Package org.deegree_impl.model.gc

Class Summary
GC_Format_Impl This interface is a discovery mechanism to determine the formats supported by a GC_GridCoverageExchange implementation.
GC_GridCoverage_Impl Represent the basic implementation which provides access to grid coverage data.
GC_GridCoverageExchange_Impl Support for creation of grid coverages from persistent formats as well as exporting a grid coverage to a persistent formats.
GC_GridGeometry_Impl Describes the geometry and georeferencing information of the grid coverage.
GC_GridPacking_Impl Describes the packing of data values within grid coverages.
GC_GridRange_Impl Specifies the range of valid coordinates for each dimension of the coverage.
GC_Parameter_Impl The parameter required for a grid coverage processing operation.
GC_ParameterInfo_Impl Provides information for the parameters required for grid coverage processing operations and grid exchange.
ImageGridCoverage Represent the basic implementation which provides access to grid coverage data.