Uses of Class

Packages that use CatalogClientException

Uses of CatalogClientException in org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient

Subclasses of CatalogClientException in org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient
 class MissingISO19119EntryException

Uses of CatalogClientException in org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.control

Methods in org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.control that throw CatalogClientException
protected  void ThesaurusListener.validateRequest(RPCWebEvent event)
          validates the request to be performed.
protected  java.util.HashMap ThesaurusListener.createRequest(RPCWebEvent rpcEvent)
          creates a GetFeature request from the RPCWebEvent passed to this listener
protected  java.util.HashMap ThesaurusListener.performRequest(RPCWebEvent event)
          performs the request contained in the passed RPCWebEvent
protected  java.lang.Object ThesaurusListener.validateResult(java.util.HashMap result)
          validates the result of the catalog request and returns an Object depending on the results content.
protected  void ThesaurusListener.handleResult(java.lang.Object result)
          handles the result of a 'FULL' catalog query
protected  GM_Envelope TakeSearchBoxListener.validateRequest(RPCWebEvent event)
          validates the request to be performed.
protected  void OverviewMetadataListener.validateRequest(RPCWebEvent event)
          validates the request to be performed.
protected  java.util.HashMap OverviewMetadataListener.createRequest(RPCWebEvent rpcEvent)
          creates a GetRecord request from the RPCWebEvent passed to this listener
protected  java.lang.Object OverviewMetadataListener.validateResult(java.util.HashMap result)
          validates the result of the full get record request and returns an Object depending on the results content.
protected  void OverviewMetadataListener.handleResult(java.lang.Object result)
          handles the result of a 'FULL' catalog query
private  void MapViewListener.validateRequest(RPCWebEvent event)
          validates if the passed event contains a valid request
private  java.lang.String MapViewListener.proofAuthorization(RPCWebEvent event)
          checks if the current user is authorized to to download the ordered datasets
private  java.util.HashMap MapViewListener.getCatalogIdAssociations(RPCWebEvent event)
          returns the associations between catalogs and the IDs/layers that are served by them. for each catalog the returned HashMap contains an ArrayList containing the associated IDs
protected  java.lang.String MapViewListener.isAuthorizied(java.lang.String id)
          validates if the current user iss allowed to display the selected datasets with a WMS
private  java.util.HashMap MapViewListener.getWMSGetMapCalls(java.lang.String catalog, java.lang.String[] ids, GM_Envelope bbox)
          returns the addresses to be used to perform a GetMap request for the passed layers (IDs).
static java.lang.String ISO19115RequestFactory.createRequest(RPCStruct struct)
          creates a GetRecord request that is conform to the OGC Stateless Web Service Catalog Profil and GDI NRW catalog specifications from a RPC struct.
private static java.lang.String ISO19115RequestFactory.createFilterEncoding()
          takes RequestModel and builds a String result out of it.
private static java.lang.String ISO19115RequestFactory.handleFileIdentifier()
          Build OGC Filterencoding fragment: use WCASRequestmodel field fileIdentifier to create Comparison Operation.
private static java.lang.String ISO19115RequestFactory.handleParentIdentifier()
          Build OGC Filterencoding fragment: use WCASRequestmodel field parentIdentifier to create Comparison Operation.
private static java.lang.String ISO19115RequestFactory.handleFreeSearch()
          Spread WCASRequestmodel field terms to several Comparison Operations with pre-defined Property names.
private static java.lang.String ISO19115RequestFactory.handleTopiccategory()
          Build OGC Filterencoding fragment: for WCASRequestmodel field topiccategory.
private static java.lang.String ISO19115RequestFactory.handleKeywords()
          Build OGC Filterencoding fragment: Spread WCASRequestmodel field keywords to one Comparison Operations.
private static java.lang.String ISO19115RequestFactory.handleDate()
          Build OGC Filterencoding fragment: use WCASRequestmodel fields dateFrom to create Comparison Operation.
private static java.lang.String ISO19115RequestFactory.handleBbox()
          Build OGC Filterencoding fragment: use WCASRequestmodel field geographicBox to create Comparison Operation.
private static java.lang.String ISO19115RequestFactory.buildRequest(java.lang.String filter)
          second step to create Request: take filter and build request
protected  void InitDetailListener.validateRequest(RPCWebEvent event)
          validates the request to be performed.
protected  void InitDetailListener.handle(RPCWebEvent event)
          handles the result of a 'FULL' catalog query
protected  void FreeSearchListener.validateRequest(RPCWebEvent event)
          validates the request to be performed.
protected  java.util.HashMap FreeSearchListener.createRequest(RPCWebEvent rpcEvent)
          creates a GetRecord request from the RPCWebEvent passed to this listener
protected  java.util.HashMap FreeSearchListener.performRequest(RPCWebEvent event)
          performs the request contained in the passed RPCWebEvent
protected  java.lang.Object FreeSearchListener.validateResult(java.util.HashMap result)
          validates the result of the catalog request and returns an Object depending on the results content.
protected  void FreeSearchListener.handleResult(java.lang.Object result)
          handles the result of a catalog query
protected  java.lang.String DownloadListener.proofAuthorization(RPCWebEvent event)
          checks if the current user is authorized to to download the ordered datasets
protected  java.lang.String DownloadListener.isAuthorizied(java.lang.String id)
          validates if the current user iss allowed to display the selected datasets with a WMS
protected  java.util.HashMap DownloadListener.getCatalogIdAssociations(RPCWebEvent event)
          performs the access to the data marked at the shopping card
protected  java.util.HashMap DownloadListener.getWFSGetFeatureCalls(java.lang.String catalog, DownloadListener.FeatureTemplate[] ft)
          returns the call to be used to perform a GetFeature request for the passed feature template.
protected  WFSGetFeatureRequest DownloadListener.createGetFeatureRequest(DownloadListener.FeatureTemplate ft, java.lang.String version)
          creates a GetFeature request considering the feature type (ID) and the bounding box encapsulated in the passed FeatureTemplate
private  java.lang.String DownloadListener.LoadController.storeFC(FeatureCollection fc, java.lang.String typeName)
          stores the passed feature collection as zipped shape and returns the file name
protected  void DetailedSearchListener.validateRequest(RPCWebEvent event)
          validates the request to be performed.
protected  java.lang.Object DetailedSearchListener.validateResult(java.util.HashMap result)
          validates the result of the catalog request and returns an Object depending on the results content.
private  SelectionEntry AddToShoppingCartListener.createSelectionEntry(RPCWebEvent we)
          creates a SelectionEntry from the incomming RPCWebEvent and the contained data/parameters.
protected  java.lang.String AddToShoppingCartListener.isAuthorizied(java.lang.String id, int access)
          validates if the current user iss allowed to display the selected datasets with a WMS

Uses of CatalogClientException in org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.model

Methods in org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.model that throw CatalogClientException
static BaseMetadata MetadataFactory.createISO19115Brief(org.w3c.dom.Element element, java.lang.String namespace)
          creates a BaseMD_Metadata object from it DOM representation.
static DetailedMetadata MetadataFactory.createISO19115Full(org.w3c.dom.Element element, java.lang.String namespace)
          creates a DetailedMD_Metadata object from it DOM representation.
private static Contact[] MetadataFactory.getContact(java.lang.String namespace, ElementList el)
          returns the list of contacts for a Metadataset
private static java.util.Calendar[] MetadataFactory.getTimeExtent(java.lang.String namespace, org.w3c.dom.Element element)
          returns the begin and end
private static java.lang.String MetadataFactory.getCRS(java.lang.String namespace, org.w3c.dom.Element element)
          returns the reference system identifier
private static java.lang.String MetadataFactory.getLineageSrcDescription(java.lang.String namespace, org.w3c.dom.Element element)
          returns the optional lineageSourceDescription value
private static java.lang.String MetadataFactory.getLineageStatement(java.lang.String namespace, org.w3c.dom.Element element)
          returns the optional lineageStatement value
private static java.lang.String MetadataFactory.getProcessStep(java.lang.String namespace, org.w3c.dom.Element element)
          returns the optional processStep value
private static java.lang.String MetadataFactory.getMaintenanceAndUpdateFrequency(java.lang.String namespace, org.w3c.dom.Element element)
          returns the optional maintenanceAndUpdateFrequency value
private static java.lang.String MetadataFactory.getResourceConstraints(java.lang.String namespace, org.w3c.dom.Element element)
          returns the optional resourceConstraints value
private static java.lang.String MetadataFactory.getEquivalentScale(java.lang.String namespace, org.w3c.dom.Element element)
          returns the optional equivalentScale value
private static java.lang.String[] MetadataFactory.getDescriptiveKeywords(java.lang.String namespace, org.w3c.dom.Element element)
          returns the optional keyword values