Interface OGCWebServiceRequest

All Known Subinterfaces:
CASDescribeRecordTypeRequest, CASGetCapabilitiesRequest, CASGetRecordRequest, CASRegisterServiceRequest, CASTransactionRequest, DescribeTransformationRequest, GetCapabilitiesRequest, IsTransformableRequest, TransformRequest, WCSDescribeCoverageLayerRequest, WCSGetCapabilitiesRequest, WCSGetCoverageRequest, WFSBasicRequest, WFSDescribeFeatureTypeRequest, WFSGDescribeFeatureTypeRequest, WFSGetCapabilitiesRequest, WFSGetFeatureRequest, WFSGetFeatureWithLockRequest, WFSGGetCapabilitiesRequest, WFSGGetFeatureRequest, WFSLockFeatureRequest, WFSTransactionRequest, WMSDescribeLayerRequest, WMSGetCapabilitiesRequest, WMSGetFeatureInfoRequest, WMSGetLegendGraphicRequest, WMSGetMapRequest, WMSGetScaleBarRequest, WMSGetStylesRequest, WMSPutStylesRequest, WTSGetCapabilitiesRequest, WTSGetViewRequest
All Known Implementing Classes:
CASDescribeRecordTypeRequest_Impl, CASGetCapabilitiesRequest_Impl, CASGetRecordRequest_Impl, CASRegisterServiceRequest_Impl, CASTransactionRequest_Impl, DescribeTransformationRequest_Impl, GetCapabilitiesRequest_Impl, IsTransformableRequest_Impl, OGCWebServiceRequest_Impl, TransformRequest_Impl, WCSGetCapabilitiesRequest_Impl, WCSGetCoverageRequest_Impl, WFSBasicRequest_Impl, WFSDescribeFeatureTypeRequest_Impl, WFSGDescribeFeatureTypeRequest_Impl, WFSGetCapabilitiesRequest_Impl, WFSGetFeatureRequest_Impl, WFSGetFeatureWithLockRequest_Impl, WFSGGetCapabilitiesRequest_Impl, WFSGGetFeatureRequest_Impl, WFSLockFeatureRequest_Impl, WFSTransactionRequest_Impl, WMSDescribeLayerRequest_Impl, WMSGetCapabilitiesRequest_Impl, WMSGetFeatureInfoRequest_Impl, WMSGetLegendGraphicRequest_Impl, WMSGetMapRequest_Impl, WMSGetScaleBarRequest_Impl, WMSGetStylesRequest_Impl, WMSPutStylesRequest_Impl, WTSGetCapabilitiesRequest_Impl, WTSGetViewRequest_Impl

public interface OGCWebServiceRequest

This is the base interface for all request on OGC Web Services (OWS). Each class that capsulates a request against an OWS has to implements this interface.


Andreas Poth

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getId()
          returns the ID of a request
 java.lang.String getRequest()
          The REQUEST parameter indicates which service operation is being invoked.
 java.lang.String getRequestParameter()
          returns the URI of a HTTP GET request.
 java.lang.String getService()
          The required SERVICE parameter indicates which of the available service types at a particular service instance is being invoked.
 java.lang.String getVendorSpecificParameter(java.lang.String name)
          Finally, the requests allow for optional vendor-specific parameters (VSPs) that will enhance the results of a request.
 java.util.HashMap getVendorSpecificParameters()
          Finally, the requests allow for optional vendor-specific parameters (VSPs) that will enhance the results of a request.
 java.lang.String getVersion()
          returns the requested service version

Method Detail


public java.lang.String getRequest()
The REQUEST parameter indicates which service operation is being invoked. The value shall be the name of one of the operations offered by the OGC Web Service Instance.


public java.lang.String getService()
The required SERVICE parameter indicates which of the available service types at a particular service instance is being invoked.


public java.util.HashMap getVendorSpecificParameters()
Finally, the requests allow for optional vendor-specific parameters (VSPs) that will enhance the results of a request. Typically, these are used for private testing of non-standard functionality prior to possible standardization. A generic client is not required or expected to make use of these VSPs.


public java.lang.String getVendorSpecificParameter(java.lang.String name)
Finally, the requests allow for optional vendor-specific parameters (VSPs) that will enhance the results of a request. Typically, these are used for private testing of non-standard functionality prior to possible standardization. A generic client is not required or expected to make use of these VSPs.


public java.lang.String getId()
returns the ID of a request


public java.lang.String getVersion()
returns the requested service version


public java.lang.String getRequestParameter()
                                     throws WebServiceException
returns the URI of a HTTP GET request. If the request doesn't support HTTP GET a WebServiceException will be thrown
