Uses of Interface

Packages that use Layer   

Uses of Layer in

Classes in that implement Layer
(package private)  class FeatureLayer_Impl
          A Layer is a collection of Features building a thematic 'unit' waterways or country borders for example.
(package private)  class Layer_Impl
          A Layer is a collection of Features or rasters building a thematic 'unit' waterways or country borders for example.
(package private)  class RasterLayer_Impl
          A RasterLayer represent a layer which data are contained within one single Image.

Fields in declared as Layer
private  Layer Theme_Impl.layer

Methods in that return Layer
 Layer Theme_Impl.getLayer()
          returns the layer that holds the data of the theme
static Layer MapFactory.createFeatureLayer(java.lang.String name)
          creates an empty feature layer with EPSG:4326 as default coordinate reference system.
static Layer MapFactory.createFeatureLayer(java.lang.String name, CS_CoordinateSystem crs)
          creates an empty feature layer.
static Layer MapFactory.createFeatureLayer(java.lang.String name, CS_CoordinateSystem crs, FeatureCollection fc)
          creates a complete feature layer.
static Layer MapFactory.createRasterLayer(java.lang.String name, GC_GridCoverage raster)
          creates a raster layer.

Methods in with parameters of type Layer
static Theme MapFactory.createTheme(java.lang.String name, Layer layer, UserStyle[] styles)
          creates a theme with a name, a Layer containing the themes data and an array of styles to be known by the Theme
static Theme MapFactory.createTheme(java.lang.String name, Layer layer)
          creates a theme with a name, a Layer containing the themes data and an array of styles to be known by the Theme
static MapView MapFactory.createMapView(java.lang.String name, GM_Envelope boundingbox, CS_CoordinateSystem crs, Layer[] layers)
          creates a MapView with a name, a boundingbox describing the area coverd by the MapView, a CRS and n Layers.

Constructors in with parameters of type Layer
Theme_Impl(java.lang.String name, Layer layer, UserStyle[] styles)

Uses of Layer in

Subinterfaces of Layer in
 interface FeatureLayer
          A Layer is a collection of Features building a thematic 'unit' waterways or country borders for example.

Methods in that return Layer
 Layer Theme.getLayer()
          returns the layer that holds the data of the theme

Methods in with parameters of type Layer
 void LayerEventController.addLayer(Layer layer)
          adds a Layer to the EventController that shall be notified if something happens.
 void LayerEventController.removeLayer(Layer layer)