
getFeatureTypeName() - Method in interface org.deegree.gml.GMLFeature
return the name of the feature type the feature based on
getFeatureTypeName() - Method in interface org.deegree.graphics.sld.FeatureTypeConstraint
returns the name of the feature type
getFeatureTypeName() - Method in interface org.deegree.graphics.sld.FeatureTypeStyle
returns the name of the affected feature type
getFeatureTypeName() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.gml.GMLFeature_Impl
return the name of the feature type the feature based on
getFeatureTypeName() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.graphics.sld.FeatureTypeConstraint_Impl
returns the name of the feature type
getFeatureTypeName() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.graphics.sld.FeatureTypeStyle_Impl
returns the name of the affected feature type
getFeatureTypeNames() - Method in interface org.deegree.gml.GMLSchema
returns the names of the feature types described by the schema
getFeatureTypeSchema() - Method in interface org.deegree.services.wfs.protocol.WFSDescribeFeatureTypeResponse
returns the respose of a DescribeFeatureTypeRequest as XML-Schema
getFeatureTypeSchema() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.protocol.WFSDescribeFeatureTypeResponse_Impl
returns the respose of a DescribeFeatureTypeRequest as XML-Schema
getFeatureTypeStyle() - Method in class org.deegree_impl.clients.context.SLD
containing inline the specific feature styling instructions for the enclosing