Uses of Class

Packages that use SHPPoint   

Uses of SHPPoint in

Fields in declared as SHPPoint
 SHPPoint[][] SHPPolyLine.points
 SHPPoint[] SHPMultiPoint.points

Methods in that return SHPPoint
static SHPPoint ShapeUtils.readPoint(byte[] b, int off)
          readPoint(byte[] b, int off)
Reads a point record.

Methods in with parameters of type SHPPoint
 GM_Point SHP2WKS.transformPoint(CS_CoordinateSystem crs, SHPPoint shppoint)
          method: GM_Point transformPoint(CS_CoordinateSystem srs,
SHPPoint shppoint))
transforms a SHPPoint to a WKSGeometry
gets a point that should be transformed
private  GM_Envelope SHP2WKS.getRange(SHPPoint[] ring, int[] pts)
          method: getRange(LinearRing ring, int[] pts)
returns the range envelope of a polygon. after calling getRange
the array pts contains the indieces of the points corresponding
to the left, top, right and bottom of the range envelope.
private  boolean SHP2WKS.ccw(SHPPoint[] ring)
 byte[] SHP2WKB.transformPoint(SHPPoint shppoint_)
          method: byte[] transformPoint(CS_CoordinateSystem srs,
SHPPoint shppoint))
transforms a SHPPoint into a byte array using sf-WKB specifications
gets a point that should be transformed to a WKBGeometry
static int ShapeUtils.writePoint(byte[] b, int off, SHPPoint point)
          method: writePoint(byte[] b, int off, ESRIPoint point)
Writes the given point to the given buffer at the given location.

Constructors in with parameters of type SHPPoint
SHPEnvelope(SHPPoint min, SHPPoint max)
          Transform from WKBPoint to Rectangle