Interface TransformRequest

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public interface TransformRequest
extends OGCWebServiceRequest

The transform-schema describes the only mandatory request, which is to adapt from the Transformation-Web-Service

The basic elememts of the reqest are the coordinate-system of the data (SourceCRS), the coordinate-system in which the data should be transformed (DestinationCRS) and the data itself. Additional to this the format of the incoming data and the results are declared.

The determination of a transformation-sequence is optional. Normally several single-transformations are needed for the transformation of coordinates from one system into another. With the <TransformationSequence>- element it is possible to define (a) in which order (b) which transformations should be executed.

It is to notice, that the transformationservice is based on the OpenGIS implemantation specification "Coordinate Transformation Service 1.0.0". I. e. that the transformation of a geometry results from the transformation of its particular coordinates. Splines and other not-linear interpolations get not explicit transformed. So, for the the incoming data only point-geometries and linear interpolated geometries are acceptable. In addition to the GML-coded geometries a coding of "Well Known Text" (WKT) is possible. A WKT-geometry is transported as a string.


Andreas Poth

Method Summary
 CS_CoordinateSystem getDestinationCRS()
          gets DestinationCRS-element.
 GMLGeometry[] getGeometries()
          gets the Data
 java.lang.String getInputFormat()
          gets InputFormat-element
 java.lang.String getOutputFormat()
          gets OutputFormat-element
 CS_CoordinateSystem getSourceCRS()
          gets SourceCRS-element.
 TransformationSequence[] getTransformationSequence()
          gets the TransformationSequence-element.
 java.lang.String getVersion()
          gets the version-attribute.
Methods inherited from interface
getId, getRequest, getRequestParameter, getService, getVendorSpecificParameter, getVendorSpecificParameters

Method Detail


public java.lang.String getVersion()
gets the version-attribute.

Specified by:
getVersion in interface OGCWebServiceRequest


public java.lang.String getInputFormat()
gets InputFormat-element


public java.lang.String getOutputFormat()
gets OutputFormat-element


public CS_CoordinateSystem getSourceCRS()
gets SourceCRS-element. Unique description of the Source coordinate-system


public CS_CoordinateSystem getDestinationCRS()
gets DestinationCRS-element. Unique description of the Destination coordinate-system


public TransformationSequence[] getTransformationSequence()
gets the TransformationSequence-element. Sequence of the transformation steps. Each transformation step is to be described completely by means of XML.


public GMLGeometry[] getGeometries()
gets the Data