Uses of Class

Packages that use Projection

Uses of Projection in org.deegree_impl.model.cs

Fields in org.deegree_impl.model.cs declared as Projection
private  Projection ProjectedCoordinateSystem.projection
          projection Projection from geographic to projected coordinate system.

Methods in org.deegree_impl.model.cs that return Projection
 Projection ProjectedCoordinateSystem.getProjection()
          Gets the projection.
 Projection CoordinateSystemFactory.createProjection(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String classification, ParameterList parameters)
          Creates a projection.
 Projection CoordinateSystemFactory.createProjection(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String classification, Ellipsoid ellipsoid, java.awt.geom.Point2D centre, java.awt.geom.Point2D translation, double scaleFactor)
          Convenience method for constructing a projection using the specified ellipsoid.
 Projection Adapters.wrap(CS_Projection projection)
          Returns a projection for an OpenGIS interface.

Methods in org.deegree_impl.model.cs with parameters of type Projection
 ProjectedCoordinateSystem CoordinateSystemFactory.createProjectedCoordinateSystem(java.lang.String name, GeographicCoordinateSystem gcs, Projection projection)
          Creates a projected coordinate system using the specified geographic system.
 ProjectedCoordinateSystem CoordinateSystemFactory.createProjectedCoordinateSystem(java.lang.String name, GeographicCoordinateSystem gcs, Projection projection, Unit unit, AxisInfo axis0, AxisInfo axis1)
          Creates a projected coordinate system using a projection object.
 CS_Projection Adapters.export(Projection projection)
          Returns an OpenGIS interface for a projection.

Constructors in org.deegree_impl.model.cs with parameters of type Projection
ProjectedCoordinateSystem(java.lang.String name, GeographicCoordinateSystem gcs, Projection projection)
          Creates a projected coordinate system using the specified geographic system.
ProjectedCoordinateSystem(java.lang.String name, GeographicCoordinateSystem gcs, Projection projection, Unit unit, AxisInfo axis0, AxisInfo axis1)
          Creates a projected coordinate system using a projection object.
ProjectedCoordinateSystem(java.util.Map properties, GeographicCoordinateSystem gcs, Projection projection, Unit unit, AxisInfo axis0, AxisInfo axis1)
          Creates a projected coordinate system using a projection object.

Uses of Projection in org.deegree_impl.model.ct

Methods in org.deegree_impl.model.ct with parameters of type Projection
protected  java.lang.Object TransverseMercatorProjection.Provider.create(Projection parameters)
          Create a new map projection.
protected  java.lang.Object StereographicProjection.Provider.create(Projection parameters)
          Create a new map projection.
protected  java.lang.Object PlateCarreeProjection.Provider.create(Projection parameters)
          Create a new map projection.
protected  java.lang.Object MercatorProjection.Provider.create(Projection parameters)
          Create a new map projection.
 MathTransform MathTransformFactory.createParameterizedTransform(Projection projection)
          Convenience method for creating a transform from a projection.
protected  java.lang.Object LambertConformalProjection.Provider.create(Projection parameters)
          Create a new map projection.
private static GeographicCoordinateSystem CoordinateTransformationFactory.normalize(GeographicCoordinateSystem cs, Projection projection)
          Makes sure that the specified GeographicCoordinateSystem use standard axis (longitude and latitude in degrees), Greenwich prime meridian and an ellipsoid matching projection's parameters.

Constructors in org.deegree_impl.model.ct with parameters of type Projection
TransverseMercatorProjection(Projection parameters)
          Construct a new map projection from the suplied parameters.
TransverseMercatorProjection(Projection parameters, boolean modified)
          Construct a new map projection from the suplied parameters.
StereographicProjection(Projection parameters)
          Construct a new map projection from the suplied parameters.
StereographicProjection(Projection parameters, boolean polar, boolean auto)
          Construct a new map projection from the suplied parameters.
PlateCarreeProjection(Projection parameters)
          Construct a new map projection from the suplied parameters.
PlanarProjection(Projection parameters)
          Construct a new map projection from the suplied parameters.
MercatorProjection(Projection parameters)
          Construct a new map projection from the suplied parameters.
MapProjection(Projection parameters)
          Construct a new map projection from the suplied parameters.
LambertConformalProjection(Projection parameters)
          Construct a new map projection from the suplied parameters.
CylindricalProjection(Projection parameters)
          Construct a new map projection from the suplied parameters.
ConicProjection(Projection parameters)
          Construct a new map projection from the suplied parameters.