Class Summary |
GeometryFactory |
------------------------------------------------------------ |
GM_Aggregate_Impl |
default implementierung of the GM_Aggregate interface
------------------------------------------------------------ |
GM_Boundary_Impl |
default implementation of the GM_Boundary interface. |
GM_Curve_Impl |
default implementation of the GM_Curve interface from
package jago.model |
GM_CurveBoundary_Impl |
default implementation of the GM_CurveBoundary interface from
package jago.model.
GM_CurveSegment_Impl |
default implementation of the GM_CurveSegment interface from
package jago.model. the class is abstract because it should be
specialized by derived classes GM_LineString for example
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
GM_Envelope_Impl |
a boundingbox as child of a GM_Polygon isn't part
of the iso19107 spec but it simplifies the geometry handling
within jago
------------------------------------------------------------ |
GM_LineString_Impl |
default implementation of the GM_LineString interface of
package jago.model |
GM_MultiCurve_Impl |
default implementation of the GM_MultiCurve interface from
package jago.model |
GM_MultiPoint_Impl |
default implementierung of the GM_MultiPoint interface of
package jago.model.
GM_MultiPrimitive_Impl |
default implementation of the GM_MultiPrimitive interface of
package jago.model.
GM_MultiSurface_Impl |
default implementation of the GM_MultiSurface interface from
package jago.model.
GM_Object_Impl |
Default implementation of the GM_Object interface from
package deegree.model. |
GM_OrientableCurve_Impl |
default implementierung of the GM_OrientableSurface interface from
package jago.model. the implementation is abstract because
only initialization of the spatial reference system is unique to
all orientated curves
------------------------------------------------------------ |
GM_OrientablePrimitive_Impl |
default implementation of the GM_OrientablePrimitive interface from
package jago.model. the implementation is abstract because it
doesn't make sense to instantiate it.
GM_OrientableSurface_Impl |
default implementation of the GM_OrientableSurface interface from
package jago.model. the implementation is abstract because
only initialization of the spatial reference system is unique to
all orientated surfaces
----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
GM_Point_Impl |
default implementation of the GM_Point interface.
GM_Polygon_Impl |
default implementierung of the GM_Polygon interface from
package jago.model |
GM_Position_Impl |
A sequence of decimals numbers which when written on a width are a sequence of
coordinate positions. |
GM_Primitive_Impl |
default implementation of the GM_Primitive interface from
package jago.model |
GM_PrimitiveBoundary_Impl |
default implementation of the GM_PrimitiveBoundary interface.
GM_Ring_Impl |
default implementation of the GM_Ring interface of the
----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
GM_Surface_Impl |
default implementation of the GM_Surface interface from
package jago.model. |
GM_SurfaceBoundary_Impl |
default implementation of the GM_SurfaceBoundary interface |
GM_SurfaceInterpolation_Impl |
default implementation of the GM_SurfaceInterpolation interface from the
package jago.model |
GM_SurfacePatch_Impl |
default implementation of the GM_SurfacePatch interface from
package jago.model. the class is abstract because it should be
specialized by derived classes GM_Polygon for example
------------------------------------------------------------ |
GMLAdapter |
JTSAdapter |
Adapter between deegree-GM_Objects and JTS-Geometry objects.
LinearContains |
LinearIntersects |
OracleAdapter |
PostGISAdapter |
SDEAdapter |
Adapter class for exporting deegree geometries to WKT and to wrap WKT code
geometries to deegree geometries. |
WKTAdapter |
Adapter class for exporting deegree geometries to WKT and to wrap WKT code
geometries to deegree geometries. |