Interface WFSLockFeatureResponse

All Superinterfaces:
OGCWebServiceResponse, WFSBasicResponse
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface WFSLockFeatureResponse
extends WFSBasicResponse

In response to a LockFeature request, the web feature server shall generate an XML document containing a lock identifier that a client application can reference when operating upon the locked features. The response can also contain optional blocks depending on the value of the lockAction attribute.


$Revision: 1.3 $ $Date: 2004/02/09 07:57:02 $
Andreas Poth

Method Summary
 java.lang.String[] getFeaturesLocked()
          The method returns the feature identifiers of all the features that were locked by the LockFeature request.
 java.lang.String[] getFeaturesNotLocked()
          The method returns the feature identifiers of all the features that could not be locked by the LockFeature request.
 java.lang.String getLockId()
          returns the id of the locking action. the may be used to identify the request that locks a feature.
Methods inherited from interface
Methods inherited from interface
getException, getRequest, setException, setRequest

Method Detail


public java.lang.String getLockId()
returns the id of the locking action. the may be used to identify the request that locks a feature.


public java.lang.String[] getFeaturesLocked()
The method returns the feature identifiers of all the features that were locked by the LockFeature request.


public java.lang.String[] getFeaturesNotLocked()
The method returns the feature identifiers of all the features that could not be locked by the LockFeature request. (possibly because they were already locked by someone else).