Interface GC_GridCoverageExchange

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public interface GC_GridCoverageExchange
extends java.rmi.Remote

Support for creation of grid coverages from persistent formats as well as exporting a grid coverage to a persistent formats. For example, it allows for creation of grid coverages from the GeoTIFF Well-known binary format and exporting to the GeoTIFF file format. Basic implementations only require creation of grid coverages from a file format or resource.


Method Summary
 GC_GridCoverage createFromName(java.lang.String name)
          Create a new GC_GridCoverage from a grid coverage file.
 GC_GridCoverage createFromSubName(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String subName)
          Create a new GC_GridCoverage from a file where the file contains many grid coverages.
 void exportTo(GC_GridCoverage gridCoverage, java.lang.String fileFormat, java.lang.String fileName, GC_Parameter[] creationOptions)
          Export a grid coverage to a persistent file format.
 GC_Format getFormat(int index)
          Retrieve information on file formats or resources available with the GC_GridCoverageExchange implementation.
 java.lang.String[] getMetadataNames()
          List of metadata keywords for the interface.
 java.lang.String getMetadataValue(java.lang.String name)
          Retrieve the metadata value for a given metadata name.
 int getNumFormats()
          The number of formats supported by the GC_GridCoverageExchange.
 java.lang.String[] listSubNames(java.lang.String name)
          Retrieve the list of grid coverages contained within the given file or resource.
 GC_GridCoverage move(GC_GridCoverage gridCoverage, CS_CoordinateSystem coordsys, CT_MathTransform gridToCoordinateSystem)
          Create a new coverage with a different coordinate reference system.

Method Detail


public int getNumFormats()
                  throws java.rmi.RemoteException
The number of formats supported by the GC_GridCoverageExchange.

the number of formats supported by the GC_GridCoverageExchange.
java.rmi.RemoteException - if a remote method call failed.


public java.lang.String[] getMetadataNames()
                                    throws java.rmi.RemoteException
List of metadata keywords for the interface. If no metadata is available, the sequnce will be empty.

the list of metadata keywords for the interface.
java.rmi.RemoteException - if a remote method call failed.


public GC_Format getFormat(int index)
                    throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Retrieve information on file formats or resources available with the GC_GridCoverageExchange implementation. Indices start at zero.

index - Index for which to retrieve the format information.
information on file formats or resources available with the GC_GridCoverageExchange implementation.
java.rmi.RemoteException - if a remote method call failed.


public java.lang.String getMetadataValue(java.lang.String name)
                                  throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Retrieve the metadata value for a given metadata name.

name - Metadata keyword for which to retrieve metadata.
the metadata value for the given metadata name.
java.rmi.RemoteException - if a remote method call failed.


public GC_GridCoverage createFromName(java.lang.String name)
                               throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Create a new GC_GridCoverage from a grid coverage file. This method is meant to allow implementations to create a GC_GridCoverage. from any file format. An implementation can support any number of formats which is determined from the GC_Format interface.

name - File name (including path) from which to create a grid coverage interface. This file name can be any valid file name within the underlying operating system of the server or a valid string, such as a URL which specifics a grid coverage. Each implementation must determine if file name is valid for it's own use.
a new GC_GridCoverage.
java.rmi.RemoteException - if a remote method call failed.


public java.lang.String[] listSubNames(java.lang.String name)
                                throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Retrieve the list of grid coverages contained within the given file or resource. Each grid can have a different coordinate system, number of dimensions and grid geometry. For example, a HDF-EOS file (GRID.HDF) contains 6 grid coverages each having a different projection. An empty sequence will be returned if no sub names exist.

name - File name (including path) from which to retrieve the grid coverage names. This file name can be any valid file name within the underlying operating system of the server or a valid string, such as a URL which specifics a grid coverage. Each implementation must determine if file name is valid for it s own use. Implementations can support many different of file formats.
The list of grid coverages contained within the given file or resource.
java.rmi.RemoteException - if a remote method call failed.


public GC_GridCoverage createFromSubName(java.lang.String name,
                                         java.lang.String subName)
                                  throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Create a new GC_GridCoverage from a file where the file contains many grid coverages. This method is meant to allow implementations to create a GC_GridCoverage from any file format which contains many grid coverages. An example of such a format is HDF-EOS format.

name - File name (including path) from which to create a grid coverage interface. This file name can be any valid file name within the underlying operating system of the server or a valid string, such as a URL which specifics a grid coverage. Each implementation must determine if name is valid for it's own use.
subName - Name of grid coverage contained in file name or resource.
a new GC_GridCoverage from a file where the file contains many grid coverages.
java.rmi.RemoteException - if a remote method call failed.


public void exportTo(GC_GridCoverage gridCoverage,
                     java.lang.String fileFormat,
                     java.lang.String fileName,
                     GC_Parameter[] creationOptions)
              throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Export a grid coverage to a persistent file format. The file format types are implementation specific. The file format name is determined from the GC_Format interface. Sample file formats include:
   "GeoTIFF"   - GeoTIFF
   "PIX"       - PCI Geomatics PIX
   "NITF"      - National Image Transfer Format
   "STDS-DEM"  - Standard Transfer Data Standard
Other file format names are implementation dependent.

gridCoverage - Source grid coverage.
fileFormat - String which indicates exported file format.
fileName - File name to store grid coverage. This file name can be any valid file name within the underlying operating system of the server.
creationOptions - Options to use for creating the file. These options are implementation specific are the valid options is determined from the GC_Format interface.
java.rmi.RemoteException - if a remote method call failed.


public GC_GridCoverage move(GC_GridCoverage gridCoverage,
                            CS_CoordinateSystem coordsys,
                            CT_MathTransform gridToCoordinateSystem)
                     throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Create a new coverage with a different coordinate reference system.

gridCoverage - Source grid coverage.
coordsys - Coordinate system of the new grid coverage.
gridToCoordinateSystem - Math transform to assign to grid coverage.
a new coverage with a different coordinate reference system.
java.rmi.RemoteException - if a remote method call failed.