Interface GM_Envelope

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
GM_Envelope_Impl, LayerBoundingBox_Impl

public interface GM_Envelope

a boundingbox as child of a GM_Polygon isn't part of the iso19107 spec but it simplifies the geometry handling within jago

Method Summary
 boolean contains(GM_Envelope bb)
          returns true if all positions of the submitted bounding box are within this bounding box
 boolean contains(GM_Position position)
          returns true if the bounding box contains the submitted position
 GM_Envelope createIntersection(GM_Envelope bb)
          returns a new GM_Envelope object representing the intersection of this GM_Envelope with the specified GM_Envelope.
 GM_Envelope getBuffer(double b)
          creates a new envelope
 double getHeight()
          returns the height of bounding box
 GM_Position getMax()
          returns the maximum coordinates of bounding box
 GM_Position getMin()
          returns the minimum coordinates of bounding box
 double getWidth()
          returns the width of bounding box
 boolean intersects(GM_Envelope bb)
          returns true if this envelope intersects the submitted envelope
 GM_Envelope merge(GM_Envelope envelope)
          merges two GM_Envelops and returns the minimum envelope containing both.

Method Detail


public double getWidth()
returns the width of bounding box


public double getHeight()
returns the height of bounding box


public GM_Position getMin()
returns the minimum coordinates of bounding box


public GM_Position getMax()
returns the maximum coordinates of bounding box


public boolean contains(GM_Position position)
returns true if the bounding box contains the submitted position


public boolean intersects(GM_Envelope bb)
returns true if this envelope intersects the submitted envelope


public boolean contains(GM_Envelope bb)
returns true if all positions of the submitted bounding box are within this bounding box


public GM_Envelope createIntersection(GM_Envelope bb)
returns a new GM_Envelope object representing the intersection of this GM_Envelope with the specified GM_Envelope.


public GM_Envelope merge(GM_Envelope envelope)
merges two GM_Envelops and returns the minimum envelope containing both.



public GM_Envelope getBuffer(double b)
creates a new envelope