Interface WMSGetFeatureInfoRequest

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public interface WMSGetFeatureInfoRequest
extends OGCWebServiceRequest

$Revision: 1.1 $

Method Summary
 java.awt.Point getClickPoint()
          The required X and Y parameters indicate a point of interest on the map.
 java.lang.String getExceptions()
          The optional EXCEPTIONS parameter states the manner in which errors are to be reported to the client.
 int getFeatureCount()
          The optional FEATURE_COUNT parameter states the maximum number of features for which feature information should be returned.
 WMSGetMapRequest getGetMapRequestCopy()
           is not a name/value pair like the other parameters.
 java.lang.String getInfoFormat()
          The optional INFO_FORMAT indicates what format to use when returning the feature information.
 java.lang.String[] getQueryLayers()
          The required QUERY_LAYERS parameter states the map layer(s) from which feature information is desired to be retrieved.
 StyledLayerDescriptor getStyledLayerDescriptor()
          returns the SLD the request is made of.
Methods inherited from interface
getId, getRequest, getRequestParameter, getService, getVendorSpecificParameter, getVendorSpecificParameters, getVersion

Method Detail


public WMSGetMapRequest getGetMapRequestCopy()
is not a name/value pair like the other parameters. Instead, most of the GetMap request parameters that generated the original map are repeated. Two are omitted because GetFeatureInfo provides its own values: VERSION and REQUEST. The remainder of the GetMap request shall be embedded contiguously in the GetFeatureInfo request.


public java.lang.String[] getQueryLayers()
The required QUERY_LAYERS parameter states the map layer(s) from which feature information is desired to be retrieved. Its value is a comma- separated list of one or more map layers that are returned as an array. This parameter shall contain at least one layer name, but may contain fewer layers than the original GetMap request.

If any layer in this list is not contained in the Capabilities XML of the WMS, the results are undefined and the WMS shall produce an exception response.


public java.lang.String getInfoFormat()
The optional INFO_FORMAT indicates what format to use when returning the feature information. Supported values for a GetFeatureInfo request on a WMS instance are listed as MIME types in one or more elements inside the element of its Capabilities XML. The entire MIME type string in is used as the value of the INFO_FORMAT parameter. In an HTTP environment, the MIME type shall be set on the returned object using the Content-type entity header.

EXAMPLE: The parameter INFO_FORMAT=application/vnd.ogc.gml requests that the feature information be formatted in Geography Markup Language (GML).


public int getFeatureCount()
The optional FEATURE_COUNT parameter states the maximum number of features for which feature information should be returned. Its value is a positive integer greater than zero. The default value is 1 if this parameter is omitted.


public java.awt.Point getClickPoint()
The required X and Y parameters indicate a point of interest on the map. X and Y identify a single point within the borders of the WIDTH and HEIGHT parameters of the embedded GetMap request. The origin is set to (0,0) centered in the pixel at the upper left corner; X increases to the right and Y increases downward. X and Y are retruned as java.awt.Point class/datastructure.


public java.lang.String getExceptions()
The optional EXCEPTIONS parameter states the manner in which errors are to be reported to the client. The default value is application/vnd.ogc.se_xml if this parameter is absent from the request. At present, not other values are defined for the WMS GetFeatureInfo request.


public StyledLayerDescriptor getStyledLayerDescriptor()
returns the SLD the request is made of. This implies that a 'simple' HTTP GET-Request will be transformed into a valid SLD. This is mandatory within a JaGo WMS.

This mean even if a GetMap request is send using the HTTP GET method, an implementing class has to map the request to a SLD data sructure.