Class Layer_Impl

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

abstract class Layer_Impl
extends java.lang.Object
implements Layer

The Layer(Type), is meant to be shared with the Web Map Service and Web Feature Service and defines access basic to common elements.


$Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2003/01/27 11:31:14 $

Andreas Poth

Field Summary
private  java.lang.String abstract_
private  java.lang.String[] crs
private  java.lang.String[] keywordList
private  GM_Envelope latLonBoundingBox
private  java.lang.String layerID
private[] metadataURLs
private  java.lang.String nativeCRS
private  java.lang.String[] queryCRS
private  java.lang.String[] responseCRS
private  Format[] supportedFormatList
private  java.lang.String title
Constructor Summary
(package private) Layer_Impl(java.lang.String layerID, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String abstract_, java.lang.String[] keywordList, GM_Envelope latLonBoundingBox, java.lang.String[] queryCRS, java.lang.String[] responseCRS, java.lang.String nativeCRS,[] metadataURLs, Format[] supportedFormatList)
(package private) Layer_Impl(java.lang.String layerID, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String abstract_, java.lang.String[] keywordList, GM_Envelope latLonBoundingBox, java.lang.String[] crs, java.lang.String nativeCRS,[] metadataURLs, Format[] supportedFormatList)
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getAbstract()
          returns a narrative description of the map layer
 java.lang.String[] getCRS()
          For each Coverage Layer, the Capabilities XML description specifies (i) the native Spatial Reference System (SRS) of the data; (ii) the SRSs in which it understands incoming GetCoverage requests; and (iii) the SRSs in which it can produce coverages in response to GetCoverage requests Every CoverageLayer must have either one or more SRS elements, or both a QuerySRS and a ResponseSRS element (which contain one or more SRS elements).
 java.lang.String[] getKeywordList()
          returns a list that contains keywords to aid in catalog searches
 GM_Envelope getLatLonBoundingBox()
          The required LatLonBoundingBox element, has attributes indicating the edges of an enclosing rectangle in longitude/latitude decimal degrees.
 java.lang.String getLayerID()
          The required LayerID is a unique identifier (not used for any other coverage layer).[] getMetadataURLs()
          The optional MetadataURL element is recommended for access to detailed, standardized metadata about the data underneath a particular layer.
 java.lang.String getNativeCRS()
          The optional NativeSRS element states the native SRS of a Coverage Layer.
 java.lang.String[] getQueryCRS()
          The QuerySRS element states the SRS(s) in which GetCoverage requests may be expressed against that coverage layer.
 java.lang.String[] getResponseCRS()
          The ResponseSRS element states the SRS(s) in which coverage replies to GetCoverage requests may be expressed.
 Format[] getSupportedFormatList()
          The required SupportedFormatList element advertises the output format(s) in which coverages may be requested from this Coverage Layer (e.g., GeoTIFF, HDF-EOS, NITF, DTED, etc.).
 java.lang.String getTitle()
          The required Title element contains a human-readable string for p resentation in a menu.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private java.lang.String abstract_


private java.lang.String[] crs


private java.lang.String[] keywordList


private GM_Envelope latLonBoundingBox


private java.lang.String layerID


private[] metadataURLs


private java.lang.String nativeCRS


private java.lang.String[] queryCRS


private java.lang.String[] responseCRS


private Format[] supportedFormatList


private java.lang.String title
Constructor Detail


Layer_Impl(java.lang.String layerID,
           java.lang.String title,
           java.lang.String abstract_,
           java.lang.String[] keywordList,
           GM_Envelope latLonBoundingBox,
           java.lang.String[] crs,
           java.lang.String nativeCRS,
 [] metadataURLs,
           Format[] supportedFormatList)


Layer_Impl(java.lang.String layerID,
           java.lang.String title,
           java.lang.String abstract_,
           java.lang.String[] keywordList,
           GM_Envelope latLonBoundingBox,
           java.lang.String[] queryCRS,
           java.lang.String[] responseCRS,
           java.lang.String nativeCRS,
 [] metadataURLs,
           Format[] supportedFormatList)
Method Detail


public java.lang.String getAbstract()
returns a narrative description of the map layer

Specified by:
getAbstract in interface Layer


public java.lang.String[] getCRS()
For each Coverage Layer, the Capabilities XML description specifies (i) the native Spatial Reference System (SRS) of the data; (ii) the SRSs in which it understands incoming GetCoverage requests; and (iii) the SRSs in which it can produce coverages in response to GetCoverage requests

Every CoverageLayer must have either one or more SRS elements, or both a QuerySRS and a ResponseSRS element (which contain one or more SRS elements). A server may choose to detail query and response SRSs separately, or just advertise SRSs in which it can both accept requests and deliver coverage responses

The content of the SRS element may be any of the EPSG: or AUTO: coordinate systems defined in the Web Map Service Implementation Specification; it may be undefined (“OGC:none”); or it may be an embedded “swath” referencing system (“OGC:swath”) that lets the client reconstruct ground coordinates from tie-points or sensor metadata

Specified by:
getCRS in interface Layer


public java.lang.String[] getKeywordList()
returns a list that contains keywords to aid in catalog searches

Specified by:
getKeywordList in interface Layer


public GM_Envelope getLatLonBoundingBox()
The required LatLonBoundingBox element, has attributes indicating the edges of an enclosing rectangle in longitude/latitude decimal degrees. LatLonBoundingBox must be supplied regardless of what SRS the map server may support for coverage requests and responses. However, it may be approximate if EPSG:4326 (WGS84 geographic) is not a supported request SRS. Its chief purpose is to populate registries for geographic search

Specified by:
getLatLonBoundingBox in interface Layer


public java.lang.String getLayerID()
The required LayerID is a unique identifier (not used for any other coverage layer). Using the GetCoverage or DescribeCoverage operation, clients request coverages from that Coverage Layer (or a description of the Coverage Layer) by using this LayerID value in the LAYERS parameter (for requests expressed as key-value pairs) or in the LayerID element (for XML requests).

Specified by:
getLayerID in interface Layer


public[] getMetadataURLs()
The optional MetadataURL element is recommended for access to detailed, standardized metadata about the data underneath a particular layer. The type attribute indicates the standard to which the metadata complies. Two types are defined at present: 'TC211' = ISO TC211 19115; 'FGDC' = FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata

Specified by:
getMetadataURLs in interface Layer


public java.lang.String getNativeCRS()
The optional NativeSRS element states the native SRS of a Coverage Layer. (This, along with the native resolution stated in the BoundingBox, facilitates client access to unretouched coverage values.

Specified by:
getNativeCRS in interface Layer


public java.lang.String[] getQueryCRS()
The QuerySRS element states the SRS(s) in which GetCoverage requests may be expressed against that coverage layer. One of these should be the coverage layer’s native SRS.

Requests expressed in the special SRS codes “OGC:none” or “OGC:swath” refer to subsets defined according the layer’s pixel row/column coordinate system (for imagery) or its internal / local coordinate system (for non-gridded data).

Specified by:
getQueryCRS in interface Layer


public java.lang.String[] getResponseCRS()
The ResponseSRS element states the SRS(s) in which coverage replies to GetCoverage requests may be expressed. One of these should be the Layer’s native SRS. Coverages served in the special SRS codes “OGC:none” or “OGC:swath” are expressed in pixel row/column coordinate system (for imagery) or an internal / local coordinate system (for non-gridded data). Coverage replies with the SRS “OGC:swath” may embed sensor-model or tie-point information to let a thick client georeference the returned coverage

Specified by:
getResponseCRS in interface Layer


public Format[] getSupportedFormatList()
The required SupportedFormatList element advertises the output format(s) in which coverages may be requested from this Coverage Layer (e.g., GeoTIFF, HDF-EOS, NITF, DTED, etc.). Both a format name and a MIME type identify these formats. Several OGC-specific types have been defined to distinguish various types of XML documents; these are listed in WMS 1.1.

Specified by:
getSupportedFormatList in interface Layer


public java.lang.String getTitle()
The required Title element contains a human-readable string for p resentation in a menu.

Specified by:
getTitle in interface Layer