Interface GC_GridGeometry

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface GC_GridGeometry

Describes the geometry and georeferencing information of the grid coverage. The grid range attribute determines the valid grid coordinates and allows for calculation of grid size. A grid coverage may or may not have georeferencing.


Method Summary
 GC_GridRange getGridRange()
          The valid coordinate range of a grid coverage.
 CT_MathTransform getGridToCoordinateSystem()
          The math transform allows for the transformations from grid coordinates to real world earth coordinates.

Method Detail


public GC_GridRange getGridRange()
The valid coordinate range of a grid coverage. The lowest valid grid coordinate is zero. A grid with 512 cells can have a minimum coordinate of 0 and maximum of 512, with 511 as the highest valid index.


public CT_MathTransform getGridToCoordinateSystem()
The math transform allows for the transformations from grid coordinates to real world earth coordinates. The transform is often an affine transformation. The coordinate system of the real world coordinates is given by the CV_Coverage.getCoordinateSystem() method. If no math transform is given, this attribute will be null.