Uses of Interface

Packages that use Theme   

Uses of Theme in

Classes in that implement Theme
(package private)  class Theme_Impl
          A Theme is for usual a homogenious collection of Features coupled with a portrayal model for their graphical representation.

Fields in declared as Theme
private  Theme MapView_Impl.activatedTh

Methods in that return Theme
 Theme MapView_Impl.getTheme(java.lang.String name)
          returns the Theme that matches the submitted name
 Theme MapView_Impl.getTheme(int index)
          returns the Theme that matches the submitted index
 Theme[] MapView_Impl.getAllThemes()
          returns the Themes in correct order.
static Theme MapFactory.createTheme(java.lang.String name, Layer layer, UserStyle[] styles)
          creates a theme with a name, a Layer containing the themes data and an array of styles to be known by the Theme
static Theme MapFactory.createTheme(java.lang.String name, Layer layer)
          creates a theme with a name, a Layer containing the themes data and an array of styles to be known by the Theme

Methods in with parameters of type Theme
 void MapView_Impl.addTheme(Theme theme)
          adds a theme to the MapView
 void MapView_Impl.removeTheme(Theme theme)
          removes a theme from the MapView
 void MapView_Impl.swapThemes(Theme first, Theme second)
          swaps the positions of the submitted themes
 void MapView_Impl.moveUp(Theme theme)
          move a theme up for one index position (index = oldindex + 1)
 void MapView_Impl.moveDown(Theme theme)
          move a theme down for one index position (index = oldindex - 1)
 void MapView_Impl.enableTheme(Theme theme, boolean enable)
          enables or disables a theme that is part of the MapView.
 boolean MapView_Impl.isThemeEnabled(Theme theme)
          returns true if the passed theme is set to be enabled
 void MapView_Impl.activateTheme(Theme theme)
          activates a theme.
 boolean MapView_Impl.isThemeActivated(Theme theme)
          returns true if the passed theme is the one that is set to be activated
static MapView MapFactory.createMapView(java.lang.String name, GM_Envelope boundingbox, CS_CoordinateSystem crs, Theme[] themes)
          creates a MapView with a name, a boundingbox describing the area coverd by the MapView, a CRS and n Themes.

Uses of Theme in

Methods in with parameters of type Theme
 void LabelOptimizer.addTheme(Theme theme)
          Adds a Theme that the Optimizer should consider.
 void AbstractOptimizer.addTheme(Theme theme)
          Adds a Theme that the Optimizer should consider.

Constructors in with parameters of type Theme
LabelOptimizer(Theme[] themes)
          Creates a new instance of LabelOptimizer for the given Themes.

Uses of Theme in

Methods in that return Theme
 Theme MapView.getTheme(java.lang.String name)
          returns the Theme that matches the submitted name
 Theme MapView.getTheme(int index)
          returns the Theme that matches the submitted index
 Theme[] MapView.getAllThemes()
          returns the Themes in correct order.

Methods in with parameters of type Theme
 void ThemeEventController.addTheme(Theme theme)
          adds a Theme to the EventController that shall be notified if something happens.
 void ThemeEventController.removeTheme(Theme theme)
 void Selector.addTheme(Theme theme)
          adds a Theme to the Selector that shall be notified if something happens.
 void Selector.removeTheme(Theme theme)
 void MapView.addTheme(Theme theme)
          adds a theme to the MapView
 void MapView.removeTheme(Theme theme)
          removes a theme from the MapView
 void MapView.swapThemes(Theme first, Theme second)
          swaps the positions of the submitted themes
 void MapView.moveUp(Theme theme)
          move a theme up for one index position (index = oldindex + 1)
 void MapView.moveDown(Theme theme)
          move a theme down for one index position (index = oldindex - 1)
 void MapView.enableTheme(Theme theme, boolean enable)
          enables or disables a theme that is part of the MapView.
 boolean MapView.isThemeEnabled(Theme theme)
          returns true if the passed theme is set to be enabled
 void MapView.activateTheme(Theme theme)
          activates a theme.
 boolean MapView.isThemeActivated(Theme theme)
          returns true if the passed theme is the one that is set to be activated
 void Highlighter.addTheme(Theme theme)
          adds a Theme to the Highlighter that shall be notified if something happens.
 void Highlighter.removeTheme(Theme theme)

Uses of Theme in

Methods in with parameters of type Theme
 void Optimizer.addTheme(Theme theme)
          Adds a Theme that the Optimizer should consider.