Packages that use GMLException | |
org.deegree_impl.gml | |
org.deegree_impl.services.wcts.protocol | |
org.deegree.gml |
Uses of GMLException in org.deegree_impl.gml |
Methods in org.deegree_impl.gml that throw GMLException | |
void |
GMLPolygon_Impl.addInteriorRing(GMLLinearRing interiorRing)
adds a interior ring to the polygon. if the submitted ring isn't not completly contained within the exterior ring an exception should be thrown. |
void |
GMLLineString_Impl.setCoords(GMLCoord[] coord)
void |
GMLLineString_Impl.appendCoord(GMLCoord coord)
void |
GMLLinearRing_Impl.setCoord(GMLCoord[] coord)
void |
GMLLinearRing_Impl.setCoordinates(GMLCoordinates coordinates)
static GMLGeoProperty |
GMLGeoProperty_Impl.createGMLGeoProperty(org.w3c.dom.Document doc,
int geoType)
factory method to create a GMLGeoProperty. the property that will be return doesn't contain a value. |
static GMLGeoProperty |
GMLGeoProperty_Impl.createGMLGeoProperty(java.lang.String name,
GMLGeometry geom)
factory method to create a GMLGeoProperty. the property that will be return doesn't contain a value. |
static GMLGeoProperty |
GMLGeoProperty_Impl.createGMLGeoProperty(GMLGeometry geom)
factory method to create a GMLGeoProperty. the property that will be return doesn't contain a value. |
void |
GMLGeoProperty_Impl.setGeoPropetryValue(GMLGeometry value)
private void |
GMLGeoProperty_Impl.validate(GMLGeometry value)
validate if the submitted geometry is the same type as the geometry tag |
static GMLFeature |
GMLFeature_Impl.createGMLFeature(org.w3c.dom.Document doc,
java.lang.String featureTypeName,
java.lang.String id,
GMLProperty[] properties)
creates a GMLFeature. |
void |
GMLFeature_Impl.addProperty(GMLProperty property)
adds a property to the feature. |
static GMLFeatureProperty |
GMLFeatureProperty_Impl.createGMLFeatureProperty(org.w3c.dom.Document doc,
java.lang.String propName)
factory method to create a GMLFeatureProperty. the property that will be return doesn't contain a value. |
static GMLFeatureProperty |
GMLFeatureProperty_Impl.createGMLFeatureProperty(org.w3c.dom.Document doc,
java.lang.String propName,
GMLFeature feature)
factory method to create a GMLFeatureProperty. the property that will be return doesn't contain a value. |
void |
GMLFeatureProperty_Impl.setFeaturePropetryValue(GMLFeature value)
static GMLGeometry |
GMLFactory.createGMLGeometry(org.w3c.dom.Element element)
creates a GMLGeometry from a DOM Element |
static GMLGeometry |
GMLFactory.createGMLGeometry(GM_Object geo)
creates a GMLGeometry from a GM_Object |
private static GMLPoint |
GMLFactory.createGMLPoint(GM_Point geo,
GMLDocument_Impl doc)
creates a GMLPoint from a GM_Point |
private static GMLLineString |
GMLFactory.createGMLLineString(GM_Curve geo,
GMLDocument_Impl doc)
creates a GMLLineString from a GM_Curve |
private static GMLPolygon |
GMLFactory.createGMLPolygon(GM_Surface geo,
GMLDocument_Impl doc)
creates a GMLPolygon from a GM_Surface |
private static GMLMultiPoint |
GMLFactory.createGMLMultiPoint(GM_MultiPoint geo,
GMLDocument_Impl doc)
creates a GMLMultiPoint from a GM_MultiPoint |
private static GMLMultiLineString |
GMLFactory.createGMLMultiLineString(GM_MultiCurve geo,
GMLDocument_Impl doc)
creates a GMLMultiLineString from a GM_MultiCurve |
private static GMLMultiPolygon |
GMLFactory.createGMLMultiPolygon(GM_MultiSurface geo,
GMLDocument_Impl doc)
creates a GMLMultiPolygon from a GM_MultiSurface |
static GMLFeature |
GMLFactory.createGMLFeature(org.w3c.dom.Element element)
creates a GMLFeature from a XML Element |
static GMLFeature |
GMLFactory.createGMLFeature(org.w3c.dom.Document doc,
Feature feature)
creates a GMLFeature from a XML Element |
static GMLFeatureCollection |
GMLFactory.createGMLFeatureCollection(org.w3c.dom.Element element)
creates a GMLFeatureCollection from a XML Element |
void |
GMLCoord_Impl.setCoord(double[] coord)
sets the coordinate value(s) using a double array. the min length of the equals 1 the max length 3 |
static GMLComplexProperty |
GMLComplexProperty_Impl.createGMLComplexProperty(org.w3c.dom.Document doc,
java.lang.String propName)
factory method to create a GMLGeoProperty. the property that will be return doesn't contain a value. |
static GMLComplexProperty |
GMLComplexProperty_Impl.createGMLComplexProperty(org.w3c.dom.Document doc,
java.lang.String propertyName,
GMLFeature complex)
factory method to create a GMLGeoProperty. the property that will be return doesn't contain a value. |
void |
GMLComplexProperty_Impl.setComplexPropetryValue(GMLFeature value)
Uses of GMLException in org.deegree_impl.services.wcts.protocol |
Methods in org.deegree_impl.services.wcts.protocol that throw GMLException | |
static GMLGeometry[] |
WCTS_ProtocolFactory.getData(org.w3c.dom.NodeList nl)
gets the Data element |
Uses of GMLException in org.deegree.gml |
Methods in org.deegree.gml that throw GMLException | |
void |
GMLPolygon.addInteriorRing(GMLLinearRing interiorRing)
adds a interior ring to the polygon. if the submitted ring isn't not completly contained within the exterior ring an exception should be thrown. |
void |
GMLLineString.setCoords(GMLCoord[] coord)
void |
GMLLineString.appendCoord(GMLCoord coord)
void |
GMLLinearRing.setCoord(GMLCoord[] coord)
void |
GMLLinearRing.setCoordinates(GMLCoordinates coordinates)
void |
GMLGeoProperty.setGeoPropetryValue(GMLGeometry value)
void |
GMLFeatureProperty.setFeaturePropetryValue(GMLFeature value)
void |
GMLFeature.addProperty(GMLProperty property)
adds a property to the feature |
void |
GMLCoord.setCoord(double[] coord)
sets the coordinate value(s) using a double array. the min length of the equals 1 the max length 3 |
void |
GMLComplexProperty.setComplexPropetryValue(GMLFeature value)