Interface GC_GridPacking

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface GC_GridPacking

Describes the packing of data values within grid coverages. It includes the packing scheme of data values with less then 8 bits per value within a byte, byte packing (Little Endian / Big Endian) for values with more than 8 bits and the packing of the values within the dimensions.


Method Summary
 int getBandPacking()
          Gives the ordinate index for the band.
 GC_ByteInValuePacking getByteInValuePacking()
          Order of bytes packed in values for sample dimensions with greater than 8 bits.
 GC_ValueInBytePacking getValueInBytePacking()
          Order of values packed in a byte for CV_1BIT, CV_2BIT and CV_4BIT data types.

Method Detail


public GC_ByteInValuePacking getByteInValuePacking()
Order of bytes packed in values for sample dimensions with greater than 8 bits.


public GC_ValueInBytePacking getValueInBytePacking()
Order of values packed in a byte for CV_1BIT, CV_2BIT and CV_4BIT data types.


public int getBandPacking()
Gives the ordinate index for the band. This index indicates how to form a band-specific coordinate from a grid coordinate and a sample dimension number. This indicates the order in which the grid values are stored in streamed data. This packing order is used when grid values are retrieved using the getPackedDataBlock or set using setPackedDataBlock operations on GC_GridCoverage. bandPacking of Where For 2 dimensional grids, band packing of 0 is referred to as band sequential, 1 line interleaved and 2 pixel interleaved.