Package org.deegree_impl.model.geometry

Class Summary
GeometryFactory ------------------------------------------------------------
GM_Aggregate_Impl default implementierung of the GM_Aggregate interface ------------------------------------------------------------
GM_Boundary_Impl default implementation of the GM_Boundary interface.
GM_Curve_Impl default implementation of the GM_Curve interface from package jago.model
GM_CurveBoundary_Impl default implementation of the GM_CurveBoundary interface from package jago.model.
GM_CurveSegment_Impl default implementation of the GM_CurveSegment interface from package jago.model. the class is abstract because it should be specialized by derived classes GM_LineString for example ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
GM_Envelope_Impl a boundingbox as child of a GM_Polygon isn't part of the iso19107 spec but it simplifies the geometry handling within jago ------------------------------------------------------------
GM_LineString_Impl default implementation of the GM_LineString interface of package jago.model
GM_MultiCurve_Impl default implementation of the GM_MultiCurve interface from package jago.model
GM_MultiPoint_Impl default implementierung of the GM_MultiPoint interface of package jago.model.
GM_MultiPrimitive_Impl default implementation of the GM_MultiPrimitive interface of package jago.model.
GM_MultiSurface_Impl default implementation of the GM_MultiSurface interface from package jago.model.
GM_Object_Impl Default implementation of the GM_Object interface from package deegree.model.
GM_OrientableCurve_Impl default implementierung of the GM_OrientableSurface interface from package jago.model. the implementation is abstract because only initialization of the spatial reference system is unique to all orientated curves ------------------------------------------------------------
GM_OrientablePrimitive_Impl default implementation of the GM_OrientablePrimitive interface from package jago.model. the implementation is abstract because it doesn't make sense to instantiate it.
GM_OrientableSurface_Impl default implementation of the GM_OrientableSurface interface from package jago.model. the implementation is abstract because only initialization of the spatial reference system is unique to all orientated surfaces -----------------------------------------------------------------------
GM_Point_Impl default implementation of the GM_Point interface.
GM_Polygon_Impl default implementierung of the GM_Polygon interface from package jago.model
GM_Position_Impl A sequence of decimals numbers which when written on a width are a sequence of coordinate positions.
GM_Primitive_Impl default implementation of the GM_Primitive interface from package jago.model
GM_PrimitiveBoundary_Impl default implementation of the GM_PrimitiveBoundary interface.
GM_Ring_Impl default implementation of the GM_Ring interface of the -----------------------------------------------------------------------
GM_Surface_Impl default implementation of the GM_Surface interface from package jago.model.
GM_SurfaceBoundary_Impl default implementation of the GM_SurfaceBoundary interface
GM_SurfaceInterpolation_Impl default implementation of the GM_SurfaceInterpolation interface from the package jago.model
GM_SurfacePatch_Impl default implementation of the GM_SurfacePatch interface from package jago.model. the class is abstract because it should be specialized by derived classes GM_Polygon for example ------------------------------------------------------------
JTSAdapter Adapter between deegree-GM_Objects and JTS-Geometry objects.
SDEAdapter Adapter class for exporting deegree geometries to WKT and to wrap WKT code geometries to deegree geometries.
WKTAdapter Adapter class for exporting deegree geometries to WKT and to wrap WKT code geometries to deegree geometries.