Interface WFSNative

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface WFSNative


$Revision: 1.3 $ $Date: 2004/02/09 07:57:02 $
Andreas Poth

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getNative()
          The element is intended to allow access to vendor specific capabilities of any particular web feature server or datastore.
 boolean getSafeToIgnore()
          The safeToIgnore attributes is used to guide the actions of the web feature server when the command or operation is not recognized.
 java.lang.String getVendorId()
          The vendorId attribute is used to identify the vendor that recognizes the command or operation enclosed by the tag.

Method Detail


public java.lang.String getNative()
The element is intended to allow access to vendor specific capabilities of any particular web feature server or datastore. The tag simply delimits the vendor specific command or operation.


public java.lang.String getVendorId()
The vendorId attribute is used to identify the vendor that recognizes the command or operation enclosed by the tag. The attribute is provided as a means of allowing the web feature server to determine if it can deal with the command or not.


public boolean getSafeToIgnore()
The safeToIgnore attributes is used to guide the actions of the web feature server when the command or operation is not recognized. The safeToIgnore attribute has two possible values True or False.